Dr Rebecca Mardon, Cardiff University

"What’s Mine isn’t Necessarily Yours: How Digital Technology Affordances Impact Couples’ Sharing Practices"
Tuesday, 3 October. 10:30 am
Room 282 (Hot House), Adam Smith Business School Building


Digital devices, platforms, and content play an important role in consumers’ daily lives. Drawing from a study of ten co-habiting couples, we reveal how the affordances of these digital technologies impact whether and how couples share. Drawing from both interview and diary data, and informed by theories of affordance, we reveal four previously unrecognised ways in which digital technology affordances can impact sharing practices; through (1) divergent dexterities, (2) encoded incompatibilities, (3) algorithmic contamination, and (4) simultaneous transformation. Our findings contribute to theories of sharing, as well as wider discussions of digital possessions and family and co-habitant consumption.


Rebecca Mardon is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Cardiff University. Her research explores emerging consumer behaviours in digital contexts, with a current focus on digital materiality and influencer marketing. Rebecca's research has been published in leading academic journals, such as the Journal of Consumer Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Marketing Theory.

For further information, please contact business-school-research@glasgow.ac.uk

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First published: 18 September 2023

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