A man in a dark suit smiles serenely at the camera before a panelled wood and red plaster background

Pietro Ruiu

Home country: Italy

 "I've always been interested in the relationships between countries worldwide, which led me to study for a BA Hons in International Business in London. During my time as a student, I became curious about academia and began working as an English Language Assistant (ELA) for the British Council. After five months in this role, I was accepted to the University of Glasgow to pursue an MSc in International Strategic Marketing. One of the highlights of my studies was learning Mandarin Chinese at the Confucius Institute, which led to me receiving the Adam Smith Graduate Award certificate from UofG. 

Following my graduation, I returned to London where I currently work for the Italian Government, facilitating trade relations between Italy and the UK. In my spare time, I'm working on publishing my MSc dissertation in an academic journal with the support of my Dissertation Supervisor. 

Undoubtedly, the MSc has helped me to expand my career opportunities in the fields of marketing, diplomacy, and academia."

Why did you choose the Adam Smith Business School?

I opted to enrol in the MSc in International Strategic Marketing at the Adam Smith Business School due to its well-structured curriculum and the impressive array of extra-curricular activities and societies it offered. Additionally, the program's reputation was well scored by its ranking as 33rd worldwide according to the QS Ranking for Marketing Master programs. 

What did you enjoy the most about your programme? How has your degree helped you in your career?  

I found the course enjoyable because it equipped me with a wealth of theoretical knowledge that I could readily apply in real-life scenarios. Additionally, studying amidst the unique environment created by Covid-19 restrictions allowed me to develop numerous skills. 

Among the highlights of the course were the enriching extra-curricular activities, which included: 

  • Serving as the Marketing Officer of the Glasgow University Marketing Society (GUMS); 
  • Voluntarily enrolling in the Confucius Institute's Chinese Language intensive course for Beginners; 
  • As a member of GUMS, I had the opportunity to join the Marketing Society Scotland and participate in a highly beneficial Mentoring Programme. 

What have you been up to since graduating from the Business School? 

Currently, I am employed by the Italian Government in the Trade Promotion Section of the Italian Embassy in London. During my free time, I am actively engaged in publishing my dissertation with the guidance and support of my supervisor, who is co-authoring the work with me. 

Additionally, I am pursuing a second degree in Business Administration in Italy as part of my ongoing efforts to broaden my career horizons and further enhance my professional development. 

What was the most important thing you learnt while studying at Glasgow?

I have learned to be resilient and to appreciate every moment of my career journey as well as my personal life. 

What is your top piece of advice for current students – our future alumni?

Enjoy the journey and be curious. 

Tell us about your fondest memory at the Business School.

The most fulfilling aspect was experiencing the strong sense of community at the University, where everyone supported each other. 


First published: 12 June 2024