Female entrepreneurs in Uganda and Glasgow primary school youngsters are both set to benefit in a new social enterprise initiative supported by Adam Smith Business School.

Barefoot In Business enables young people aged eight to 18 to set up their own social enterprise selling a range of colourful tote bags made in Uganda.

Business School students are mentoring youngsters from Notre Dame Primary and Chirnsyde Primary through the pupil-led women's empowerment initiative. They are using the ideas, knowledge and skills they've developed in their degree to mentor the pupils through a business ‘masterclass’ from brainstorming their business name through to creating marketing material and understanding the science of sales.

The profits raised from selling the bags in a pop gift shop at the University of Glasgow campus will go towards paying for next year’s school initiative; to the individual bag makers and will support Girl Up’s transformational work in youth education and empowerment across Uganda.

Professor Kat Riach said: “Barefoot in Business not only gives our students the opportunity to go out into the community and use their knowledge and skills to support and mentor others, but also provides them with the chance to think more broadly about what Business for Good means in terms of fostering global and local partnerships.” 

Enquiries: Clairelouise.smith@glasgow.ac.uk

First published: 8 February 2022

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