For the first time ever, the International KFJ Award has gone to a researcher from the British Isles and Scotland. 


Professor McMurray has had a good collaboration with researchers from Copenhagen University Hospital – Rigshospitalet, which is the biggest research hospital in Denmark.

A committee at the Danish hospital selects the winner of the International KFJ Award among all high-ranking researchers who are collaborating with researchers in Denmark. One of Professor John McMurray’s collaboration partners is Professor Lars Køber from the Department of Cardiology at Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet. He has nominated John McMurray for the award and he emphasises that the professor from Glasgow is a real research heavyweight, with almost 1,000 peer-reviewed articles behind him and an H-index of 200.

The International KFJ Award should have been presented in 2020, but because of the corona pandemic, Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet has had to wait to make the presentation. The restrictions mean that John McMurray cannot be present in Copenhagen, and he will be holding his winner’s lecture online.

Find out more: Full news article available here

John McMurray is looking forward to using the award to lever even stronger Danish-Scottish collaboration.

“I'm extremely honoured and delighted to receive this award. It is recognition of the hard work and passion we researchers in Scotland and Denmark have put into improving the treatment and the quality of life for patients with heart failure. The disease is a growing health problem globally,” said Professor John McMurray.

According to John McMurray, the strength in collaboration with Danish researchers has been that it has been possible to use large datasets to design and implement major studies of new treatments for heart failure.

"Denmark has led the way in conducting larger, but simpler and inexpensive clinical trials based on data that is routinely collected in the Danish healthcare system. We have the infrastructure in Scotland to do the same. With data from the two countries, we have the potential to carry out larger and better studies,” said Professor John McMurray.

He stressed that the future objective will continue to be to train new physicians and researchers as a natural part of the research collaboration.

Find out more: Full news article available here


First published: 6 September 2021