The Royal Society of Edinburgh, in collaboration with the Scottish Funding Council and the Scottish Government: RSE saltire early career Fellowships.

The purpose of the RSE saltire early career Fellowships is to provide PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and Early Career Researchers with a 3–12 month opportunity to focus on a research project of their choice in a university or research school in another country, thereby supporting career development and high-quality research production through European connections and collaboration via inbound/outbound research placements.

Philipp Boder profile imagePhilipp was supported by the FOCuS programme and would reccoment the programme to all in SCMH

Philipp said:

"I am delighted to have been awarded a Royal Society of Edinburgh Saltire Early Career Fellowship award! I will be undertaking a 3-month placement with Professor Nuria Montserrat at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia to explore the use of human kidney organoids as a model for studying renal physiology/disease. The overarching aim will be to transfer this technique back to Glasgow to further enhance renal research at SCMH.

I would like to thank all those who have supported me in my application, with special mentions to the FOCuS programme (Fellowship Opportunities in Cardiovascular Science). I would recommend this scheme for anyone at SCMH looking for professional guidance with personal fellowship awards at all academic levels."

A well deserved congratulations to Philipp, from all of us in SCMH. 

First published: 1 September 2021