COVID-19: A Community Conversation - Call for Stories Deadline 29 August

As part of the ARC Public Festival (ARCadia) MVLS is collaborating with the other Colleges to host an event reflecting on the University’s many and varied contributions to COVID19 and the pandemic. This will include Verbatim Theatre play, presentations, and an exhibition.

COVID-19: A Community Conversation

Wed 28 September from 7pm at the ARC.

There are three ways in which you - all staff and students - can contribute to this event:

  1. Pandemic stories - 100 words from any staff/student sharing a personal story of their experience/action.
  2. Research Postcard - 50 Words and an image summarising a research project related to COVID-19’
  3. Three minutes talk – on an aspect of our exciting Covid research.

 Further details below - Please note the deadline is Monday 29 August 

ARCadia programme launch is on Monday 22 August - Browse and book FREE events at

  1. Pandemic stories
  2. Research Postcard from the Pandemic -

A key aim of this section of the  event is to share personal stories that we haven't yet heard, but feel should be told, about people's experiences - as students and staff at the University of Glasgow - of the pandemic. These stories, attached in some way to the University, could include ways you responded as a member of staff or student to help support local communities, or to make available the University's resources in new ways, or perhaps how you felt if you were working on vaccine or COVID research, or in The Lighthouse Laboratory, or finding and adopting new ways to do research/ conduct field trials/ work with international partners, or if you had to temporarily close your research lab, or work in lab adhering to COVID guidelines, or switching to online teaching, or trying to finish your PhD at home...

These are just a few suggestions. We know there are many, many stories to gather and share and we look forward to doing so.

We are seeking stories of 100 words. We will display the stories as part of a digital exhibition on the University website. A selection will be printed on postcards for display in The ARC during this cross-College event. Some of the stories may be used in a theatre performance during the event, if you consent to this.

If you are interested in submitting your story, please complete the short permission and submission survey by midnight of Monday 29 August. Any questions, please contact either Dr Zara Gladman or Dr Bhoomi Gor.

We wish to feature a display of Postcards from the Pandemic including a selection highlighting research activity undertaken by University staff and students. 

Interested? If so, getting involved is easy:

  1. Pen a brief and accessible message (50-words maximum) outlining your research that was/is related to the pandemic.
  2. Include an image for the front of your postcard (e.g. a photo or illustration – preferable original or else with permission for it to be used). Websites like have royalty free images if you don’t have one of your own.
  3. Email your message and image to by Mon 29 August with SUBJECT: Pandemic Postcard
  4. (Optional) you may wish to provide a link to your research project’s website, so that we can add a QR code to your postcard

We’ll then create postcards from all the entries received and display them as part of the “Postcards from the Pandemic” exhibition during ARCadia. 

Postcards from the Pandemic: Some small print:-

  1. Submitted entries should represent your own research work/contributions, whether individually or as part of a team. We welcome team entries, in which case please include the name of the broader collective.
  2. The image should be good enough to reproduce on a 20cm x 15cm print - suggested minimum resolution 1500px wide. It can be a photo, illustration or drawing and should be original or if not, have permission to be used and publicly displayed.
  3. We’re keen to feature the diversity of University research that contributed to the challenges of the pandemic and welcome entries from all disciplines.

3 - Three minutes talk – We are seeking just 8 examples

If you feel we should include a talk about your research - let us know how it was/is related to the pandemic.

Please contact Suzanne McEndoo at MVLS-Engage


First published: 19 August 2022