This week Robyn Womack has put Rhoda Aminu under the spotlight. Rhoda is a PhD student studying impacts of anthrax in Tanzania, under the supervision of Dr Tiziana Lembo, Professor Ruth Zadoks, Dr Roman Biek, Dr Taya Forde and Dr Gabriel Shirima.

Researcher Spotlight: Rhoda AminuTell us a bit about your background, Rhoda!

I have my first degree in Biochemistry from Nigeria and also a masters degree in public health from the University of Leeds in the UK. My PhD focuses on the impacts and risk practices for anthrax in animals and people, with the aim of improving surveillance and detection of the disease in endemic areas of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania. My research aims to improve surveillance and control of a neglected disease in underprivileged communities, with the overarching aim to promote health and reduce losses to livelihoods from anthrax.

What do you find most interesting about your work?

I have found fieldwork really interesting. Being able to go from fieldwork (collecting data and samples as well as interacting with the affected communities) to analysis of samples and relating the results of a sample to the circumstances surrounding it before collection has also been very interesting.

What has been the most positive aspect so far?

The support I receive from my supervisors, and everyone I have approached for both academic and technical assistance in the institute!

What has been the most challenging aspect?

A PhD is supposed to be challenging! I have not categorised my challenges so far, but just regard them as challenges until they are solved.

What advice would you give to anyone doing or considering PhD?

If you are starting an entirely new project, take sufficient time to prepare, decide on your specific questions, and possibly write a very detailed proposal before you begin. A pilot study is also quite useful.

Tell us about your plans for the future.

I have always wanted to be a researcher. After a career in research, I look forward to spending some time practising Global Health.

First published: 27 March 2018