Image of a group of people

On the 16th June, our ECRs gathered for the ICAMS Away Day at the Grosvenor Hotel, which was generously supported by the ISSF Fund for Embedding equality ECR career trajectory in ICAMS awarded to Dr Francisco Rios, Dr Stacy Robertson, Dr Paul Welsh & Dr Guto Montezano in 2019.

We kicked off the day with Science Speed-dating, encouraging ECRs to meet fellow ECRs who they have never met before and discuss their role in the institute. Our first guest speaker, Dr Yvonne Couch (Associate Professor, University of Oxford) presented on “The How-To Post-Doc Guide: Tips from a Woman in Science” to discuss the challenges she has faced as a woman in science, and how she continually tackles them.

Dr Jennifer Hay (Glasgow Tissue Facility, QUEH) then informed us about the services & training available at the Lab Medicine Building, such as digital pathology, image analysis, tissue MicroArray (TMA) Construction & histology services. Following this, Dr Laura Dowsett and Dr Ashley Bradley co-ordinated a Grant & Pump priming session where our PadLet of grant resources was created and our call for Pump Priming awards opened.

woman giving presentation

There are three £800 awards available, which should be led by an individual who attended the Away Day (those who did not attend, can be included as co-applicants). Applications must be submitted by 5pm on the 15th July (please send all submissions to This is the chance for ECRs to gain some grant writing experience, to try that antibody you have been wanting to buy or apply for training in a specific technique! We strongly encourage collaborative applications across ICAMs groups.

Our second guest speaker, Dr Ian Harrison (Senior Research Fellow, UCL) presented a wonderful talk on “Challenges of an Early PI” telling us about his experience writing fellowship grants, how he set up his own group, manages it and how he juggles family life & academia. And finally, we closed our day with a brilliant talk from Dr Kay Guccione (University of Glasgow) informing us about the ECR Support available to ECRs at the University.

Overall, it was a wonderful day, that was greatly received. We appreciate everyone who attended, and the encouraging (but also realistic!) talks given by our presenters.

Josie, Laura, Alex, Ashley & Fran

Any questions please contact

First published: 13 July 2022