Brain Health ARC

The Scottish Funding Council Brain Health ARC was pleased to partner with the MRC Dementia Platforms UK group for an in-person workshop themed around biomarkers for dementia.

Using biomarkers for dementia diagnosis is a ‘hot topic’, and Glasgow is part of Scottish and UK consortia who are working to create the evidence base for these exciting new tests.

The meeting, held in the New Lister Building Campus on Friday 23 February 2024, brought together cross-institute, cross-discipline and cross-sectoral experts to tackle the issues. There was an emphasis on vascular biomarkers and a good representation from the School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health.  

As part of the meeting Brain Health ARC lead, Terry Quinn, launched the BioHermes Open Data Challenge, opened registrations for a series of webinars for ECRs, and announced funding to facilitate biomarkers research.

Brain Health ARC on X

Brain Health ARC biomarkers event

First published: 27 February 2024