Professor Adrian Boyce

  • Emeritus Professor (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)


Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, Rankine Avenue, East Kilbride, Scotland

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List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981
Number of items: 416.


Moles, N. R., Boyce, A. J. , Warke, M. R. and Claire, M. W. (2024) Syn-sedimentary exhalative or diagenetic replacement? Multi-proxy evidence for origin of metamorphosed stratiform barite–sulfide deposits near Aberfeldy, Scottish Highlands. Minerals, 14(9), 865. (doi: 10.3390/min14090865)

Walls, D.B., Banks, D. , Kremer, Y., Boyce, A.J. and Burnside, N.M. (2024) GIS analysis for the selection of optimal sites for mine water geothermal energy application: a case study of Scotland's mining regions. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 57(3), (doi: 10.1144/qjegh2023-050)

MacDonald, J.M. , VanderWal, J., Roberts, N.M.W., Winkelstern, I.Z., Faithfull, J.W. and Boyce, A.J. (2024) Fingerprinting fluid source in calcite veins: combining LA-ICP-MS U-Pb calcite dating with trace elements and clumped isotope palaeothermometry. Tektonika, 2(1), pp. 27-39.

Usman, M. B., Jolley, D. W., Brasier, A. T. and Boyce, A. J. (2024) Sequence stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental implications of Cenomanian–Santonian dinocyst assemblages from the Trans‐Sahara epicontinental seaway: a multivariate statistical approach. Depositional Record, 10(1), pp. 91-123. (doi: 10.1002/dep2.260)

Mikhail, S., Stüeken, E. E., Boocock, T. J., Athey, M., Mappin, N., Boyce, A. J. , Liebmann, J., Spencer, C. J. and Bucholz, C. E. (2024) Strongly peraluminous granites provide independent evidence for an increase in biomass burial across the Precambrian–Phanerozoic boundary. Geology, 52(1), pp. 87-91. (doi: 10.1130/G51800.1)


Lee, M. R. , Hallis, L. J. , Daly, L. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) The water content of CM carbonaceous chondrite falls and finds, and their susceptibility to terrestrial contamination. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 58(12), pp. 1760-1772. (doi: 10.1111/maps.14099)

Heptinstall, E.A., Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. and Still, J.W. (2023) Trace element minerals from carbonatite-related fluids, The Aird, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 59(1-2), sjg2021-015. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2021-015)

Walls, D.B., Banks, D. , Boyce, A.J. , Townsend, D.H. and Burnside, N.M. (2023) Combining ground stability investigation with exploratory drilling for mine water geothermal energy development; lessons from exploration and monitoring. Scottish Journal of Geology, 59(1-2), sjg2022-011. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2022-011)

Kelka, U., Beaudoin, N. E., Lorenz, J., Koehn, D., Regenauer-Lieb, K., Boyce, A. and Chung, P. (2023) Zebra dolomites of the Spessart, Germany: implications for hydrothermal systems of the European Zechstein Basin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 112(8), pp. 2293-2311. (doi: 10.1007/s00531-023-02346-x)

McCormick, C. A., Corlett, H., Clog, M. , Boyce, A. J. , Tartèse, R., Steele‐MacInnis, M. and Hollis, C. (2023) Basin scale evolution of zebra textures in fault-controlled, hydrothermal dolomite bodies: insights from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Basin Research, 35(5), pp. 2010-2039. (doi: 10.1111/bre.12789)

Heijlen, W., Vos, K., Kartalis, N., Boyce, A. J. and Muchez, P. (2023) The formation of vein-type barite (± base metal, gold) deposits in northern Madagascar and its link with Mesozoic Pangean rifting. Mineralium Deposita, (doi: 10.1007/s00126-023-01205-8) (Early Online Publication)

Boocock, T. J., Stüeken, E. E., Bybee, G. M., König, R., Boyce, A. J. , Prytulak, J., Buisman, I. and Mikhail, S. (2023) Equilibrium partitioning and isotopic fractionation of nitrogen between biotite, plagioclase, and K-feldspar during magmatic differentiation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 356, pp. 116-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.07.010)

Jones, S. M., Cloutier, J., Prave, A. R., Raub, T. D., Stüeken, E. E., Stein, H. J., Yang, G. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) Fluid flow, alteration, and timing of Cu-Ag mineralization at the White Pine sediment-hosted copper deposit, Michigan, USA. Economic Geology, 118(6), pp. 1431-1465. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.5013)

Parnell, J., Armstrong, J., Blamey, N.J.F., Boyce, A. J. , Schito, A. and Muirhead, D. (2023) The role of organic carbon in the Southern Uplands-Down-Longford Terrane accretionary prism, Scotland and Ireland. Petroleum Geoscience, 29(3), 2022-059. (doi: 10.1144/petgeo2022-059)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. , Armstrong, J. G. T., Schito, A. and Muirhead, D. (2023) The stable isotope (C, O, S) record of Paleoproterozoic marbles, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 59(1-2), 2023-009. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2023-009)

Armstrong, J. G. T., Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. and Perez, M. (2023) Trace element release from Bowland Shale into spring water, Lancashire. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 534, SP534-2022-180. (doi: 10.1144/sp534-2022-180)

Fulignati, P. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) Stable isotope (δ18O, δD) composition of magmatic fluids exsolved from an active alkaline magma chamber—the case of the AD 79 magma chamber of Vesuvius. Minerals, 13(7), 913. (doi: 10.3390/min13070913)

Boocock, T. J., Mikhail, S., Boyce, A. J. , Prytulak, J., Savage, P. S. and Stüeken, E. E. (2023) A primary magmatic source of nitrogen to Earth’s crust. Nature Geoscience, 16(6), pp. 521-526. (doi: 10.1038/s41561-023-01194-3)

Chambers, R. M., Johnson, G., Boyce, A. J. and Gilfillan, S. M. V. (2023) Constraining the geochemical fingerprints of gases from the UK carboniferous coal measures at the Glasgow Geoenergy Observatories field site, Scotland. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3, 10073. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2023.10073)

Walls, D. B., Boyce, A. J. , Banks, D. and Burnside, N. M. (2023) The occurrence of elevated δ34S in dissolved sulfate in a multi-level coal mine water system, Glasgow, UK. International Journal of Coal Geology, 272, 104248. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2023.104248)

Banks, D. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) Dissolved sulphate δ34S and the origin of sulphate in coal mine waters; NE England. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 56(2), (doi: 10.1144/qjegh2022-106)

Stefanova, E., Georgiev, S., Peytcheva, I., Marchev, P., von Quadt, A., Raicheva, R., Gerdjikov, I., Kouzmanov, K., Boyce, A. and Vennemann, T. (2023) Sulfide trace element signatures and S- and Pb-isotope geochemistry of porphyry copper and epithermal gold-base metal mineralization in the Elatsite–Chelopech ore field (Bulgaria). Minerals, 13(5), 630. (doi: 10.3390/min13050630)

Bouhier, V., Franchini, M., Tornos, F., Rainoldi, A. L., Patrier, P., Beaufort, D., Boyce, A. J. , Pratt, W. and Impiccini, A. (2023) Genesis of the Loma Galena Pb-Ag deposit, Navidad District, Patagonia, Argentina: a unique epithermal system capped by an anoxic lake. Economic Geology, 118(2), pp. 433-457. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4968)

Fernandes, K. G., Xavier, R. P., Moreto, C. P.N., Melo, G. H.C. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) The hydrothermal evolution of the Alvo Açaí Cu (Au, Mo) Skarn deposit, Carajás Province, Brazil. Economic Geology, 118(2), pp. 459-483. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4977)

Utley, R. E. et al. (2023) Multi-isotope geochemical baseline study of the Carbon Management Canada Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), prior to CO2 injection. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3, 10069. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2023.10069)


Walls, D. B., Banks, D. , Peshkur, T., Boyce, A. and Burnside, N. M. (2022) Heat recovery potential and hydrochemistry of mine water discharges from Scotland’s coalfields. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 2, 10056. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2022.10056)

King, A. J. et al. (2022) The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances, 8(46), eabq3925. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq3925) (PMID:36383648) (PMCID:PMC9668287)

Holdsworth, C., Tamraz, L., Gilfillan, S., Johnson, G., Boyce, A. and Snæbjörnsdóttir, S. (2022) Tracking CO2 Injection, Migration and Fate at Carbfix2 Using Stable Isotopes. In: 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-16), Lyon, France, 23-27 Oct 2022, (doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4278641)

Blanks, D. E., Holwell, D. A., Barnes, S. J., Schoneveld, L. E., Boyce, A. J. and Mbiri, L. (2022) Evolution of the Munali Intrusive Complex: host to a carbonate-rich Ni-(Cu-PGE) sulfide deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 150, 105109. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105109)

Koehn, D., Kelka, U., Toussaint, R., Siegel, C., Mullen, G., Boyce, A. and Piazolo, S. (2022) Outcrop scale mixing enhanced by permeability variations: the role of stationary and travelling waves of high saturation indices. Geological Magazine, 159(11-12), pp. 2279-2292. (doi: 10.1017/S001675682200070X)

Gonoi, Y., Imai, A., Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Boyce, A. J. and Ishibashi, J.-i. (2022) High temperature wall-rock alteration zoning in the Sanjin deposit, Hishikari gold mine, Japan: Implication for exploration of mature mining districts. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 240, 107018. (doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2022.107018)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. and Næraa, T. (2022) Seawater signatures in the supracrustal Lewisian Complex, Scotland. Geological Magazine, 159(9), pp. 1638-1646. (doi: 10.1017/S0016756822000474)

Soutter, E. L., Kane, I. A., Martínez-Doñate, A., Boyce, A. J. , Stacey, J. and Castelltort, S. (2022) The Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the Alpine foreland basin: Paleoenvironmental change recorded in submarine fans. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 600, 111064. (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111064)

Monaghan, A. A. et al. (2022) Time zero for net zero: a coal mine baseline for decarbonising heat. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 2, 10054. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2022.10054)

Georgieva, M. N., Little, C. T. S., Herrington, R. J., Boyce, A. J. , Zerkle, A. L., Maslennikov, V. V., Edinburgh Ion Microprobe Facility, and Glover, A. .G. (2022) Sulfur isotopes of hydrothermal vent fossils and insights into microbial sulfur cycling within a lower Paleozoic (Ordovician-early Silurian) vent community. Geobiology, 20(4), pp. 465-478. (doi: 10.1111/gbi.12495) (PMID:35584309) (PMCID:PMC9320992)

Koeshidayatullah, A., Al‑Sinawi, N., Swart, P. K., Boyce, A. , Redfern, J. and Hollis, C. (2022) Coevolution of diagenetic fronts and fluid‑fracture pathways. Scientific Reports, 12, 9278. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13186-1) (PMID:35661773) (PMCID:PMC9166768)

Tsikos, H. et al. (2022) Carbon isotope stratigraphy of Precambrian iron formations and possible significance for the early biological pump. Gondwana Research, 109, pp. 416-428. (doi: 10.1016/

Armstrong, J. G. T., Parnell, J. and Boyce, A. J. (2022) Carbon in mineralised plutons. Geosciences, 12(5), 202. (doi: 10.3390/geosciences12050202)

Doran, A. L., Hollis, S. P., Menuge, J. F., Piercey, S. J., Boyce, A. J. , Johnson, S., Güven, J. and Turner, O. (2022) A distal, high-grade Irish-type orebody: petrographic, sulfur isotope, and sulfide chemistry of the Island Pod Zn-Pb orebody, Lisheen, Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 117(2), pp. 305-326. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4882)

Pincetti-Zúniga, G.P., Richards, L.A., Daniele, L., Boyce, A.J. and Polya, D.A. (2022) Hydrochemical characterization, spatial distribution, and geochemical controls on arsenic and boron in waters from arid Arica and Parinacota, northern Chile. Science of the Total Environment, 806, 150206. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150206) (PMID:34563905)

Zedam, R., Laouar, R., Lekoui, A., Metrouni, H., Bouhlel, S., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2022) Origin of the Mizab barite vein-type deposit, Ain Mimoun (NE Algeria): evidence from fluid inclusion and S-, O- and C-stable isotope studies. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(3), 298. (doi: 10.1007/s12517-022-09611-4)

Abdelamalek, L., Rabah, L., Sihem, S.-L., Salah, B. and Boyce, A. J. (2022) Origin of the Tala Hamza Igneous Rocks-Hosted Zinc-Lead Deposit, NE Algeria. In: 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-2), Sousse, Tunisia, 25-28 Nov 2019, pp. 367-369. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72547-1_78)

Yesares, L., Menuge, J. F., Blakeman, R. J., Ashton, J. H., Boyce, A. J. , Coller, D., Drummond, D. A. and Farrelly, I. (2022) Pyritic mineralization halo above the Tara Deep Zn-Pb deposit, Navan, Ireland: Evidence for sub-seafloor exhalative hydrothermal processes? Ore Geology Reviews, 140, 104415. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104415)


Parnell, J., Brolly, C. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Mixed metamorphic and fluid graphite deposition in Palaeoproterozoic supracrustal rocks of the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland. Terra Nova, 33(6), pp. 541-550. (doi: 10.1111/ter.12546)

Waizy, H., Moles, N. R., Smith, M. P. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Formation of the giant Aynak copper deposit, Afghanistan: evidence from mineralogy, lithogeochemistry and sulphur isotopes. International Geology Review, 63(17), pp. 2104-2128. (doi: 10.1080/00206814.2020.1824129)

Walls, D. B., Banks, D. , Boyce, A. J. and Burnside, N. M. (2021) A review of the performance of minewater heating and cooling systems. Energies, 14(19), 6215. (doi: 10.3390/en14196215)

Lee, M. R. , Cohen, B. E. , Boyce, A. J. , Hallis, L. J. and Daly, L. (2021) The pre-atmospheric hydrogen inventory of CM carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 309, pp. 31-44. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.06.013)

Eickmann, B., Little, C. T. S., Peckmann, J., Taylor, P. D., Boyce, A. J. , Morgan, D. J. and Bach, W. (2021) Shallow-marine serpentinization-derived fluid seepage in the Upper Cretaceous Qahlah Formation, United Arab Emirates. Geological Magazine, 158(9), pp. 1561-1571. (doi: 10.1017/S0016756821000121)

Parnell, J., Brolly, C. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Graphite from Palaeoproterozoic enhanced carbon burial, and its metallogenic legacy. Geological Magazine, 158(9), pp. 1711-1718. (doi: 10.1017/S0016756821000583)

Hutchison, W., Finch, A. A., Borst, A. M., Marks, M. A.W., Upton, B. G.J., Zerkle, A. L., Stüeken, E. E. and Boyce, A. (2021) Mantle sources and magma evolution in Europe's largest rare earth element belt (Gardar Province, SW Greenland): New insights from sulfur isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 568, 117034. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117034)

Shaw, J. M., Evenstar, L., Cooper, F. J., Adams, B. A., Boyce, A. J. , Hofmann, .F. and Farley, K. A. (2021) A rusty record of weathering and groundwater movement in the hyperarid Central Andes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(8), e2021GC009759. (doi: 10.1029/2021GC009759)

Martin, A. J., McDonald, I., Jenkin, G. R.T., McFall, K. A., Boyce, A. J. , Jamieson, J. W. and MacLeod, C. J. (2021) A missing link between ancient and active mafic-hosted seafloor hydrothermal systems – Magmatic volatile influx in the exceptionally preserved Mala VMS deposit, Troodos, Cyprus. Chemical Geology, 567, 120127. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120127)

Cawood, I. P., Murphy, J. B., McCarthy, W. J. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) O and H isotopic evidence for a mantle source of water in appinite magma: an example from the late Neoproterozoic Greendale complex, Nova Scotia. Lithos, 386-87, 105997. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.105997)

Soberano, O. B., Gabo-Ratio, J. A. S., Queaño, K. L., Dimalanta, C. B., Yumul Jr., G. P., Andal, E. S., Yonezu, K. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Mineral chemistry, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Suyoc epithermal veins: insights to Au-Cu mineralization in southern Mankayan Mineral District, Philippines. Ore Geology Reviews, 131, 104035. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104035)

Banks, D. , Boyce, A. J. , Westaway, R. and Burnside, N. M. (2021) Sulphur isotopes in deep groundwater reservoirs: evidence from post-stimulation flowback at the Pohang geothermal facility, Korea. Geothermics, 91, 102003. (doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.102003)

Wiedenbeck, M. et al. (2021) Tourmaline reference materials for the in situ analysis of oxygen and lithium isotope ratio compositions. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45(1), pp. 91-119. (doi: 10.1111/ggr.12362)

Saintilan, N. J., Sheldrake, T. E., Creaser, R. A., Selby, D., Zieg, J., Boyce, A. , Chelle-Michou, C. and Durance, P. (2021) Synsedimentary to diagenetic Cu±Co mineralization in Mesoproterozoic pyritic shale driven by magmatic-hydrothermal activity on the edge of the Great Falls Tectonic Zone–Black Butte, Helena Embayment, Belt-Purcell Basin, USA: evidence from sulfide Re-Os isotope geochemistry. Lithosphere, 2021(1), 7866186. (doi: 10.2113/2021/7866186)

Bark, G., Boyce, A. J. , Fallick, A. E. and Weihed, P. (2021) Fluid and metal sources in the Fäboliden hypozonal orogenic gold deposit, Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 56, pp. 425-440. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-020-00977-7)


Banks, D. , Boyce, A. J. , Burnside, N. M. , Janson, E. and Roqueñi Gutierrez, N. (2020) On the common occurrence of sulphate with elevated δ34S in European mine waters: sulphides, evaporites or seawater? International Journal of Coal Geology, 232, 103619. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2020.103619)

Hutchison, W., Finch, A. A. and Boyce, A. J. (2020) The sulfur isotope evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids: insights into ore-forming processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 288, pp. 176-198. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.07.042)

Lambert-Smith, J. S., Allibone, A., Treloar, P. J., Lawrence, D. M., Boyce, A. J. and Fanning, M. (2020) Stable C, O, and S isotope record of magmatic-hydrothermal interactions between the Falémé Fe Skarn and the Loulo Au systems in Western Mali. Economic Geology, 115(7), pp. 1537-1558. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4759)

Montcoudiol, N., Burnside, N. M. , Teklemariam, E. L. and Boyce, A. (2020) Addressing Essential Hydrogeological and Environmental Constraints for Geothermal Development in East Africa. In: World Geothermal Conference 2020+1, Reykjavik, Iceland, 24-27 October 2021,

Parnell, J., Armstrong, J., Brolly, C., Boyce, A.J. and Heptinstall, E. (2020) Carbon in mineralized ultramafic intrusions, caledonides, northern Britain. Lithos, 374-5, 105711. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105711)

Koeshidayatullah, A., Corlett, H., Stacey, J., Swart, P. K., Boyce, A. , Robertson, H., Whitaker, F. and Hollis, C. (2020) Evaluating new fault‐controlled hydrothermal dolomitisation models: insights from the Cambrian Dolomite, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Sedimentology, 67(6), pp. 2945-2973. (doi: 10.1111/sed.12729)

Drummond, D.A., Cloutier, J., Boyce, A.J. and Prave, A.R. (2020) Petrogenesis and geochemical halos of the amphibolite facies, Lower Proterozoic, Kerry Road volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Loch Maree Group, Gairloch, NW Scotland. Ore Geology Reviews, 124, 103623. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103623)

Beaudoin, N. et al. (2020) Regional-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe–Umbria–Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite–vein networks. Solid Earth, 11, pp. 1617-1641. (doi: 10.5194/se-11-1617-2020)

Blanks, D. E., Holwell, D. A., Fiorentini, M. L., Moroni, M., Giuliani, A., Tassara, S., González-Jiménez, J. M., Boyce, A. J. and Ferrari, E. (2020) Fluxing of mantle carbon as a physical agent for metallogenic fertilization of the crust. Nature Communications, 11, 4342. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18157-6) (PMID:32859892) (PMCID:PMC7455710)

Koeshidayatullah, A., Corlett, H., Stacey, J., Swart, P. K., Boyce, A. and Hollis, C. (2020) Origin and evolution of fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomitization fronts: a new insight. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 541, 116291. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116291)

Gaydarska, B. et al. (2020) The finds. In: Gaydarska, B. (ed.) Early Urbanism in Europe: The Trypillia Megasites of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. De Gruyter Open Poland: Warsaw ; Berlin, pp. 265-414. ISBN 9783110664935 (doi: 10.1515/9783110664959-009)

Rivai, T. A., Syafrizal, , Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Boyce, A. J. , Sanematsu, K., Satori, S. and Watanabe, K. (2020) The Dairi SEDEX Zn + Pb + Ag deposit (North Sumatra, Indonesia): insights from mineralogy and sulfur isotope systematics. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103510. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103510)

Saintilan, N.J., Selby, D., Hughes, J.W., Schlatter, D.M., Kolb, J. and Boyce, A. (2020) Source of gold in Neoarchean orogenic-type deposits in the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland: Insights for a proto-source of gold in sub-seafloor hydrothermal arsenopyrite in the Mesoarchean. Precambrian Research, 343, 105717. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105717)

Hepburn, L. E., Butler, I. B., Boyce, A. and Schröder, C. (2020) The use of operationally-defined sequential Fe extraction methods for mineralogical applications: a cautionary tale from Mössbauer spectroscopy. Chemical Geology, 543, 119584. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119584)

Pacey, A., Wilkinson, J. J., Boyce, A. J. and Millar, I. L. (2020) Magmatic fluids implicated in the formation of propylitic alteration: oxygen, hydrogen, and strontium isotope constraints from the Northparkes porphyry Cu-Au district, New South Wales, Australia. Economic Geology, 115(4), pp. 729-748. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4732)

Mondillo, N., Accardo, M., Boni, M., Boyce, A. , Herrington, R., Rumsey, M. and Wilkinson, C. (2020) New insights into the genesis of willemite (Zn2SiO4) from zinc nonsulfide deposits, through trace elements and oxygen isotope geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews, 118, 103307. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103307)

Armstrong, J. G.T., Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. and Bullock, L. A. (2020) Kilometre-scale compartmentalization of fluid sources to a fossil hydrothermal system. Ore Geology Reviews, 116, 103207. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103207)

Martin, A. J., Keith, M., Parvaz, D. B., McDonald, I., Boyce, A. J. , McFall, K. A., Jenkin, G. R.T., Strauss, H. and MacLeod, C. J. (2020) Effects of magmatic volatile influx in mafic VMS hydrothermal systems: Evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Chemical Geology, 531, 119325. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119325)

Hamlaoui, H., Laouar, R., Bouhlel, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2020) Caractéristiques pétrologiques et géochimiques des roches magmatiques d’El Aouana, NE algérien = Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the magmatic rocks from El Aouana, NE Algeria. Estudios Geológicos, 76(1), e124. (doi: 10.3989/egeol.43391.510)

Saintilan, N.J., Selby, D., Hughes, J.W., Schlatter, D., Kolb, J. and Boyce, A. (2020) Mineral separation protocol for accurate and precise rhenium-osmium (Re-Os) geochronology and sulphur isotope composition of individual sulphide species. MethodsX, 7, 100944. (doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.100944)


Burnside, N. , Westaway, R., Banks, D. , Zimmermann, G., Hofmann, H. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Rapid water-rock interactions evidenced by hydrochemical evolution of flowback fluid during hydraulic stimulation of a deep geothermal borehole in granodiorite: Pohang, Korea. Applied Geochemistry, 111, 104445. (doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104445)

McKay, L., Shipton, Z. K., Lunn, R. J., Andrews, B., Raub, T. D. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Detailed internal structure and along-strike variability of the core of a plate boundary fault: the Highland Boundary fault, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, jsg2018226. (doi: 10.1144/jgs2018-226)

McFall, K., Roberts, S., McDonald, I., Boyce, A. J. , Naden, J. and Teagle, D. (2019) Rhenium enrichment in the Muratdere Cu-Mo (Au-Re) porphyry deposit, Turkey: evidence from stable isotope analyses (δ34S, δ18O, δD) and LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulfides. Economic Geology, 114(7), pp. 1443-1466. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4638)

Armstrong, J. G.T., Parnell, J., Bullock, L., Boyce, A. , Perez, M. and Feldmann, J. (2019) Mobilisation of arsenic, selenium and uranium from Carboniferous black shales in west Ireland. Applied Geochemistry, 109, 104401. (doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104401)

Hutchison, W., Babiel, R. J., Finch, A. A., Marks, M. A. W., Markl, G., Boyce, A. J. , Stüeken, E. E., Friis, H., Borst, A. M. and Horsburgh, N. J. (2019) Sulphur isotopes of alkaline magmas unlock long-term records of crustal recycling on Earth. Nature Communications, 10, 4208. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12218-1) (PMID:31527587) (PMCID:PMC6746797)

Richards, L.A. et al. (2019) Understanding Arsenic Evolution in a Shallow, Reducing Aquifer in the Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia Using Geochemical Tracers. In: Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress and Exhibition on Arsenic in the Environment (AS 2018), Beijing, China, 1-6 Jul 2018, pp. 127-128. ISBN 9781351046633

Moles, N.R. and Boyce, A.J. (2019) Neoproterozoic Microbial Processes in Chemical Sediment Diagenesis: Evidence from the Aberfeldy Barite Deposits. In: Proceedings of the 15th SGA Biennial Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1413-1416. ISBN 9780852619650

Karolyte, R., Johnson, G., Gyore, D. , Serno, S., Flude, S., Stuart, F. M. , Chivas, A. R., Boyce, A. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2019) Tracing the migration of mantle CO2 in gas fields and mineral water springs in south-east Australia using noble gas and stable isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, pp. 109-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.06.002)

Montcoudiol, N., Burnside, N. M. , Györe, D. , Mariita, N., Mutia, T. and Boyce, A. (2019) Surface and groundwater hydrochemistry of the Menengai Caldera geothermal field and surrounding Nakuru County, Kenya. Energies, 12(16), 3131. (doi: 10.3390/en12163131)

Chapman, J.C. et al. (2019) Trypillia Mega-sites of the Ukraine. [Website]

Brasier, A.T. et al. (2019) Detecting ancient life: investigating the nature and origin of possible stromatolites and associated calcite from a one billion year old lake. Precambrian Research, 328, pp. 309-320. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2019.04.025)

Burton-Johnson, A., Macpherson, C.G., Ottley, C.J., Nowell, G.M. and Boyce, A.J. (2019) Generation of the Mt Kinabalu granite by crustal contamination of intraplate magma modelled by Equilibrated Major Element Assimilation with Fractional Crystallisation (EME-AFC). Journal of Petrology, 60(7), pp. 1461-1487. (doi: 10.1093/petrology/egz036)

Lindsay, J. J., Hughes, H. S.R., Smyth, D., McDonald, I., Boyce, A. J. and Andersen, J. C.Ø. (2019) Distinct sulfur saturation histories within the Palaeogene Magilligan Sill, Northern Ireland: implications for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation in the North Atlantic Igneous Province. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(7), pp. 774-789. (doi: 10.1139/cjes-2018-0141)

MacDonald, J.M. , Faithfull, J.W. , Roberts, N.M.W., Davies, A.J., Holdsworth, C.S., Newton, M., Williamson, S., Boyce, A. and John, C.M. (2019) Clumped isotope palaeothermometry and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of lava-pile hydrothermal calcite veins. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 174, 63. (doi: 10.1007/s00410-019-1599-x)

Yesares, L., Drummond, D. A., Hollis, S. P., Doran, A. L., Menuge, J. F., Boyce, A. J. , Blakeman, R. J. and Ashton, J. H. (2019) Coupling mineralogy, textures, stable and radiogenic isotopes in identifying ore-forming processes in Irish-type carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb deposits. Minerals, 9(6), 335. (doi: 10.3390/min9060335)

Brehme, M., Nowak, K., Banks, D. , Petrauskas, S., Valickas, R., Bauer, K., Burnside, N. and Boyce, A. (2019) A review of the hydrochemistry of a deep sedimentary aquifer and its consequences for geothermal operation: Klaipeda, Lithuania. Geofluids, 2019, 4363592. (doi: 10.1155/2019/4363592)

Richards, L. A. et al. (2019) Dual in-aquifer and near surface processes drive arsenic mobilization in Cambodian groundwaters. Science of the Total Environment, 659, pp. 699-714. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.437)

Zanouda, H. S., Laouar, R., Salmi-Laouar, S., Sebai, A., Verati, C., Bouhlel, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) The Sidi El Hemissi Triassic “ophites” (Souk Ahras, NE Algeria): petrology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12(8), 274. (doi: 10.1007/s12517-019-4462-5)

Parnell, J. and Boyce, A.J. (2019) Neoproterozoic copper cycling, and the rise of metazoans. Scientific Reports, 9, 3638. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40484-y) (PMID:30842538) (PMCID:PMC6403403)

Banks, D. , Steven, J. K., Berry, J., Burnside, N. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) A combined pumping test and heat extraction/recirculation trial in an abandoned haematite ore mine shaft, Egremont, Cumbria, UK. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 5(1), pp. 51-69. (doi: 10.1007/s40899-017-0165-9)

Mehrabi, B., Karimishahraki, B., Banks, D., Boyce, A. and Yardley, B. W.D. (2019) Hydrothermal iron oxide-Cu-Au (IOCG) mineralization at the Jalal-Abad deposit, northwestern Zarand, Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 106, pp. 300-317. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.01.019)

Rainoldi, A. L., Franchini, M. B., Boyce, A. J. , Giusiano, A., Cesaretti, N. N., Pons, J. and Ríos, F. J. (2019) Stable isotope and fluid inclusion study of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Mineralium Deposita, 54(3), pp. 415-436. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-018-0815-3)

Laouar, R., Zanouda, H. S., Salmi-Laouar, S., Sebai, A., Verati, C., Bouhlel, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Petrology, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Sidi El Hemissi Triassic ‘Ophites’ (Souk Ahras, NE Algeria). In: Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Hammamet, Tunisia, 12-15 Nov 2019, pp. 13-16. ISBN 9783030015756 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-01575-6_3)

Elliott, H. A.L., Gernon, T. M., Roberts, S., Boyce, A. J. and Hewson, C. (2019) Diatremes act as fluid conduits for Zn-Pb mineralization in the SW Irish ore field. Economic Geology, 114(1), pp. 117-125. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.2019.4622)

Montcoudiol, N., Burnside, N. , Wagaw, H., Elias, L. T. and Boyce, A. (2019) Geothermal Energy and Water Resources in Ethiopia. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 Apr 2019.

Fallick, A. E., Giuliani, G., Rigaudier, T., Boyce, A. J. , Pham, V. L. and Pardieu, V. (2019) Remarkably uniform oxygen isotope systematics for co-existing pairs of gem-spinel and calcite in marble, with special reference to Vietnamese deposits. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 351(1), pp. 27-36. (doi: 10.1016/j.crte.2018.11.008)

Skelton, A., Löwhagen, L., Fairchild, I. J., Boyce, A. , Mörth, C.-M., Siegmund, H., Webster, D. and Spencer, A. M. (2019) Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in meteoric water during the Cryogenian Period. Precambrian Research, 320, pp. 253-260. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2018.11.006)

Zwahlen, C., Hollis, C., Lawson, M., Becker, S. P., Boyce, A. , Zhou, Z. and Holland, G. (2019) Constraining the fluid history of a CO2 -H2 S reservoir: insights from stable isotopes, REE and fluid inclusion microthermometry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(1), pp. 359-382. (doi: 10.1029/2018GC007900)

Burnside, N. M. , Montcoudiol, N. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Surface and Groundwater Hydrochemistry in the Mid-Gregory Rift, Kenya: First Impressions and Potential Implications for Geothermal Systems. In: 16th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction and 13th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry (1st IAGC International Conference), Tomsk, Russia, 21-26 Jul 2019, 07004. (doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20199807004)

Burnside, N. M. , Rane, S., Yu, G. , Ma, H., Montcoudiol, N., Li, W., Teklemariam, E. L., Boyce, A. , He, L. and Yu, Z. (2019) Geothermally Sourced Combined Power and Freshwater Generation for Eastern Africa. In: European Geothermal Congress 2019, The Hague, The Netherlands, 11-14 Jun 2019,

Currie, D., Stuart, F. , Boyce, A. , Essien, B. and Faithfull, J. (2019) Revised Genesis for Scotland's Largest Pb-Zn deposit. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 225-228. ISBN 9780852619629

Doran, A. L., Menuge, J. F., Guven, J., Hollis, S. P., Boyce, A. J. and Piercey, S. J. (2019) Correlated Petrographic and Isotopic Studies (S, Pb) of Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb Mineralization: the Formation of the High-grade Island Pod, Lisheen. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1200-1203. ISBN 9780852619643

Giuliani, G., Fallick, A. E. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) The Origin of Sapphires in Alluvial and Marine Placers from the Loire River, France. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 897-900. ISBN 9780852619636

Lindsay, J. J., Hughes, H. S.R., Andersen, J. C.O., Smyth, D., McDonald, I. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Distinct Sulphur Saturation Histories of the Palaeogene Magilligan Sill, N. Ireland: Implications for Ni-Cu-PGE Exploration in the North Atlantic. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 550-552. ISBN 9780852619636

Lyell, C., Boyce, A. J. , Mark, D. F. , McCarthy, W., Sangster, C. J.S., Flindell, P. and van den Berg, M. (2019) Evolving the Genetic Model for the Cononish Gold Deposit, Scotland: From Prospect to Mine. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 727-730. ISBN 9780852619636

Martin, A. J., McDonald, I., McFall, K. A., MacLeod, C. J., Keith, M., Jenkin, G. R.T. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Tellurium and Selenium Systematics in Mafic VMS from Cyprus: Mineral, Mound and Regional Scale Controls. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1657-1660. ISBN 9780852619650

Mullen, G., Barrie, C., Boyce, A. J. and Drummond, D. (2019) How Long Does It Take to Form a Sediment Hosted Zn Plus Pb Deposit? In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1425-1428. ISBN 9780852619650

Papadopoulos, V., Boyce, A. , Mark, D. , Ickert, R. and Tsikos, H. (2019) Investigation of Large-scale Brine Circulation as Mechanism of Ore Formation in the Kalahari and Postmasburg Fe-Mn Fields, South Africa. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 240-243. ISBN 9780852619629

Price, J. J., Blenkinsop, T. G., Kerr, A. C., Goodenough, K. M., Boyce, A. J. and Kuehnapfel, C. (2019) Reverse Shear, Horizontal Shortening and Lode-gold Mineralisation along the Mougooderra Shear Zone, Western Australia. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 639-642. ISBN 9780852619636

Rivai, T. A., Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Imai, A., Watanabe, K., Syafrizal, and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Dairi: An Example of Zn-Pb-Ag Sediment-hosted Deposit from Indonesia. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 32-35. ISBN 9780852619629

Saintilan, N. J., Selby, D., Hughes, J., Schlatter, D. M., Kolb, J. and Boyce, A. (2019) A Refined View of the 'Mesoarchaean gold event'. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 715-718. ISBN 9780852619636

Stobbs, I. J., Murton, B. J., Pearce, R., Boyce, A. and Petersen, S. (2019) Origins of Si-Fe Cap Rocks at Extinct Seafloor Massive Sulphide (eSMS) Deposits from the TAG Hydrothermal Field (26 degrees N), Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 91-94. ISBN 9780852619629

Yesares, L., Menuge, J. F., Drummond, D. A., Boyce, A. J. , Ashton, J. H. and Blakeman, R. J. (2019) Genetic Links between Irish-type Zn-Pb Deposits and Related Geochemical Halos. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 463-466. ISBN 9780852619629


McCaig, A. M., Titarenko, S. S., Savov, I. P., Cliff, R. A., Banks, D., Boyce, A. and Agostini, S. (2018) No significant boron in the hydrated mantle of most subducting slabs. Nature Communications, 9, 4602. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07064-6) (PMID:30389930) (PMCID:PMC6214984)

Lee, M.R. , Daly, L. , Cohen, B.E. , Hallis, L.J. , Griffin, S. , Trimby, P., Boyce, A. and Mark, D.F. (2018) Aqueous alteration of the Martian meteorite Northwest Africa 817: Probing fluid–rock interaction at the nakhlite launch site. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 53(11), pp. 2395-2412. (doi: 10.1111/maps.13136)

Spence-Jones, C. P., Jenkin, G. R.T., Boyce, A. J. , Hill, N. J. and Sangster, C. J.S. (2018) Tellurium, magmatic fluids and orogenic gold: an early magmatic fluid pulse at Cononish gold deposit, Scotland. Ore Geology Reviews, 102, pp. 894-905. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.05.014)

Tindell, T., Watanabe, K., Imai, A., Takahashi, R., Boyce, A. J. , Yonezu, K., Schersten, A., Page, L. and Ogata, T. (2018) The Kago low-sulfidation gold and silver deposit: a peripheral mineralisation to the Nansatsu high-sulfidation system, southern Kyushu, Japan. Ore Geology Reviews, 102, pp. 951-966. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.10.027)

Hirani, J., Bastesen, E., Boyce, A. , Corlett, H., Eker, A., Gawthorpe, R., Hollis, C., Korneva, I. and Rotevatn, A. (2018) Structural controls on non fabric‐selective dolomitization within rift‐related basin‐bounding normal fault systems: insights from the Hammam Faraun Fault, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Basin Research, 30(5), pp. 990-1014. (doi: 10.1111/bre.12290)

Hirani, J. et al. (2018) Controls on the formation of stratabound dolostone bodies, Hammam Faraun Fault block, Gulf of Suez. Sedimentology, 65(6), pp. 1973-2002. (doi: 10.1111/sed.12454)

Parnell, J., McMahon, S. and Boyce, A. (2018) Demonstrating deep biosphere activity in the geological record of lake sediments, on Earth and Mars. International Journal of Astrobiology, 17(4), pp. 380-385. (doi: 10.1017/S1473550417000337)

Van Daele, J., Hulsbosch, N., Dewaele, S., Boiron, M.-C., Piessens, K., Boyce, A. and Muchez, P. (2018) Mixing of magmatic-hydrothermal and metamorphic fluids and the origin of peribatholitic Sn vein-type deposits in Rwanda. Ore Geology Reviews, 101, pp. 481-501. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.07.020)

Cousins, C. R., Fogel, M., Bowden, R., Crawford, I., Boyce, A. , Cockell, C. and Gunn, M. (2018) Biogeochemical probing of microbial communities in a basalt-hosted hot spring at Kverkfjöll volcano, Iceland. Geobiology, 16(5), pp. 507-521. (doi: 10.1111/gbi.12291) (PMID:29856116)

Nshimiyimana, F., Essarraj, S., Hibti, M., Boulvais, P., Boyce, A. J. , Marignac, C. and Maacha, L. (2018) The Koudia El Hamra Ag–Pb–Zn deposit, Jebilet, Morocco: mineralogy and ore fluid characterization. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 145, pp. 1-17. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.04.019)

Lee, M.R. , King, A.J., Cohen, B.E. , Mark, D.F. and Boyce, A. (2018) Distinguishing Mild Aqueous Alteration from Thermal Metamorphism in the Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85311 CM Carbonaceous Chondrite. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Moscow, Russia, 22-27 Jul 2018. (Unpublished)

Bullock, L. A., Parnell, J., Perez, M., Armstrong, J. G., Feldmann, J. and Boyce, A. J. (2018) High selenium in the Carboniferous Coal Measures of Northumberland, North East England. International Journal of Coal Geology, 195, pp. 61-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2018.05.007)

Armstrong, J. G.T., Parnell, J., Bullock, L. A., Perez, M., Boyce, A. J. and Feldmann, J. (2018) Tellurium, selenium and cobalt enrichment in Neoproterozoic black shales, Gwna Group, UK: deep marine trace element enrichment during the Second Great Oxygenation Event. Terra Nova, 30(3), pp. 244-253. (doi: 10.1111/ter.12331)

Parnell, J., Perez, M., Armstrong, J., Bullock, L., Feldmann, J. and Boyce, A.J. (2018) Geochemistry and metallogeny of Neoproterozoic pyrite in oxic and anoxic sediments. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 7, pp. 12-16. (doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1812)

Bullock, L. A., Parnell, J., Perez, M., Boyce, A. , Feldmann, J. and Armstrong, J. G.T. (2018) Multi-stage pyrite genesis and epigenetic selenium enrichment of Greenburn coals (East Ayrshire). Scottish Journal of Geology, 54(1), pp. 37-49. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2017-010)

De Putter, T., Liégeois, J.-P., Dewaele, S., Cailteux, J., Boyce, A. and Mees, F. (2018) Paleoproterozoic manganese and base metals deposits at Kisenge-Kamata (Katanga, D.R. Congo). Ore Geology Reviews, 96, pp. 181-200. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.04.015)

Hutchison, W. et al. (2018) The evolution of magma during continental rifting: new constraints from the isotopic and trace element signatures of silicic magmas from Ethiopian volcanoes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, pp. 203-218. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.027)

Mondillo, N., Herrington, R., Boyce, A.J. , Wilkinson, C., Santoro, L. and Rumsey, M. (2018) Critical elements in non-sulfide Zn deposits: a reanalysis of the Kabwe Zn-Pb ores (central Zambia). Mineralogical Magazine, 82(S1), S89-S114. (doi: 10.1180/minmag.2017.081.038)

Myint, A. Z., Yonezu, K., Boyce, A. J. , Selby, D., Scherstén, A., Tindell, T., Watanabe, K. and Swe, Y. M. (2018) Stable isotope and geochronological study of the Mawchi Sn-W deposit, Myanmar: implications for timing of mineralization and ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 95, pp. 663-679. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.03.014)

Salmi-Laouar, S., Ferré, B., Chaabane, K., Laouar, R., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2018) The oceanic anoxic event 2 at Es Souabaa (Tebessa, NE Algeria): bio-events and stable isotope study. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(8), (doi: 10.1007/s12517-018-3509-3)

Mondillo, N., Arfè, G., Boni, M., Balassone, G., Boyce, A. , Joachimski, M., Kang, J.S. and Villa, I.M. (2018) The Cristal Zinc prospect (Amazonas region, northern Peru). Part I: New insights on the sulfide mineralization in the Bongará province. Ore Geology Reviews, 94, pp. 261-276. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.01.021)

Richards, L. A., Magnone, D., Boyce, A. J. , Casanueva-Marenco, M. J., van Dongen, B. E., Ballentine, C. J. and Polya, D. A. (2018) Delineating sources of groundwater recharge in an arsenic-affected Holocene aquifer in Cambodia using stable isotope-based mixing models. Journal of Hydrology, 557, pp. 321-334. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.12.012)

Brodie, M. W., Aplin, A. C., Hart, B., Orland, I. J., Valley, J. W. and Boyce, A. J. (2018) Oxygen isotope microanalysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry suggests continuous 300-million-year history of calcite cementation and dolomitization in the Devonian Bakken formation. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88(1), pp. 91-104. (doi: 10.2110/jsr.2018.1)

Ayadi, Y., Mokadem, N., Besser, H., Khelifi, F., Harabi, S., Hamad, A., Boyce, A. , Laouar, R. and Hamed, Y. (2018) Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes (δ 18 O and δ 2 H) tools applied to the study of karst aquifers in Southern Mediterranean basin (Teboursouk area, NW Tunisia). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 137, pp. 208-217. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.10.018)

Lee, M.R. , Cohen, B.E. , Mark, D.F. and Boyce, A. (2018) Ephemeral Nebular Components in the Mildly Aqueously Altered CM Carbonaceous Chondrite LEW 85311. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018, The Woodlands, Texas, 19-23 March 2018.

Lee, M.R. , Cohen, B.E. , Mark, D.F. and Boyce, A. (2018) Evidence for Widespread Post-Hydration Heating of the CM Carbonaceous Chondrites. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018, The Woodlands, Texas, 19-23 March 2018.

Long, P. V., Giuliani, G., Fallick, A. E., Boyce, A. J. and Pardieu, V. (2018) Trace elements and oxygen isotopes of gem spinels in marble from the Luc Yen – An Phu areas, Yen Bai province, North Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2),


Flude, S., Györe, D. , Stuart, F. M. , Zurakowska, M., Boyce, A. J. , Haszeldine, R. S., Chalaturnyk, R. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2017) The inherent tracer fingerprint of captured CO2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 65, pp. 40-54. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.08.010)

Parnell, J. and Boyce, A. J. (2017) Microbial sulphate reduction during Neoproterozoic glaciation, Port Askaig Formation, UK. Journal of the Geological Society, 174(5), pp. 850-854. (doi: 10.1144/jgs2016-147)

Giuliani, G., Fallick, A. E., Boyce, A. J. , Pardieu, V. and Pham, V. L. (2017) Pink and red spinels in marble: trace elements, oxygen isotopes, and sources. Canadian Mineralogist, 55(4), pp. 743-761. (doi: 10.3749/canmin.1700009)

Giuliani, G., Pignatelli, I., Fallick, A., Boyce, A. , Andriamamonjy, A., Razafindratsimba, S. and Khan, T. (2017) Gem andradite garnet deposits demantoild variety. InColor, 36, pp. 28-39.

Hawkins, T., Smith, M.P., Herrington, R.J., Maslennikov, V., Boyce, A.J. and Jeffries, T. (2017) The geology and genesis of the iron skarns of the Turgai belt, northwestern Kazakhstan. Ore Geology Reviews, 85, pp. 216-246. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.016)

Hollis, C., Bastesen, E., Boyce, A. , Corlett, H., Gawthorpe, R., Hirani, J., Rotevatn, A. and Whitaker, F. (2017) Fault-controlled dolomitization in a rift basin. Geology, 45(3), pp. 219-222. (doi: 10.1130/G38394.1)

Simpson, S.L. , Boyce, A.J. , Lambert, P., Lindgren, P. and Lee, M.R. (2017) Evidence for an impact-induced biosphere from the δ34S signature of sulphides in the Rochechouart impact structure, France. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 460, pp. 192-200. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.023)

Graham, S.D., Holwell, D.A., McDonald, I., Jenkin, G.R.T., Hill, N.J., Boyce, A.J. , Smith, J. and Sangster, C. (2017) Magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE-Au sulfide mineralisation in alkaline igneous systems: An example from the Sron Garbh intrusion, Tyndrum, Scotland. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, pp. 961-984. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.08.031)

Laouar, R., Satouh, A., Salmi-Laouar, S., Abdallah, N., Cottin, J.-Y., Bruguier, O., Bosch, D., Ouabadi, A., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2017) Petrological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Collo ultramafic rocks (NE Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 125, pp. 59-72. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.10.012)

McDonald, I., Harmer, R.E. (J.), Holwell, D. A., Hughes, H. S.R. and Boyce, A. J. (2017) Cu-Ni-PGE mineralisation at the Aurora Project and potential for a new PGE province in the Northern Bushveld Main Zone. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, pp. 1135-1159. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.09.016)

Boskabadi, A., Pitcairn, I. K., Broman, C., Boyce, A. , Teagle, D. A.H., Cooper, M. J., Azer, M. K., Stern, R. J., Mohamed, F. H. and Majka, J. (2017) Carbonate alteration of ophiolitic rocks in the Arabian–Nubian Shield of Egypt: sources and compositions of the carbonating fluid and implications for the formation of Au deposits. International Geology Review, 59(4), pp. 391-419. (doi: 10.1080/00206814.2016.1227281)

Parnell, J., Perez, M., Armstrong, J., Bullock, L., Feldmann, J. and Boyce, A.J. (2017) A black shale protolith for gold-tellurium mineralisation in the Dalradian Supergroup (Neoproterozoic) of Britain and Ireland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 126(4), pp. 161-175. (doi: 10.1080/03717453.2017.1404682)

Wacey, D. et al. (2017) Contrasting microfossil preservation and lake chemistries within the 1200–1000 Ma Torridonian Supergroup of NW Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 448, pp. 105-119. (doi: 10.1144/SP448.6)


Lawther, S. E.M., Dempster, T. J. , Shipton, Z. K. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) Effective crustal permeability controls fault evolution: An integrated structural, mineralogical and isotopic study in granitic gneiss, Monte Rosa, Northern Italy. Tectonophysics, 690(A), pp. 160-173. (doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.07.010)

Lambert-Smith, J. S., Lawrence, D. M., Vargas, C. A., Boyce, A. J. , Treloar, P. J. and Herbert, S. (2016) The Gounkoto Au deposit, West Africa: Constraints on ore genesis and volatile sources from petrological, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 78, pp. 606-622. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.025)

Laouar, R., Salmi-Laouar, S., Sami, L., Boyce, A. J. , Kolli, O., Boutaleb, A. and Fallick, A. E. (2016) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Mesloula Pb-Zn-Ba ore deposit, NE Algeria: Characteristics and origin of the mineralizing fluids. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 121, pp. 119-135. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.06.004)

Burnside, N.M. , Banks, D. , Boyce, A.J. and Athresh, A. (2016) Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes as tools for understanding the sustainability of minewater geothermal energy production from a ‘standing column’ heat pump system: Markham Colliery, Bolsover, Derbyshire, UK. International Journal of Coal Geology, 165, pp. 223-230. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.08.021)

Weibel, R., Lindström, S., Pedersen, G.K., Johansson, L., Dybkjær, K., Whitehouse, M.J., Boyce, A.J. and Leng, M.J. (2016) Groundwater table fluctuations recorded in zonation of microbial siderites from end-Triassic strata. Sedimentary Geology, 342, pp. 47-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2016.06.009)

Burnside, N. , Banks, D. and Boyce, A. (2016) Sustainability of thermal energy production at the flooded mine workings of the former Caphouse Colliery, Yorkshire, United Kingdom. International Journal of Coal Geology, 164, pp. 85-91. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.03.006)

Janson, E., Boyce, A. J. , Burnside, N. and Gzyl, G. (2016) Preliminary investigation on temperature, chemistry and isotopes of mine water pumped in Bytom geological basin (USCB,Southern Poland) as a potential geothermal energy source. International Journal of Coal Geology, 164, pp. 104-114. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.06.007)

Maulana, A., Imai, A., Van Leeuwen, T., Watanabe, K., Yonezu, K., Nakano, T., Boyce, A. , Page, L. and Schersten, A. (2016) Origin and geodynamic setting of Late Cenozoic granitoids in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 124, pp. 102-125. (doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.04.018)

Humphreys, M. P., Greatrix, F. M., Tynan, E., Achterberg, E. P., Griffiths, A. M., Fry, C. H., Garley, R., McDonald, A. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) Stable carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon for a zonal transect across the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in summer 2014. Earth System Science Data, 8(1), pp. 221-233. (doi: 10.5194/essd-8-221-2016)

Lawson, M., Polya, D. A., Boyce, A. J. , Bryant, C. and Ballentine, C. J. (2016) Tracing organic matter composition and distribution and its role on arsenic release in shallow Cambodian groundwaters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 178, pp. 160-177. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.01.010)

Angerer, T., Hagemann, S. G., Walde, D., Halverson, G. P. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) Multiple metal sources in the glaciomarine facies of the Neoproterozoic Jacadigo iron formation in the “Santa Cruz deposit”, Corumbá, Brazil. Precambrian Research, 275, pp. 369-393. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.01.002)

Smith, J. W., Holwell, D. A., McDonald, I. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) The application of S isotopes and S/Se ratios in determining ore-forming processes of magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits: a cautionary case study from the northern Bushveld Complex. Ore Geology Reviews, 73(1), pp. 148-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.022)

Dewaele, S., De Clercq, F., Hulsbosch, N., Piessens, K., Boyce, A. , Burgess, R. and Muchez, P. (2016) Genesis of the vein-type tungsten mineralization at Nyakabingo (Rwanda) in the Karagwe–Ankole belt, Central Africa. Mineralium Deposita, 51(2), pp. 283-307. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-015-0608-x)

Mokadem, N., Demdoum, A., Hamed, Y., Bouri, S., Hadji, R., Boyce, A. , Laouar, R. and Sâad, A. (2016) Hydrogeochemical and stable isotope data of Groundwater of a multi-aquifer system: Northern Gafsa basin - Central Tunisia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 114, pp. 174-191. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.11.010)

Dewaele, S., Hulsbosch, N., Cryns, Y., Boyce, A. , Burgess, R. and Muchez, P. (2016) Geological setting and timing of the world-class Sn, Nb–Ta and Li mineralization of Manono-Kitotolo (Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo). Ore Geology Reviews, 72(Pt. 1), pp. 373-390. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.07.004)

Esteban-Arispe, I., Velasco, F., Boyce, A. J. , Morales-Ruano, S., Yusta, I. and Carrillo-Rosúa, J. (2016) Unconventional non-magmatic sulfur source for the Mazarrón Zn–Pb–Cu–Ag–Fe epithermal deposit (SE Spain). Ore Geology Reviews, 72, pp. 1102-1115. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.005)

Humphreys, M.P. et al. (2016) Multi-decadal accumulation of anthropogenic and remineralized dissolved inorganic carbon at the Extended Ellett Line in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30(2), pp. 293-310. (doi: 10.1002/2015GB005246)


Budinov, Z. D., Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Gabo-Ratio, J. A., Milutinovic, S., Boyce, A. J. and Watanabe, K. (2015) Copper-gold skarn mineralization at the Karavansalija Ore Zone, Rogozna Mountain, Southwestern Serbia. Resource Geology, 65(4), pp. 328-344. (doi: 10.1111/rge.12075)

Younger, P. L. , Boyce, A. J. and Waring, A. J. (2015) Chloride waters of Great Britain revisited: from subsea formation waters to onshore geothermal fluids. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 126(4-5), pp. 453-465. (doi: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2015.04.001)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. , Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Brolly, C., Bowden, S. and Lindgren, P. (2015) Enhanced microbial activity in carbon-rich pillow lavas, Ordovician, Great Britain and Ireland. Geology, 43(9), pp. 827-830. (doi: 10.1130/G36937.1)

Firth, E. A., Holwell, D. A., Oliver, N. H. S., Mortensen, J. K., Rovardi, M. P. and Boyce, A. J. (2015) Constraints on the development of orogenic style gold mineralisation at Mineral de Talca, Coastal Range, central Chile: evidence from a combined structural, mineralogical, S and Pb isotope and geochronological study. Mineralium Deposita, 50(6), pp. 675-696. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-014-0568-6)

Barrie, G. M., Worden, R. H., Barrie, C. D. and Boyce, A. J. (2015) Extensive evaporation in a modern temperate estuary: stable isotopic and compositional evidence. Limnology and Oceanography, 60(4), pp. 1241-1250. (doi: 10.1002/lno.10091)

Humphreys, M. P., Achterberg, E. P., Griffiths, A. M., McDonald, A. and Boyce, A.J. (2015) Measurements of the stable carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in the northeastern Atlantic and Nordic Seas during summer 2012. Earth System Science Data, 7(1), pp. 127-135. (doi: 10.5194/essd-7-127-2015)

Sánchez-España, J., Diez Ercilla, M., Pérez Cerdán, F., Yusta, I. and Boyce, A. (2015) Hydrological investigation of a multi-stratified pit lake using radioactive and stable isotopes combined with hydrometric monitoring. Journal of Hydrology, 511, pp. 494-508. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.02.003)

Westaway, R., Scotney, P. M., Younger, P. L. and Boyce, A. J. (2015) Subsurface absorption of anthropogenic warming of the land surface: The case of the world's largest brickworks (Stewartby, Bedfordshire, UK). Science of the Total Environment, 508(2015), pp. 585-603. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.09.109) (PMID:25481718)

Little, C. T.S., Birgel, D., Boyce, A. J. , Crame, J. A., Francis, J. E., Kiel, S., Peckmann, J., Pirrie, D., Rollinson, G. K. and Witts, J. D. (2015) Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) shallow water hydrocarbon seeps from Snow Hill and Seymour Islands, James Ross Basin, Antarctica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 418, pp. 213-228. (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.11.020)

Ashton, J.H. , Blakeman, R.J., Geraghty, J.F., Beach, A., Coller, D., Philcox, M.E., Boyce, A.J. and Wilkinson, J.J. (2015) The giant Navan Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposit: a review. In: Archibald, S.M. and Piercey, S.J. (eds.) Current Perspectives on Zinc Deposits. Irish Association for Economic Geology: Dublin, pp. 85-122. ISBN 9780950989457

Boyce, A.J. , Barrie, C.D., Samson, I.M. and Williams-Jones, A.E. (2015) Aspects of the geochemistry of zinc: a journey to sphalerite. In: Archibald, S.M. and Piercey, S.J. (eds.) Current Perspectives on Zinc Deposits. Irish Association for Economic Geology: Dublin, pp. 17-35. ISBN 9780950989457

Dewaele, S., Muchez, P., Burgess, R. and Boyce, A. (2015) Geological setting and timing of the cassiterite vein type mineralization of the Kalima area (Maniema, Democratic Republic of Congo). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 112, pp. 199-212. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.09.006)

Hill, N. J., Jenkin, G. R.T., Boyce, A. J. , Sangster, C. J.S., Catterall, D. J., Holwell, D. A., Naden, J. and Rice, C. M. (2015) How the Neoproterozoic S-isotope record illuminates the genesis of vein gold systems: an example from the Dalradian Supergroup in Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393(1), pp. 213-247. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.9)

Hughes, H. S. R., Boyce, A. J. , McDonald, I., Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Holwell, D. A., McDonald, A. and Oldroyd, A. (2015) Contrasting mechanisms for crustal sulphur contamination of mafic magma: evidence from dyke and sill complexes from the British Palaeogene Igneous Province. Journal of the Geological Society, 172(4), pp. 443-458. (doi: 10.1144/jgs2014-112)

Jenkin, G. R. T., Lusty, P. A. J., McDonald, I., Smith, M. P., Boyce, A. J. and Wilkinson, J. J. (2015) Ore deposits in an evolving Earth: an introduction. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393(1), pp. 1-8. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.14)

Moles, N. R., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. (2015) Abundant sulphate in the Neoproterozoic ocean: implications of constant 34S of barite in the Aberfeldy SEDEX deposits, Scottish Dalradian. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393, pp. 189-212. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.7)

Simpson, S.L., Boyce, A.J. , Lambert, P., Lee, M.R. , Mark, D.F. and Lindgren, P. (2015) Stable Isotope Studies of the Rochechouart Impact Structure: Sources of Secondary Carbonates and Sulphides within Allochthonous and Parautochthonous Impactites. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 16-20 Mar 2015,

Treloar, P. J., Lawrence, D. M., Senghor, D., Boyce, A. and Harbidge, P. (2015) The Massawa gold deposit, Eastern Senegal, West Africa: an orogenic gold deposit sourced from magmatically derived fluids? Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393(1), pp. 135-160. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.12)


Banks, D. , Frank, Y., Kadnikov, V., Karnachuk, O., Watts, M., Boyce, A. and Frengstad, B. (2014) Hydrochemical Data Report from Sampling of Two deep Abandoned Hydrocarbon Exploration Wells: Byelii Yar and Parabel’, Tomsk oblast’, Western Siberia, Russian Federation. Technical Report. Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Trondheim, Norway.

Othman Wilson, A., Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. and Bowden, S. A. (2014) Constraining causes of fish mass mortality using ultra-high-resolution biomarker measurement. Chemical Geology, 385, pp. 156-162. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.07.004)

Foley, F. V., Turner, S., Rushmer, T., Caulfield, J. T., Daczko, N. R., Bierman, P., Robertson, M., Barrie, C. D. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) 10Be, 18O and radiogenic isotopic constraints on the origin of adakitic signatures: a case study from Solander and Little Solander Islands, New Zealand. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168(3), (doi: 10.1007/s00410-014-1048-9)

Gagnevin, D., Menuge, J. F., Kronz, A., Barrie, C. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Minor elements in layered sphalerite as a record of fluid origin, mixing, and crystallization in the Navan Zn-Pb ore deposit, Ireland. Economic Geology, 109(6), pp. 1513-1528. (doi: 10.2113/econgeo.109.6.1513)

Menzies, C. D., Teagle, D. A.H., Craw, D., Cox, S. C., Boyce, A. J. , Barrie, C. D. and Roberts, S. (2014) Incursion of meteoric waters into the ductile regime in an active orogen. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 399, pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.046)

Parnell, J., Blamey, N. J.F., Costanzo, A., Feely, M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Preservation of Mesoproterozoic age deep burial fluid signatures, NW Scotland. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 55, pp. 275-281. (doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.11.018)

Parnell, J., Hole, M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Evidence for microbial activity in British and Irish Ordovician pillow lavas. Geological Journal, 50(4), pp. 497-508. (doi: 10.1002/gj.2562)

Bezard, R., Davidson, J. P., Turner, S., Macpherson, C. G., Lindsay, J. M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Assimilation of sediments embedded in the oceanic arc crust: myth or reality? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395, pp. 51-60. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.038)

Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Stuart, F. M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Mantle heat drives hydrothermal fluids responsible for carbonate-hosted base metal deposits: evidence from 3He/4He of ore fluids in the Irish Pb-Zn ore district. Mineralium Deposita, 49(5), pp. 547-553. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-014-0516-5)

Carrillo-Rosúa, J., Boyce, A.J. , Morales-Ruano, S., Morata, D., Roberts, S., Munizaga, F. and Moreno-Rodríguez, V. (2014) Extremely negative and inhomogeneous sulfur isotope signatures in Cretaceous Chilean manto-type Cu–(Ag) deposits, Coastal Range of central Chile. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, pp. 13-24. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.06.013)

Simpson, S.L., Boyce, A.J. , Lee, M.R. and Lindgren, P. (2014) Stable isotope studies of post impact hydrothermal deposits within the sub-crater environment of the Rochechouart structure. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Casablanca, Morocco, 8-13 September 2014,


Holwell, D.A., Jones, A., Smith, J.W. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) New mineralogical and isotopic constraints on main zone-hosted PGE mineralisation at Moorddrift, northern Bushveld complex. Mineralium Deposita, 48(6), pp. 675-686. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-013-0471-6)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. , Hurst, A., Davidheiser-Kroll, B. and Ponicka, J. (2013) Long term geological record of a global deep subsurface microbial habitat in sand injection complexes. Scientific Reports, 3, 1828. (doi: 10.1038/srep01828) (PMID:23681146) (PMCID:PMC3656391)

Holwell, D.A., Jenkin, G.R.T., Butterworth, K., Abraham-James, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) Orogenic gold mineralization hosted by Archaean basement rocks at Sortekap, Kangerlussuaq area, east Greenland. Mineralium Deposita, 48(4), pp. 453-466. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-012-0434-3)

Lawrence, D.M., Reloar, P.J., Rankin, A.H., Boyce, A.J. and Harbridge, P. (2013) A fluid inclusion and stable isotope study at the Loulo mining district, Mali, West Africa: implications for multifluid sources in the generation of orogenic gold deposits. Economic Geology, 108(2), pp. 229-257. (doi: 10.2113/​econgeo.108.2.229)

Torremans, K., Gauquie, J., Boyce, A.J. , Barrie, C.D., Sikazwe, O. and Muchez, P.H. (2013) Remobilisation features and structural control on ore grade distribution at the Konkola stratiform Cu-Co ore deposit, Zambia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 79, pp. 10-23. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2012.10.005)

McMahon, S., Parnell, J., Ponicka, J., Hole, M. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) The habitability of vesicles in martian basalt. Astronomy and Geophysics, 54(1), 1.17-1.21. (doi: 10.1093/astrogeo/ats035)

Bernau, R., Roberts, S., Richards, M., Nisbet, B., Boyce, A.J. and Nowecki, J. (2013) The geology and geochemistry of the Lumwana Cu (±Co±U) deposits, NW Zambia. Mineralium Deposita, 48(2), pp. 137-153. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-012-0424-5)

Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Boyce, A.J. , Ashton, J., Blakeman, R. and Geraghty, J. (2013) How did it get there? Searching for "the feeder" at the Navan Zn+Pb deposit, Ireland. In: 12th SGA Biennial Meeting: Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World, Uppsala, Sweden, 12 - 15 Aug 2013,

Henjes-Kunst, E., Boyce, A. J. , Melcher, F. and Raith, J. G. (2013) High-resolution sulfur isotope and trace element measurements of sphalerites from the Pb-Zn deposits of the Drau Range (Eastern Alps, Austria/Slovenia). In: 12th SGA Biennial Meeting: Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World, Uppsala, Sweden, 12 - 15 Aug 2013, pp. 319-323.

Lawson, M., Polya, D.A., Boyce, A.J. , Bryant, C., Mondal, D., Shantz, A. and Ballentine, C.J. (2013) Pond-derived organic carbon driving changes in arsenic hazard found in Asian groundwaters. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(13), pp. 7085-7094. (doi: 10.1021/es400114q)

Roberts, S., Nowecki, J., Gleeson, S. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) Tracing seawater evaporation and evaporite dissolution in the Zambian Copperbelt: evidence from crush-leach analysis of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. In: 12th SGA Biennial Meeting: Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World, Uppsala, Sweden, 12 - 15 Aug 2013, pp. 659-662. ISBN 9789174032079


Butcher, G.S., Kendall, A.C., Boyce, A.J. , Millar, I.L., Andrews, J.E. and Dennis, P.F. (2012) Age determination of the lower watrous red-beds of the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 60(4), pp. 227-238. (doi: 10.2113/gscpgbull.60.4.227)

Gangenvin, D., Boyce, A.J. , Barrie, C.D., Menuge, J.F. and Blakeman, R.J. (2012) Zn, Fe and S isotope fractionation in a large hydrothermal system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 88, pp. 183-198. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.04.031)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. , Osinski, G.R., Matthew, R.M., Izawa, M.R.M., Banerjee, N., Flemming, R. and Lee, P. (2012) Evidence for life in the isotopic analysis of surface sulphates in the Haughton impact structure, and potential applications on Mars. International Journal of Astrobiology, 11(2), pp. 93-101. (doi: 10.1017/S1473550411000395)

Matthies, R., Aplin, A.C., Boyce, A.J. and Jarvis, A.P. (2012) Geochemical and stable isotopic constraints on the generation and passive treatment of acidic, Fe–SO4 rich waters. Science of the Total Environment, 420, pp. 238-249. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.01.034)

Holwell, D.A., Abraham-James, T., Keays, R.R. and Boyce, A.J. (2012) The nature and genesis of marginal Cu-PGE-Au sulphide mineralisation in Paleogene Macrodykes of the Kangerlussuaq region, East Greenland. Mineralium Deposita, 47(1-2), pp. 3-21. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-010-0325-4)

Fallick, A.E., Boyce, A. and McConville, P. (2012) Sulphur stable isotope systematics in diagenetic pyrite from the North Sea hydrocarbon reservoirs revealed by laser combustion analysis. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 48(1), pp. 144-165. (doi: 10.1080/10256016.2012.658791)

Hawkins, T., Herrington, R., Smith, M.P., Maslenikov, V. and Boyce, A. (2012) The iron skarns of the Turgai Belt, northwestern Kazakhstan. In: Porter, T.M. (ed.) Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective. PGC Pub., pp. 461-474. ISBN 9780987119629

Holwell, D.A., Selby, D., Boyce, A.J. , Gilbertson, J.A. and Abraham-James, T. (2012) A Re-Os date for Molybdenite-bearing quartz vein mineralisation within the Kangerlussuaq Alkaline Complex, east Greenland: implications for the timing of regional metallogenesis. Economic Geology, 107(4), pp. 713-722. (doi: 10.2113/econgeo.107.4.713)

Parnell, J., Hole, M., Boyce, A.J. , Spinks, S. and Bowden, S. (2012) Heavy metal, sex and granites: crustal differentiation and bioavailability of trace metals in the mid-Proterozoic. Geology, 40(8), pp. 751-754. (doi: 10.1130/G33116.1)

Yucel, M., Moore, W.S., Butler, I.B., Boyce, A. and Luther III, G.W. (2012) Recent sedimentation in the Black Sea: New insights from radionuclide distributions and sulfur isotopes. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 66, pp. 103-113. (doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.04.007)


Byrne, G.M., Worden, R.H., Hodgson, D.M., Polya, D.A., Lythgoe, P.R., Barrie, C.D. and Boyce, A.J. (2011) Understanding the fate of iron in a modern temperate estuary: Leirarvogur, Iceland. Applied Geochemistry, 26(Sup), S16-S19. (doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.018)

Webber, A., Roberts, S., Burgess, R. and Boyce, A.J. (2011) Fluid mixing and thermal regimes beneath the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Papua New Guinea: helium and oxygen isotope data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304(1-2), pp. 93-102. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.020)

Lu, J., Wilkinson, M., Haszeldine, R.S. and Boyce, A.J. (2011) Carbonate cements in Miller field of the UK North Sea: a natural analog for mineral trapping in CO2 geological storage. Environmental Earth Sciences, 62(3), pp. 507-517. (doi: 10.1007/s12665-010-0543-1)

Parnell, J., Mark, D. , Fallick, A., Boyce, A. and Thackrey, S. (2011) The age of the Mesoproterozoic Stoer Group sedimentary and impact deposits, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 168, pp. 349-358. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492010-099)

Mark, D.F. , Rice, C.M., Fallick, A.E., Trewin, N.H., Lee, M.R. , Boyce, A. and Lee, J.K.W. (2011) 40Ar/39Ar dating of hydrothermal activity, biota and gold mineralization in the Rhynie hot-spring system, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(2), pp. 555-569. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.014)

Herrington, R.J., Scotney, P.M., Roberts, S., Boyce, A.J. and Harrison, D. (2011) Temporal association of arc-continent collision, progressive magma contamination in arc volcanism and formation of gold-rich massive sulphide deposits on Wetar Island (Banda arc). Gondwana Research, 19(3), pp. 583-593. (doi: 10.1016/

Hill, N.J. et al. (2011) New gold occurrences in the Scottish Dalradian - nature and constraints on genesis. In: Lets Talk Ore Deposits: Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September 2011, pp. 577-579.

Holwell, D.A., Bird, P.J., Boyce, A.J. , Keays, R.R. and Abraham-Jones, T. (2011) The Genesis of Precious Metal Sulfide Deposits in the Skaergasrd and Other Related Intrusions, Kangerlussuaq Area, East Greenland. In: Lets Talk Ore Deposits: Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September 2011, pp. 642-644.


El Desouky, H.A., Muchez, P., Boyce, A.J. , Schneider, J., Cailteux, J.L.H., Dewaele, S. and von Quadt, A. (2010) Genesis of sediment-hosted stratiform copper-cobalt mineralization at Luiswishi and Kamoto, Katanga Copperbelt (Democratic Republic of Congo). Mineralium Deposita, 45(8), pp. 735-763. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-010-0298-3)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. , Mark, D.F. , Bowden, S. and Spinks, S. (2010) Early oxygenation of the terrestrial environment during the Mesoproterozoic. Nature, 468(7321), pp. 290-293. (doi: 10.1038/nature09538) (PMID:21068840)

Muchez, P., Brems, D., Clara, E., De Cleyn, A., Lammens, L., Boyce, A. , De Muynck, D., Mukumba, W. and Sikazwe, O. (2010) Evolution of Cu-Co mineralizing fluids at Nkana Mine, Central African Copperbelt, Zambia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 58(3), pp. 457-474. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2010.05.003)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. and Blamey, N.J.F. (2010) Follow the methane: the search for a deep biosphere, and the case for sampling serpentinites, on Mars. International Journal of Astrobiology, 9, pp. 193-200. (doi: 10.1017/S147355041000020)

Wagner, T., Boyce, A.J. and Erzinger, J. (2010) Fluid-rock interaction during formation of metamorphic quartz veins: a REE and stable isotope study from the Rhenish Massif, Germany. American Journal of Science, 310(7), pp. 645-682. (doi: 10.2475/07.2010.04)

Smith, D., Jenkin, G.R.T., Naden, J., Boyce, A.J. , Petterson, M.G., Toba, T., Darling, W.G., Taylor, H. and Millar, I.L. (2010) Anomalous alkaline sulphate fluids produced in a magmatic hydrothermal system — Savo, Solomon Islands. Chemical Geology, 275(1-2), pp. 35-49. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.04.011)

Degryse, P., Boyce, A. , Erb-Satullo, N., Eremin, K., Kirk, S., Scott, R., Shortland, A.J., Schneider, J. and Walton, M. (2010) Isotopic discriminants between Late Bronze Age glasses from Egypt and the Near East. Archaeometry, 52(3), pp. 380-388. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2009.00487.x)

Esteban, I., Carrillo, J., Morales, S., Velasco, F., Yusta, I. and Boyce, A.J. (2010) The Zn-Pb-(Ag) epithermal mineralization of Mazarron (Spain): A preliminary isotope study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(12), A273. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.030)

Sanchez, V., Cardellach, E., Corbella, M., Vindel, E., Martin-Crespo, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2010) Variability in fluid sources in the fluorite deposits from Asturias (N Spain): further evidences from REE, radiogenic (Sr, Sm, Nd) and stable (S, C. O) isotopic data. Ore Geology Reviews, 37(2), pp. 87-100. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2009.12.001)

Parnell, J. et al. (2010) Sulfur isotope signatures for rapid colonization of an impact crater by thermophilic microbes. Geology, 38(3), pp. 271-274. (doi: 10.1130/G30615.1)

Dewaele, S., De Clerq, F., Muchez, P., Scheider, J., Burgess, R., Boyce, A. and Alonso, M.F. (2010) Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda (Central Africa); current state of knowledge. Geologica Belgica, 13(1-2), pp. 91-111.

Pitcairn, I.K., Skelton, A.D.L., Broman, C., Arghe, F. and Boyce, A. (2010) Structurally focussed fluid flow during orogenesis: The Islay Anticline, SW Highlands, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 167(4), pp. 659-674. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492009-135)


Billstrom, K., Broman, C., Jonsson, E., Recio, C., Boyce, A. and Torssander, P. (2009) Geochronological, stable isotopes and fluid inclusion constraints for a premetamorphic development of the intrusive-hosted Björkdal Au deposit, northern Sweden. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(5), pp. 1027-1052. (doi: 10.1007/s00531-008-0301-8)

Haest, M., Muchez, P., Dewaele, S., Boyce, A. , von Quadt, A. and Schneider, J. (2009) Petrographic, fluid inclusion and isotopic study of the Dikulushi Cu–Ag deposit, Katanga (D.R.C.): implications for exploration. Mineralium Deposita, 44(5), pp. 505-522. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-009-0230-x)

Esteban, I., Boyce, A.J. , Carrillo-Rosua, J., Morales-Ruano, S., Velasco, F. and Yusta, I. (2009) Geochemistry of the Zn-Pb-Cu-(Ag)-(Au) epithermal deposits from San Jose (SE Spain). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), A339. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.004)

Lawson, M., Ballentine, C.J., Polya, D.A., Zhou, Z., Smith, K., Boyce, A.J. , Chatterjee, D., Majumder, S. and Biswas, A. (2009) Isotopic investigation into the role of surface waters in promoting arsenic release in Bengali groundwaters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), A730. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.010)

Moreno-Rodriguez, V., Carrillo-Rosua, J., Morales-Ruano, S., Morata, D. and Boyce, A.J. (2009) Bacteriogenic and magmatic S sources in the Cabildo Cu District (Chile). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), A904. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.011)

Barrie, C., Boyce, A. , Boyle, A.P., Williams, P.J., Blake, K., Freitag, K., Ogawara, T., Akai, J. and Prior, D. (2009) Growth controls in colloform pyrite. American Mineralogist, 94(4), pp. 415-429. (doi: 10.2138/am.2009.3053)

Sizaret, S., Marcoux, E., Boyce, A. , Jebrak, M., Stevenson, R. and Ellam, R. (2009) Isotopic (S, Sr, Sm/Nd, H, Pb) evidences for multiple sources in the Early Jurassic Chaillac F-Ba ore deposit (Indre, France). Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 180(2), pp. 83-94. (doi: 10.2113/gssgfbull.180.2.83)

Wagner, T., Mlynarczyk, M.S.J., Williams-Jones, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (2009) Stable isotope constraints on ore formation at the San Rafael tin-copper deposit, south east Peru. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 104, pp. 223-248. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.104.2.223)

Barrie, C., Boyce, A. , Boyle, A.P., Williams, P.J., Blake, K., Wilkinson, J.J., Lowther, M., MacDermott, P. and Prior, D. (2009) On the growth of colloform textures: A case study of sphalerite from the Galmoy ore body, Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society, 166(3), pp. 563-582. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492008-080)

Bertelli, M., Williams, P., Baker, T., Lisowiec, N. and Boyce, A. (2009) Nature and origin of ore-forming fluids in the Ravenswood Gold System, North Queensland: Evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. In: Smart Science for Exploration and Mining: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-20 Aug 2009, pp. 344-346. ISBN 9780980558685

Cope, I., Wilkinson, J., Boyce, A. and Herrington, R. (2009) Oxygen isotope composition of hematite: Pic de Fon Deposit, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. In: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-19 Aug 2009, pp. 561-563.

El Desouky, H., Muchez, P., Boyce, A. , Cailteux, J. and Dewaele, S. (2009) Sources of sulphur in the Katanga Copperbelt, Democratic Republic of Congo. In: Smart Science for Exploration and Mining: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-20 Aug 2009, ISBN 9780980558685

Hawkins, T., Herrington, R., Smith, M., Maslenikov, V. and Boyce, A. (2009) Magnetite and associated copper-gold skarns in the Valerianovskoe belt, Kazakhstan: Links to magmatism. In: Smart Science for Exploration and Mining: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-20 Aug 2009, pp. 632-634. ISBN 9780980558685

Sbrana, A., Fulignati, P., Marianelli, P., Boyce, A. and Cecchetti, A. (2009) Exhumation of an active magmatic-hydrothermal system in a resurgent caldera environment: the example of Ischia (Italy). Journal of the Geological Society, 166(6), pp. 1061-1073. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492009-030)


Gleeson, S.A., Roberts, S., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (2008) Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and δD value investigation of hydrothermal vein quartz: Interpretation of fluid inclusion {delta}D values in hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(18), pp. 4595-4606. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.06.014)

Berwouts, I., Van Noorden, M., Muchez, P., Boyce, A. and Sintubin, M. (2008) Inferring intermediate-scale fluid flow in a heterogeneous metasedimentary multilayer sequence during progressive deformation: evidence from the Monts d'Aree slate belt (Brittany, France). Geofluids, 8(3), pp. 143-158. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2008.00213.x)

Dale, C.W., Macpherson, C.G., Boyce, A.J. , Nowell, G.M., Pearson, D.G. and Arculus, R.J. (2008) Variable H and O isotopes in Tongan basaltic glasses: Source or degassing? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(12), A195. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.007)

Lowry, D., Grassineau, N. and Boyce, A.J. (2008) Sulphide isotope stratigraphy through the Scottish Neoproterozoic: links to global glaciations and changing ocean sulphate content. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(12), A569. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.015)

Carrillo-Rosúa, J., Morales-Ruano, S., Morata, D., Boyce, A.J. , Belmar, M., Fallick, A.E. and Fenoll Hach-Alí, P. (2008) Mineralogy and geochemistry of El Dorado epithermal gold deposit, El Sauce district, central-northern Chile. Mineralogy and Petrology, 92(3-4), pp. 341-360. (doi: 10.1007/s00710-007-0203-7)

Lawson, M., Ballentine, C.J., Polya, D.A., Boyce, A.J. , Mondal, D., Chatterjee, D., Majumder, S. and Biswas, A. (2008) The geochemical and isotopic composition of ground waters in West Bengal: tracing ground-surface water interaction and its role in arsenic release. Mineralogical Magazine, 72(1), pp. 441-444. (doi: 10.1180/minmag.2008.072.1.441)

Cope, I.L., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Chapman, J.B., Herrington, R.J. and Harris, C.J. (2008) Genesis of the pic de fon iron oxide deposit, Simandou Range, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. In: Banded iron formation-related high-grade iron ore. Series: Reviews in economic geology (15). Society of Economic Geology: Littleton, pp. 339-360. ISBN 9781934969076

de Clercq, F., Muchez, P., Dewaele, S. and Boyce, A. (2008) The tungsten mineralisation at Nyakabingo and Gifurwe (Rwanda): preliminary results. Geologica Belgica, 11(3-4), pp. 251-258.

Gleeson, S.A., Roberts, S., Fallick, A. and Boyce, A. (2008) Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and δD value investigation of hydrothermal vein quartz: Interpretation of fluid inclusion δD values in hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(18), pp. 4595-4606. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.06.014)

Muchez, P., Vanderhaegen, P., El Desouky, H., Schneider, J., Boyce, A. , Dewaele, S. and Cailteux, J. (2008) Anhydrite pseudomorphs and the origin of stratiform Cu-Co ores in the Katangan Copperbelt (Democratic Republic of Congo). Mineralium Deposita, 43(5), pp. 575-589. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-008-0183-5)


Holwell, D.A., Boyce, A.J. and Mcdonald, I. (2007) Sulfur isotope variations within the platreef Ni-Cu-PGE deposit: Genetic implications for the origin of sulfide mineralization. Economic Geology, 102(6), pp. 1091-1110. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.102.6.1091)

Wacey, D., Wright, D.T. and Boyce, A. (2007) A stable isotope study of microbial dolomite formation in the Coorong Region, South Australia. Chemical Geology, 244(1-2), pp. 155-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.06.032)

Boyce, A. (2007) Fluids in early stage hydrothermal alteration of high-sulfidation epithermal systems: A view from the Vulcano active hydrothermal system (Aeolian Island, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 166(2), pp. 76-90. (doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.07.005)

Boyce, A. (2007) High arsenic concentrations and enriched sulfur and oxygen isotopes in a fractured-bedrock ground-water system. Chemical Geology, 242(03-Apr), pp. 385-399. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.04.003)

Boyce, A. (2007) New method for separation of magnetite from rock samples for oxygen isotope analysis. European Journal of Mineralogy, 19(5), pp. 717-722. (doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2007/0019-1761)

Boyce, A. (2007) Stable isotope study of the mineralization and alteration in the Madjarovo Pb-Zn-district, south-east Bulgaria. Mineralium Deposita, 42(7), pp. 691-713. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-007-0130-x)

Boyce, A. (2007) Sulfur isotope variations within the Platreef: genetic implications for the origin of sulfide mineralization. Economic Geology, 102(6), pp. 1091-1110.

Salmi-Laouar, S., Laouar, R. and Boyce, A.J. (2007) Premières données isotopiques sur la mer triasique dans l’Atlas saharien oriental (Algérie). Bulletin Service Géologique National, 18(3), pp. 315-323.


Wagner, T. and Boyce, A. J. (2006) Pyrite metamorphism in the devonian hunsruck slate of Germany: Insights from laser microprobe sulfur isotope analysis and thermodynamic modelling. American Journal of Science, 306(7), pp. 525-552. (doi: 10.2475/07.2006.02)

Druppel, K., Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2006) Evolution of sulfide mineralization in ferrocarbonatite, Swartbooisdrif, northwestern Namibia: Constraints from mineral compositions and sulfur isotopes. Canadian Mineralogist, 44(4), pp. 877-894. (doi: 10.2113/gscanmin.44.4.877)

Smith, D.J., Jenkin, G.R.T., Boyce, A.J. , Naden, J. and Petterson, M.G. (2006) Origin of fluids in the shallow geothermal environment of Savo, Solomon Islands. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(18), A598. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.06.1111)

McGowan, R. R., Roberts, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2006) Origin of the Nchanga copper–cobalt deposits of the Zambian Copperbelt. Mineralium Deposita, 40(6-7), pp. 617-638. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0032-8)

Sánchez-España, J., Velasco, F., Boyce, A. J. and Tornos, F. (2006) Reply to the comments by Marignac and Cathelineau on the paper by Sánchez-España et al.: Source and evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids in the northern Iberian Pyrite Belt massive sulphide deposits (SW Spain): evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes (Mineralium Deposita 38: 519–537). Mineralium Deposita, 40(6-7), pp. 749-754. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0033-7)

Boyce, A. (2006) Discovery of a 25cm asteroid clast in the giant Morokweng impact crater, South Africa. Nature, 441(7090), pp. 203-206. (doi: 10.1038/nature04751)

Boyce, A. (2006) Evolution of sulfide mineralization in ferrocrabonatite, Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia: constraints from mineral chemistry and sulfur isotopes. Canadian Mineralogist, 44(4), pp. 877-894.

Boyce, A. (2006) Precipitation trapped in datable rock-forming minerals: estimating Antarctic palaeoelevations - a discussion. Antarctic Science, 18(1), pp. 123-139. (doi: 10.1017/S0954102006000125)

Coogan, L., Howard, K., Gillis, K., Bickle, M., Chapman, H., Boyce, A. , Jenkin, G. and Wilson, R. (2006) Chemical and thermal constraints on focussed fluid flow in the lower oceanic crust. American Journal of Science, 306, pp. 389-427. (doi: 10.2475/06.2006.01)

Glynn, S., Mills, R., Palmer, M., Pancost, R., Severmann, S. and Boyce, A. (2006) The role of prokaryotes in supergene alteration of submarine hydrothermal sulfides. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 244, pp. 170-185. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.01.065)


Wagner, T., Jonsson, E. and Boyce, A. J. (2005) Metamorphic ore remobilization in the Hällefors district, Bergslagen, Sweden: constraints from mineralogical and small-scale sulphur isotope studies. Mineralium Deposita, 40(1), pp. 100-114. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0463-2)

Laouar, R., Boyce, A.J. , Arafa, M., Ouabadi, A. and Fallick, A.E. (2005) Petrological, geochemical, and stable isotope constraints on the genesis of the Miocene igneous rocks of Chetaibi and Cap de Fer (NE Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 41(5), pp. 445-465. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2005.06.002)

Boyce, A. (2005) Fluid evolution during burial and Variscan deformation in the Lower Devonian rocks of the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium): sources and causes of high-salinity and C-O-H-N fluids. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 150(1), pp. 102-118. (doi: 10.1007/s00410-005-0008-9)

Boyce, A. (2005) Geology and genesis of the Lisheen Zn-Pb deposit, Ireland: ore mineralogy, chemistry and sulfur isotopes. Economic Geology, 100, pp. 63-86.

Boyce, A. (2005) Giant mineral deposits and underlying Earth processes. Mineralium Deposita, 40(5), pp. 449-450. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0031-9)

Boyce, A. (2005) Metamorphic ore remobilisation in the Hõllefors district, Bergslagen, Sweden: constraints from mineralogical and small-scale sulphur isotope studies. Mineralium Deposita, 40, pp. 100-114.

Boyce, A. (2005) Mineral Deposits and Earth Evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 101(2), pp. 481-482. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.101.2.481)

Boyce, A. (2005) Stable isotope-based modeling of the origin and genesis of an unusual Au-Ag-Sn-W epithermal system at Cirotan, Indonesia. Chemical Geology, 219(01-Apr), pp. 237-260.

Carrillo Rosúa, F. J., Morales Ruano, S., Hach-Ali, P. F., Céspedes, D. M., Belmar, M., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2005) Mineralogical and chemical features of gangue phases in relation to hydrothermal mineralization and their host rocks. In: Mao, J. and Bierlein, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1057-1060. ISBN 9783540279457 (doi: 10.1007/3-540-27946-6_270)

Lowry, D., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Stephens, W.E. and Grassineau, N.V. (2005) Terrane and basement discrimination in northern Britain using sulphur isotopes and mineralogy of ore deposits. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 248, pp. 133-151. (doi: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.248.01.07)

Rice, C.M., Steele, G.B., Barfod, D.N. , Boyce, A.J. and Pringle, M.S. (2005) Duration of magmatic, hydrothermal, and supergene activity at Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia. Economic Geology, 100(8), pp. 1647-1656. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.100.8.1647)

Roberts, S., Bach, W., Boyce, A. and Burgess, R. (2005) Sr-87/Sr-86, He-3/He-4, REE and stable isotope (delta S-34, delta O-18) constraints on the hydrothermal fluid evolution of the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin. In: Mao, J. and Bierlein, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 813-815. ISBN 9783540279457

Roberts, S., McGowan, R. and Boyce, A. (2005) Origin of the Nchanga copper-cobalt deposits of the Zambian Copperbelt. In: Mao, J.M. and Bierlein, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 171-173. ISBN 9783540279457 (doi: 10.1007/3-540-27946-6_45)

Russell, M. J., Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2005) 100th anniversary special paper: > on hydrothermal convection systems and the emergence of life. Economic Geology, 100(3), pp. 419-438. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.100.3.419)

Scotney, P.M., Roberts, S., Herrington, R.J., Boyce, A.J. and Burgess, R. (2005) The development of volcanic hosted massive sulfide and barite-gold orebodies on Wetar Island, Indonesia. Mineralium Deposita, 40, pp. 76-99. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0468-x)

Valsami-Jones, E., Baltatzis, E., Bailey, E., Boyce, A. , Alexander, J., Magganas, A., Anderson, L., Waldron, S. and Ragnarsdottir, K. (2005) The geochemistry of fluids from an active shallow submarine hydrothermal system: Milos island, Hellenic Volcanic Arc. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 148, pp. 130-151. (doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.03.018)

Wagner, T., Kirnbauer, T., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2005) Barite-pyrite mineralization of the Wiesbaden thermal spring system, Germany: a 500-kyr record of geochemical evolution. Geofluids, 5(2), pp. 124-139. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2005.00100.x)

Wilkinson, J.J., Eyre, S.L. and Boyce, A.J. (2005) Ore-forming processes in Irish-type carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits: Evidence from mineralogy, chemistry, and isotopic composition of sulfides at the Lisheen mine. Economic Geology, 100(1), pp. 63-86.

Wilkinson, J., Everett, C., Boyce, A. , Gleeson, S. and Rye, D. (2005) Intracratonic crustal seawater circulation and the genesis of subseafloor zinc-lead mineralization in the Irish orefield. Geology, 33, pp. 805-808. (doi: 10.1130/G21740.1)


Druppel, K., Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2004) Evolution of sulphide mineralization in ferrocarbonatite, NW Namibia: Constraints from sulphur isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(11), A310. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.05.007)

Nielsen, J.K., Boyce, A.J. , Elvebakk, G. and Hanken, N.M. (2004) Thermochemical sulfate reduction by hydrocarbons in an evaporate-carbonate reservoir, Orn Formation, Upper Palaeozoic, Barents Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(11), A233. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.05.006)

Anderson, R., Graham, C.M., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2004) Metamorphic and basin fluids in quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins in the SW Scottish Highlands: a stable isotope and fluid inclusion study. Geofluids, 4(2), 169 -185. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8115.2004.00080.x)

Boyce, A. (2004) Kaolin polytype evidence for a hot fluid pulse along Caledonian thrusts during rifting of the European Margin. Mineralogical Magazine, 68(3), pp. 419-432. (doi: 10.1180/0026461046830195)

Mark, G., Williams, P.J. and Boyce, A.J. (2004) Low-latitude meteoric fluid flow along the Cloncurry Fault, Cloncurry district, NW Queensland, Australia: geodynamic and metallogenic implications. Chemical Geology, 207(1-2), pp. 117-132. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2004.02.007)

Parnell, J., Watt, G., Chen, H., Wycherley, H., Boyce, A., Elmore, D., Blumstein, R., Engel, M. and Gree, P. (2004) Kaolin polytype evidence for a hot-fluid pulse along Caledonian thrusts during rifting of the European Margin. Mineralogical Magazine, 68(3), pp. 419-432. (doi: 10.1180/0026461046830195)

Salmi-Laouar, S., Laouar, R., Boyce, A. , Zerdazi, A. and Arouche, Y.E. (2004) Rapports isotopiques du soufre, de l'oxygene et du carbone dans le Massif de Boujaber, NE Algerien: origine des mineralisations a Pb-Zb-Ba et source des fluides. Bulletin du Service Geologique de l'Algerie, 15(1), pp. 3-25.

Wagner, T., Boyce, A.J., Jonsson, E. and Fallick, A.E. (2004) Laser microprobe sulphur isotope analysis of arsenopyrite: experimental calibration and application to the Boliden Au-Cu- As massive sulphide deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 25(3-4), pp. 311-325. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2004.05.002)


McDonald, I., Annels, A., Bevins, R., Boyce, A. , Brabham, P., Butler, I., Herrington, R. and Polya, D. (2003) The Geological Society's 2003 fermor flagship meeting - world class mineral deposits and earth evolution - 18-21 August 2003 -foreword. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 112(2), p. 102. (doi: 10.1179/037174503225002270)

Boyce, A.J. , Fulignati, P. and Sbrana, A. (2003) Deep hydrothermal circulation in a granite intrusion beneath Larderello geothermal area (Italy): constraints from mineralogy, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 126(3-4), pp. 243-262. (doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00150-1)

Rosua, F.J.C., Ruano, S.M., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) High and intermediate sulphidation environment in the same hydrothermal deposit: the example of Au-Cu Palai-Islica deposit, Carboneras (Almeria). In: Eliopoulos, D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, pp. 445-448. ISBN 9789077017777

Sánchez-España, J., Velasco, F., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) Source and evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids in the northern Iberian Pyrite Belt massive sulphide deposits (SW Spain): evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita, 38(5), pp. 519-537. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-002-0326-z)

Gleeson, S.A., Yardley, B.W., Munz, I.A. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Infiltration of basinal fluids into high-grade basement, South Norway: sources and behaviour of waters and brines. Geofluids, 3(1), pp. 33-48. (doi: 10.1046/j.1468-8123.2003.00047.x)

Pedersen, M., Nielsen, J.K., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) Timing and genesis of base- metal mineralisation in black shales of the Upper Permian Ravnefjeld Formation, Wegener Halvo, East Greenland. Mineralium Deposita, 38(1), pp. 108-123. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-002-0283-6)

Boyce, A. (2003) Interplay between sulphur sources in polysulphide mineralisation in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant Fold belt, Belgium. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79, pp. 607-611. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(03)00020-7)

Boyce, A.J., Fulignati, P. and Sbrana, A. (2003) Deep hydrothermal circulation in a granite intrusion beneath Larderello geothermal area (Italy): constraints from mineralogy, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 126(3-4), pp. 243-262. (doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00150-1)

Boyce, A.J. , Little, C.T.S. and Russell, M.J. (2003) A new fossil vent biota in the Ballynoe barite deposit, Silvermines, Ireland: Evidence for intracratonic sea-floor hydrothermal activity about 352 Ma. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 98(3), pp. 649-656.

Carrillo Rosua, F.J., Morales Ruano, S., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) High and intermediate sulphidation environment in the same hydrothermal deposit: the example of Au-Cu Palai-Islica deposit, Carbonera (Almeria). In: Eliopoulos, D.G. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Dewaele, S., Muchez, P. and Boyce, A. (2003) Interplay between sulphur sources in polysulphide mineralisation in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant Fold belt. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79, pp. 607-611. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(03)00020-7)

Dewaele, S., Muchez, P., Boyce, A.J. and Huizenga, P.M. (2003) Sulfur isotope evolution and changing redox conditions in a mesozonal orogenic mineral occurrence in the lower Paleozoic rocks of the Anglo-Brabant fold belt, Belgium. In: Eliopoulos, D.G. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Holland, N.G., Roberts, S., Herrington, R.J. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) The Balta Tau VMS deposit: an ancient gold-rich white smoker? In: Eliopoulos, G.D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Mark, G., Williams, P.J. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Late quartz veining along the Cloncurry Fault, Eastern Fold Belt, NW Queensland, Australia: stable isotope evidence for the incursion of low-latitude meteoric fluids. In: Eliopoulos, G.D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

McGowan, R., Roberts, S., Foster, R.P., Boyce, A.J. and Coller, D. (2003) Origin of the Cu-Co deposits of the Zambian Copperbelt: an epigenetic view from Nchanga. Geology, 31(6), pp. 497-500. (doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0497:OOTCDO>2.0.CO;2)

McGowan, R.R., Roberts, S., Foster, R.P., Boyce, A.J. and Coller, D. (2003) Origin of the copper-cobalt deposits of the Zambian copperbelt: an epigenetic view from Nchanga. Geology, 31(6), pp. 497-500. (doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0497:OOTCDO>2.0.CO;2)

Palero, F.J., Both, R.A., Arribas, A., Boyce, A.J., Mangas, J. and Martin-Izard, A. (2003) Geology and metallogenic evolution of the polymetallic deposits of the Alcudia Valley mineral field, eastern Sierra Morena, Spain. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 98(3), pp. 577-605. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.98.3.577)

Roberts, S. et al. (2003) Contrasting evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin. The Sr and S isotope evidence. Geology, 31(9), pp. 805-808. (doi: 10.1130/G19716.1)

Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Sulphur isotope geochemistry of black shale-hosted antimony mineralization, Arnsberg, northern Rhenish Massif, Germany. Journal of Geological Society, 160(2), pp. 299-308. (doi: 10.1144/0016-764902-010)

Wagner, T., Jonsson, E. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Small-scale sulphur isotope study of metamorphic ore remobilisation in the Hallefors district, Bergslagen, Sweden. In: Eliopoulos, G.D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Everett, C.E. and Lee, M.J. (2003) Timing and depth of mineralization in the Irish Zn-Pb orefield. In: Kelly, G., Andrew, J., Ashton, H., Boland, B., Earls, G., Fusciardi, L. and Stanley, G. (eds.) Europe's Major Base Metal Deposits. Irish Association for Economic Geology: Dublin, Ireland, pp. 483-497. ISBN 9780950989433

Wycherley, H.L., Parnell, J., Watt, G.R., Chen, H. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Indicators of hot fluid migration in sedimentary basins: evidence from the UK Atlantic Margin. Petroleum Geoscience, 9(4), pp. 357-374.


Laouar, R., Boyce, A.J., Ahmed-Said, Y., Ouabadi, A., Fallick, A.E. and Toubal, A. (2002) Stable isotope study of the igneous, metamorphic and mineralized rocks of the Edough complex, Annaba, Northeast Algeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 35(2), pp. 271-283. (doi: 10.1016/S0899-5362(02)00037-4)

Piessens, K., Muchez, P., Dewaele, S., Boyce, A., De Vos, W., Sintubin, M., Debacker, T.N., Burke, E.A.J. and Viaene, W. (2002) Fluid flow, alteration and polysulphide mineralisation associated with a low-angle reverse shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant fold belt, Belgium. Tectonophysics, 348(1-3), pp. 73-92. (doi: 10.1016/S0040-1951(01)00250-5)

Banks, D.A., Boyce, A.J. and Samson, I.M. (2002) Constraints on the origins of fluids forming Irish Zn-Pb-Ba deposits: Evidence from the composition of fluid inclusions. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 97(3), pp. 471-480.

Blakeman, R.J., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J., Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (2002) Timing of interplay between hydrothermal and surface fluids in the Navan Zn plus Pb orebody, Ireland: Evidence from metal distribution trends, mineral textures, and delta S-34 analyses. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 97(1), pp. 73-91.

Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M., Banks, D.A., Buschaert, S., Fourcade, S., Coulibaly, Y., Michelot, J.L. and Boyce, A.J. (2002) Fluid transfers at a basement/cover interface Part II. Large- scale introduction of chlorine into the basement by Mesozoic basinal brines. Chemical Geology, 192(1-2), pp. 121-140. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00191-2)

Boyce, A. (2002) Sulfur stable isotope signatures of the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, Serra do Itaberaba group, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Geochimica Brasiliensis, 16(1), pp. 79-97.

Wagner, T., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2002) Laser combustion analysis of delta S-34 of sulfosalt minerals: Determination of the fractionation systematics and some crystal-chemical considerations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66(16), pp. 2855-2863. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00891-8)


Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2001) Sulphur isotope characteristics of recrystallisation, remobilisation and reaction processes: a case study from the Ramsbeck Pb-Zn deposit, Germany. Mineralium Deposita, 36(7), pp. 670-679. (doi: 10.1007/s001260100194)

Nord, A.G., Tronner, K. and Boyce, A.J. (2001) Atmospheric bronze and copper corrosion as an environmental indicator. A study based on chemical and sulphur isotope data. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 127(1-4), pp. 193-204. (doi: 10.1023/A:1005254913598)

Vroon, P.Z., Lowry, D., Van Bergen, M.J., Boyce, A.J. and Mattey, D.P. (2001) Oxygen isotope systematics of the Banda Arc: Low delta O-18 despite involvement of subducted continental material in magma genesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(4), pp. 589-609. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00554-8)

Boyce, A. (2001) Sulphur isotope characteristics of recrystallisation, remobilisation and reaction processes: a case study from the Ramsbeck Pb- Zn deposit, Germany. Mineralium Deposita, 36(7), pp. 670-679. (doi: 10.1007/s001260100194)

Fallick, A.E., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Ellam, R.M. and Russell, M.J. (2001) Bacteria were responsible for the magnitude of the world-class hydrothermal base metal sulfide orebody at Navan Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96(4), pp. 885-890.

Millar, I.L., Willan, R.C.R., Wareham, C.D. and Boyce, A.J. (2001) The role of crustal and mantle sources in the genesis of granitoids of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent crustal blocks. Journal of the Geological Society, 158(5), pp. 855-867.

Rice, C.M., Harmon, R.S., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2001) Assessment of grid-based whole-rock delta D surveys in exploration: Boulder County epithermal tungsten deposit, Colorado. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96(1), pp. 133-143.

Richards, J.P., Boyce, A.J.,. and Pringle, M.S. (2001) Geological evolution of the Escondida Area, Northern Chile: a model for spatial and temporal localization of Porphyry Cu mineralization. Economic Geology, 96(2), pp. 271-305.

Richards, J.P., Boyce, A.J. and Pringle, M.S. (2001) Geologic evolution of the Escondida area, northern Chile: A model for spatial and temporal localization of porphyry Cu mineralization. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96(2), pp. 271-305.

Wagner, T. and Boyce, A. J. (2001) Sulphide-sulphosalt reactions and sphalerite remobilisation in siderite-Pb-Zn-Sb veins of the Siegerland district, Germany: a laser microprobe sulphur isotope study. In: Piestrzynski, A. (ed.) Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century. CRC Press. ISBN 9781003077503


Barker, A.J., Bennett, D.G., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2000) Retrogression by deep infiltration of meteoric fluids into thrust zones during late-orogenic rapid unroofing. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 18(3), pp. 307-318. (doi: 10.1046/j.1525-1314.2000.00257.x)

Gleeson, S.A., Yardley, B.W.D., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Munz, L.A. (2000) From basin to basement: the movement of surface fluids into the crust. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69, pp. 527-531. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(00)00114-X)

McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Harte, B. and Scott, E.M. (2000) Sulphur isotope variations in diagenetic pyrite from core plug to sub-millimetre scales. Clay Minerals, 35(1), pp. 303-311. (doi: 10.1180/000985500546675)

Parnell, J., Baron, M. and Boyce, A. (2000) Controls on kaolinite and dickite distribution, Highland Boundary Fault Zone, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society, 157(3), pp. 635-640.

Parnell, J. et al. (2000) Regional fluid flow and gold mineralization in the Dalradian of the Sperrin Mountains, northern Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 95(7), pp. 1389-1416.

Piessens, K., Muchez, P., Viaene, W., Boyce, A. , De Vos, W., Sintubin, M. and Debacker, T. (2000) Alteration and fluid characteristics of a mineralised shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant belt, Belgium. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69, pp. 317-321. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(00)00082-0)

Polya, D.A., Foxford, K.A., Stuart, F., Boyce, A. and Fallick, A.E. (2000) Evolution and paragenetic context of low delta D hydrothermal fluids from the Panasqueira W-Sn deposit, Portugal: New evidence from microthermometric, stable isotope, noble gas and halogen analyses of primary fluid inclusions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64(19), pp. 3357-3371. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00459-2)


Gleeson, S.A., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Stuart, F.M. (1999) On the occurrence and wider implications of anomalously low δD fluids in quartz veins, South Cornwall, England. Chemical Geology, 160(1-2), pp. 161-173. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00052-2)

Munoz, M., Boyce, A. J. , Courjault-Rade, P., Fallick, A. E. and Tollon, F. (1999) Continental basinal origin of ore fluids from southwestern Massif central fluorite veins (Albigeois, France): evidence from fluid inclusion and stable isotope analyses. Applied Geochemistry, 14(4), pp. 447-458. (doi: 10.1016/S0883-2927(98)00070-5)

Wilkinson, J. J., Boyce, A.J. , Earls, G. and Fallick, A. E. (1999) Gold remobilization by low-temperature brines; evidence from the Curraghinalt gold deposit, Northern Ireland. Economic Geology, 94(2), pp. 289-296. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.94.2.289)

Alonso-Azcárate, J., Boyce, A. J. , Bottrell, S. H., Macaulay, C. I., Rodas, M., Fallick, A. E. and Mas, J. R. (1999) Development and use of in situ laser sulfur isotope analyses for pyrite-anhydrite geothermometry: An example from the pyrite deposits of the Cameros Basin, NE Spain. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63(3-4), pp. 509-513. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00022-8)

Blakeman, R.J., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (1999) Metal enrichment trends within the Navan Zn plus Pb deposit: Indicators of feeder zones. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 813-816.

Both, R.A., Palero, F.J., Arribas, A., Boyce, A. and Mangas, J. (1999) Metallogenesis of lead-zinc deposits of the Alcudia Valley, Spain. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 817-820.

Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Little, C.T.S., Wilkinson, J.J. and Everett, C.E. (1999) A hydrothermal vent tube worm in the Ballynoe baryte deposit, Silvermines, Ireland: Implications for timing and ore genesis. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 825-827.

Bruce, S., Yardley, B.W.D., Banks, D., Boyce, A.J. , Munoz, M., Courjault-Rade, P. and Tollon, F. (1999) Mineralising brines in the South West Massif Central, France. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 29-32.

Cruise, M.D., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1999) Iron-oxide alteration associated with the carbonate-hosted Tynagh and Crinkill base-metal deposits, Ireland: Evidence for the involvement of dissolved atmospheric oxygen. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 833-836.

Everett, C.E., Rye, D.M., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Ellam, R.M., Fallick, A.E. and Gleeson, S.A. (1999) The genesis of Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits: characterisation and origin of the principal ore fluid. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 845-848.

Gleeson, S.A., Banks, D.A., Everett, C.E., Wilkinson, J.J., Samson, I.M. and Boyce, A.J. (1999) Origin of mineralising fluids in Irish-type deposits: Constraints from halogens. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 857-860.

Jonsson, E. and Boyce, A.J. (1999) Correlation of mineral parageneses with S and O isotopic variation in Pb-Mn-As-Sb-bearing veins at Langban, Sweden. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 951-954.

Knight, F.C., Rickard, D. and Boyce, A.J. (1999) Multigenetic origin for the secondary enrichment in the Las Cruces VMS deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 543-546.


Velasco, F., Sánchez-España, J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Sáez, R. and Almodóvar, G.R. (1998) A new sulphur isotopic study of some Iberian Pyrite Belt deposits: evidence of a textural control on sulphur isotope composition. Mineralium Deposita, 34(1), pp. 4-18. (doi: 10.1007/s001260050182)

Renzulli, A., Upton, B. G.J., Boyce, A. and Ellam, R. M. (1998) Petrology of quartz syenite and hauyne syenite clasts from the Pitigliano Formation, Latera caldera, Vulsini District, Central Italy. European Journal of Mineralogy, 10(2), pp. 333-354. (doi: 10.1127/ejm/10/2/0333)

Anderson, I.K., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (1998) Ore depositional processes in the Navan Zn-Pb deposit, Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 93(5), pp. 535-563. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.93.5.535)

Demeny, A., Ahijado, A., Casillas, R., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (1998) Crustal contamination of carbonates indicated by 34S-13C correlations. RMZ: Materials and Geoenvironment, 45(1-2), pp. 20-21.

Wareham, C.D., Rice, C.M., Boyce, A.J. and Rogers, G. (1998) S, C, Sr, and Pb sources in the Pliocene Silver Creek porphyry, Mo system Rio, Colorado. Economic Geology, 93(1), pp. 32-46. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.93.1.32)


Macaulay, C.I., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Haszeldine, R.S. (1997) Quartz veins record vertical flow at a Graben Edge; Fulmar oil field, central North Sea. AAPG Bulletin, 81(12), pp. 2024-2033.

Drake, K.E., Boyce, A.J. , Clapperton, C.M., Fallick, A.E., Rice, C.M. and Redwood, S.D. (1997) Supergene mineralization at the Kori Kollo gold mine, Bolivia. Exploration and Mining Geology, 6(3), pp. 209-221.

Munoz, M., Boyce, A. , Courjault-Rade, P., Fallick, A. and Tollon, F. (1997) Peyrebrune (Zn, F) lode-deposit (SW Massif Central, France): geochemical characterization of fluids during the Mesozoic at the eastern border of the Aquitain basin. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 324(11), pp. 899-906. (doi: 10.1016/S1251-8050(97)82503-7)

Boyce, A.J. et al. (1997) The identification and role of three fluids in the genesis of a mesozonal gold deposit at Curraghinalt, Northern Ireland. In: Papunen, H. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration - Where do they meet? Proceedings of the 4th Biennial SGA Meeting, Turku, Finland. Series: Opas (Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Finland)) (41-45). A.A. Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 161-163. ISBN 9789054108894

Fletcher, T.A., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Rice, C.M. and Kay, R.L.F. (1997) Geology and stable isotope study of Arthrath mafic intrusion and Ni-Cu mineralization, northeast Scotland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 106, B169-B178.

Maynard, J., Prichard, H.M., Ixer, R.A., Lord, R.A., Wright, I.P., Pillinger, C.T., McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1997) Sulphur isotope study of Ni-Fe-Cu mineralization in the Shetland ophiolite. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 106, B215-B226.


Smith, M., Banks, D. A., Yardley, B. W.D. and Boyce, A. (1996) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope constraints on the genesis of the Cligga Head Sn-W deposit, S.W. England. European Journal of Mineralogy, 8(5), pp. 961-974. (doi: 10.1127/ejm/8/5/0961)

Wen, N., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Ashworth, J.R. and Ixer, R.A. (1996) The genesis of Cu-bearing quartz veins by metamorphic remobilization from stratiform red bed deposits, SW County Cork, Ireland. Mineralogy and Petrology, 57(1-2), pp. 73-89. (doi: 10.1007/BF01161622)


Craw, D., Hall, A.J., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (1995) Sulphur isotopes in a metamorphogenic gold deposit, Macraes mine, Otago Schist, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 38(2), pp. 131-136. (doi: 10.1080/00288306.1995.9514645)

Rice, C.M. et al. (1995) A Devonian auriferous hot spring system, Rhynie, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 152(2), pp. 229-250. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.152.2.0229)


Munoz, M., Boyce, A. J. , Courjault-Rade, P., Fallick, A. E. and Tollon, F. (1994) Multi-stage fluid incursion in the Palaeozoic basement-hosted Saint-Salvy ore deposit (NW Montagne Noire, southern France). Applied Geochemistry, 9(6), pp. 609-626. (doi: 10.1016/0883-2927(94)90022-1)

Thomson, B., Fallick, A.E., Boyce, A.J. and Rice, C. (1994) The Candelaria silver deposit, Nevada - preliminary sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry. Mineralium Deposita, 29(4), pp. 318-329. (doi: 10.1007/BF00191038)

Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1994) A sulphur isotope study of iron sulphides in the late Precambrian Dalradian Ardrishaig Phyllite Formation, Knapdale, Argyll. Scottish Journal of Geology, 30(1), pp. 63-71. (doi: 10.1144/sjg30010063)

Sullivan, M. D., Haszeldine, R. S., Boyce, A. J. , Rogers, G. and Fallick, A. E. (1994) Late anhydrite cements mark basin inversion: isotopic and formation water evidence, Rotliegend Sandstone, North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 11(1), pp. 46-54. (doi: 10.1016/0264-8172(94)90008-6)

Lowry, D., Boyce, A. J. , Fallick, A. E. and Stephens, W. E. (1994) Genesis of porphyry and plutonic mineralisation systems in metaluminous granitoids of the Grampian Terrane, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 85(3), pp. 221-237. (doi: 10.1017/S0263593300003618)

Hall, A.J., McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1994) Sulfides with high delta-s-34 from the late Precambrian Bonahaven dolomite, Argyll, Scotland. Mineralogical Magazine, 392(58), pp. 486-490.


McGill, R.A.R., Hall, A.J., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (1993) The palaeoenvironment of East Kirkton, West Lothian, Scotland: stable isotope evidence from silicates and sulphides. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 84(3-4), pp. 223-237. (doi: 10.1017/S0263593300006040)

Curtis, S., Pattrick, R., Jenkin, G., Fallick, A.E., Boyce, A.J. and Treagus, J.E. (1993) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of fault-related mineralization in Tyndrum area, Scotland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 102, B39-B47.


Skauli, H., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1992) A sulphur isotopic study of the Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-Cu deposit, Nordland, northern Norway. Mineralium Deposita, 27(4), pp. 284-292. (doi: 10.1007/BF00193399)

Fallick, A.E., McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. , Burgess, R. and Kelley, S.P. (1992) Laser microprobe stable isotope measurements on geological materials: Some experimental considerations (with special reference toδ34S in sulphides). Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 101(1-2), pp. 53-61. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2541(92)90202-G)

Kelley, S.P., Fallick, A.E., McConville, P. and Boyce, A.J. (1992) High-precision, high spatial-resolution analysis of sulfur isotopes by laser combustion of natural sulfide minerals. Scanning Microscopy, 6, pp. 129-138.


Lowry, D., Boyce, A.J. , Pattrick, R.A.D., Fallick, A.E. and Stanley, C.J. (1991) A sulphur isotopic investigation of the potential sulphur sources for Lower Palaeozoic-hosted vein mineralization in the English Lake District. Journal of the Geological Society, 148(6), pp. 993-1004. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.148.6.0993)

Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Hamilton, P.J. (1991) Isotopic evidence of the depositional environment of Late Proterozoic stratiform barite mineralisation, Aberfeldy, Scotland. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 87(2), pp. 99-114. (doi: 10.1016/0168-9622(91)90044-W)


Laouar, R., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Leake, B.E. (1990) A sulphur isotope study on selected Caledonian granites of Britain and Ireland. Geological Journal, 25(3-4), pp. 359-369. (doi: 10.1002/gj.3350250318)


Fletcher, T.A., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1989) A sulphur isotope study of Ni-Cu mineralization in the Huntly-Knock Caledonian mafic and ultramafic intrusions of northeast Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 146(4), pp. 675-684. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.146.4.0675)

Naylor, H., Turner, P., Vaughan, D. J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1989) Genetic studies of red bed mineralization in the Triassic of the Cheshire Basin, northwest England. Journal of the Geological Society, 146(4), pp. 685-699. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.146.4.0685)

Anderson, I.K., Andrew, C.J., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Caulfield, J.B.D., Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (1989) Preliminary sulphur isotope data of diagenetic and vein sulphides in the Lower Palaeozoic strata of Ireland and southern Scotland: implications for Zn + Pb + Ba mineralization. Journal of the Geological Society, 146(4), pp. 715-720. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.146.4.0715)


Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1988) A sulfur isotope study of iron sulfides in the late Precambrian Dalradian Easdale slate formation, Argyll, Scotland. Mineralogical Magazine, 52, pp. 483-490.

Pattrick, R.A.D., Boyce, A. and MacIntyre, R.M. (1988) Gold-Silver vein mineralization at Tyndrum, Scotland. Mineralogy and Petrology, 38(1), pp. 61-76. (doi: 10.1007/BF01162482)


Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1987) Iron sulphides in metasediments: isotopic support for a retrogressive pyrrhotite to pyrite reaction. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 65(3-4), pp. 305-310. (doi: 10.1016/0168-9622(87)90010-8)

McArthur, J.M., Hamilton, P.J., Greensmith, J.T., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Birch, G., Walsh, J.N., Benmore, R.A. and Coleman, M.L. (1987) Phosphorite geochemistry: isotopic evidence for meteoric alteration of francolite on a local scale. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 65(3-4), pp. 415-425. (doi: 10.1016/0168-9622(87)90017-0)


Boyce, A.J. , Coleman, M. L. and Russell, M.J. (1983) Formation of fossil hydrothermal chimneys and mounds from Silvermines, Ireland. Nature, 306(5943), pp. 545-550. (doi: 10.1038/306545a0)

Boyce, A.J. , Anderton, R. and Russell, M.J. (1983) Rapid subsidence and early carboniferous base-metal mineralization in Ireland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 92, B55-B66.


Larter, R.C.L., Boyce, A.J. and Russell, M.J. (1982) Hydrothermal pyrite chimneys - feeders to the synsedimentary Ballynoe baryte deposit. Journal of the Geological Society, 139(1), p. 99.


Larter, R.C.L., Boyce, A.J. and Russell, M.J. (1981) Hydrothermal pyrite chimneys from the Ballynoe baryte deposit, Silvermines, County Tipperary, Ireland. Mineralium Deposita, 16(2), pp. 309-317. (doi: 10.1007/BF00202742)

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 20:00:13 2024 BST.
Number of items: 416.


Moles, N. R., Boyce, A. J. , Warke, M. R. and Claire, M. W. (2024) Syn-sedimentary exhalative or diagenetic replacement? Multi-proxy evidence for origin of metamorphosed stratiform barite–sulfide deposits near Aberfeldy, Scottish Highlands. Minerals, 14(9), 865. (doi: 10.3390/min14090865)

Walls, D.B., Banks, D. , Kremer, Y., Boyce, A.J. and Burnside, N.M. (2024) GIS analysis for the selection of optimal sites for mine water geothermal energy application: a case study of Scotland's mining regions. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 57(3), (doi: 10.1144/qjegh2023-050)

MacDonald, J.M. , VanderWal, J., Roberts, N.M.W., Winkelstern, I.Z., Faithfull, J.W. and Boyce, A.J. (2024) Fingerprinting fluid source in calcite veins: combining LA-ICP-MS U-Pb calcite dating with trace elements and clumped isotope palaeothermometry. Tektonika, 2(1), pp. 27-39.

Usman, M. B., Jolley, D. W., Brasier, A. T. and Boyce, A. J. (2024) Sequence stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental implications of Cenomanian–Santonian dinocyst assemblages from the Trans‐Sahara epicontinental seaway: a multivariate statistical approach. Depositional Record, 10(1), pp. 91-123. (doi: 10.1002/dep2.260)

Mikhail, S., Stüeken, E. E., Boocock, T. J., Athey, M., Mappin, N., Boyce, A. J. , Liebmann, J., Spencer, C. J. and Bucholz, C. E. (2024) Strongly peraluminous granites provide independent evidence for an increase in biomass burial across the Precambrian–Phanerozoic boundary. Geology, 52(1), pp. 87-91. (doi: 10.1130/G51800.1)

Lee, M. R. , Hallis, L. J. , Daly, L. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) The water content of CM carbonaceous chondrite falls and finds, and their susceptibility to terrestrial contamination. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 58(12), pp. 1760-1772. (doi: 10.1111/maps.14099)

Heptinstall, E.A., Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. and Still, J.W. (2023) Trace element minerals from carbonatite-related fluids, The Aird, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 59(1-2), sjg2021-015. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2021-015)

Walls, D.B., Banks, D. , Boyce, A.J. , Townsend, D.H. and Burnside, N.M. (2023) Combining ground stability investigation with exploratory drilling for mine water geothermal energy development; lessons from exploration and monitoring. Scottish Journal of Geology, 59(1-2), sjg2022-011. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2022-011)

Kelka, U., Beaudoin, N. E., Lorenz, J., Koehn, D., Regenauer-Lieb, K., Boyce, A. and Chung, P. (2023) Zebra dolomites of the Spessart, Germany: implications for hydrothermal systems of the European Zechstein Basin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 112(8), pp. 2293-2311. (doi: 10.1007/s00531-023-02346-x)

McCormick, C. A., Corlett, H., Clog, M. , Boyce, A. J. , Tartèse, R., Steele‐MacInnis, M. and Hollis, C. (2023) Basin scale evolution of zebra textures in fault-controlled, hydrothermal dolomite bodies: insights from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Basin Research, 35(5), pp. 2010-2039. (doi: 10.1111/bre.12789)

Heijlen, W., Vos, K., Kartalis, N., Boyce, A. J. and Muchez, P. (2023) The formation of vein-type barite (± base metal, gold) deposits in northern Madagascar and its link with Mesozoic Pangean rifting. Mineralium Deposita, (doi: 10.1007/s00126-023-01205-8) (Early Online Publication)

Boocock, T. J., Stüeken, E. E., Bybee, G. M., König, R., Boyce, A. J. , Prytulak, J., Buisman, I. and Mikhail, S. (2023) Equilibrium partitioning and isotopic fractionation of nitrogen between biotite, plagioclase, and K-feldspar during magmatic differentiation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 356, pp. 116-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.07.010)

Jones, S. M., Cloutier, J., Prave, A. R., Raub, T. D., Stüeken, E. E., Stein, H. J., Yang, G. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) Fluid flow, alteration, and timing of Cu-Ag mineralization at the White Pine sediment-hosted copper deposit, Michigan, USA. Economic Geology, 118(6), pp. 1431-1465. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.5013)

Parnell, J., Armstrong, J., Blamey, N.J.F., Boyce, A. J. , Schito, A. and Muirhead, D. (2023) The role of organic carbon in the Southern Uplands-Down-Longford Terrane accretionary prism, Scotland and Ireland. Petroleum Geoscience, 29(3), 2022-059. (doi: 10.1144/petgeo2022-059)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. , Armstrong, J. G. T., Schito, A. and Muirhead, D. (2023) The stable isotope (C, O, S) record of Paleoproterozoic marbles, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 59(1-2), 2023-009. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2023-009)

Armstrong, J. G. T., Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. and Perez, M. (2023) Trace element release from Bowland Shale into spring water, Lancashire. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 534, SP534-2022-180. (doi: 10.1144/sp534-2022-180)

Fulignati, P. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) Stable isotope (δ18O, δD) composition of magmatic fluids exsolved from an active alkaline magma chamber—the case of the AD 79 magma chamber of Vesuvius. Minerals, 13(7), 913. (doi: 10.3390/min13070913)

Boocock, T. J., Mikhail, S., Boyce, A. J. , Prytulak, J., Savage, P. S. and Stüeken, E. E. (2023) A primary magmatic source of nitrogen to Earth’s crust. Nature Geoscience, 16(6), pp. 521-526. (doi: 10.1038/s41561-023-01194-3)

Chambers, R. M., Johnson, G., Boyce, A. J. and Gilfillan, S. M. V. (2023) Constraining the geochemical fingerprints of gases from the UK carboniferous coal measures at the Glasgow Geoenergy Observatories field site, Scotland. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3, 10073. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2023.10073)

Walls, D. B., Boyce, A. J. , Banks, D. and Burnside, N. M. (2023) The occurrence of elevated δ34S in dissolved sulfate in a multi-level coal mine water system, Glasgow, UK. International Journal of Coal Geology, 272, 104248. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2023.104248)

Banks, D. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) Dissolved sulphate δ34S and the origin of sulphate in coal mine waters; NE England. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 56(2), (doi: 10.1144/qjegh2022-106)

Stefanova, E., Georgiev, S., Peytcheva, I., Marchev, P., von Quadt, A., Raicheva, R., Gerdjikov, I., Kouzmanov, K., Boyce, A. and Vennemann, T. (2023) Sulfide trace element signatures and S- and Pb-isotope geochemistry of porphyry copper and epithermal gold-base metal mineralization in the Elatsite–Chelopech ore field (Bulgaria). Minerals, 13(5), 630. (doi: 10.3390/min13050630)

Bouhier, V., Franchini, M., Tornos, F., Rainoldi, A. L., Patrier, P., Beaufort, D., Boyce, A. J. , Pratt, W. and Impiccini, A. (2023) Genesis of the Loma Galena Pb-Ag deposit, Navidad District, Patagonia, Argentina: a unique epithermal system capped by an anoxic lake. Economic Geology, 118(2), pp. 433-457. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4968)

Fernandes, K. G., Xavier, R. P., Moreto, C. P.N., Melo, G. H.C. and Boyce, A. J. (2023) The hydrothermal evolution of the Alvo Açaí Cu (Au, Mo) Skarn deposit, Carajás Province, Brazil. Economic Geology, 118(2), pp. 459-483. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4977)

Utley, R. E. et al. (2023) Multi-isotope geochemical baseline study of the Carbon Management Canada Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), prior to CO2 injection. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3, 10069. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2023.10069)

Walls, D. B., Banks, D. , Peshkur, T., Boyce, A. and Burnside, N. M. (2022) Heat recovery potential and hydrochemistry of mine water discharges from Scotland’s coalfields. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 2, 10056. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2022.10056)

King, A. J. et al. (2022) The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances, 8(46), eabq3925. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq3925) (PMID:36383648) (PMCID:PMC9668287)

Blanks, D. E., Holwell, D. A., Barnes, S. J., Schoneveld, L. E., Boyce, A. J. and Mbiri, L. (2022) Evolution of the Munali Intrusive Complex: host to a carbonate-rich Ni-(Cu-PGE) sulfide deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 150, 105109. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105109)

Koehn, D., Kelka, U., Toussaint, R., Siegel, C., Mullen, G., Boyce, A. and Piazolo, S. (2022) Outcrop scale mixing enhanced by permeability variations: the role of stationary and travelling waves of high saturation indices. Geological Magazine, 159(11-12), pp. 2279-2292. (doi: 10.1017/S001675682200070X)

Gonoi, Y., Imai, A., Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Boyce, A. J. and Ishibashi, J.-i. (2022) High temperature wall-rock alteration zoning in the Sanjin deposit, Hishikari gold mine, Japan: Implication for exploration of mature mining districts. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 240, 107018. (doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2022.107018)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. and Næraa, T. (2022) Seawater signatures in the supracrustal Lewisian Complex, Scotland. Geological Magazine, 159(9), pp. 1638-1646. (doi: 10.1017/S0016756822000474)

Soutter, E. L., Kane, I. A., Martínez-Doñate, A., Boyce, A. J. , Stacey, J. and Castelltort, S. (2022) The Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the Alpine foreland basin: Paleoenvironmental change recorded in submarine fans. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 600, 111064. (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111064)

Monaghan, A. A. et al. (2022) Time zero for net zero: a coal mine baseline for decarbonising heat. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 2, 10054. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2022.10054)

Georgieva, M. N., Little, C. T. S., Herrington, R. J., Boyce, A. J. , Zerkle, A. L., Maslennikov, V. V., Edinburgh Ion Microprobe Facility, and Glover, A. .G. (2022) Sulfur isotopes of hydrothermal vent fossils and insights into microbial sulfur cycling within a lower Paleozoic (Ordovician-early Silurian) vent community. Geobiology, 20(4), pp. 465-478. (doi: 10.1111/gbi.12495) (PMID:35584309) (PMCID:PMC9320992)

Koeshidayatullah, A., Al‑Sinawi, N., Swart, P. K., Boyce, A. , Redfern, J. and Hollis, C. (2022) Coevolution of diagenetic fronts and fluid‑fracture pathways. Scientific Reports, 12, 9278. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13186-1) (PMID:35661773) (PMCID:PMC9166768)

Tsikos, H. et al. (2022) Carbon isotope stratigraphy of Precambrian iron formations and possible significance for the early biological pump. Gondwana Research, 109, pp. 416-428. (doi: 10.1016/

Armstrong, J. G. T., Parnell, J. and Boyce, A. J. (2022) Carbon in mineralised plutons. Geosciences, 12(5), 202. (doi: 10.3390/geosciences12050202)

Doran, A. L., Hollis, S. P., Menuge, J. F., Piercey, S. J., Boyce, A. J. , Johnson, S., Güven, J. and Turner, O. (2022) A distal, high-grade Irish-type orebody: petrographic, sulfur isotope, and sulfide chemistry of the Island Pod Zn-Pb orebody, Lisheen, Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 117(2), pp. 305-326. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4882)

Pincetti-Zúniga, G.P., Richards, L.A., Daniele, L., Boyce, A.J. and Polya, D.A. (2022) Hydrochemical characterization, spatial distribution, and geochemical controls on arsenic and boron in waters from arid Arica and Parinacota, northern Chile. Science of the Total Environment, 806, 150206. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150206) (PMID:34563905)

Zedam, R., Laouar, R., Lekoui, A., Metrouni, H., Bouhlel, S., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2022) Origin of the Mizab barite vein-type deposit, Ain Mimoun (NE Algeria): evidence from fluid inclusion and S-, O- and C-stable isotope studies. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(3), 298. (doi: 10.1007/s12517-022-09611-4)

Yesares, L., Menuge, J. F., Blakeman, R. J., Ashton, J. H., Boyce, A. J. , Coller, D., Drummond, D. A. and Farrelly, I. (2022) Pyritic mineralization halo above the Tara Deep Zn-Pb deposit, Navan, Ireland: Evidence for sub-seafloor exhalative hydrothermal processes? Ore Geology Reviews, 140, 104415. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104415)

Parnell, J., Brolly, C. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Mixed metamorphic and fluid graphite deposition in Palaeoproterozoic supracrustal rocks of the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland. Terra Nova, 33(6), pp. 541-550. (doi: 10.1111/ter.12546)

Waizy, H., Moles, N. R., Smith, M. P. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Formation of the giant Aynak copper deposit, Afghanistan: evidence from mineralogy, lithogeochemistry and sulphur isotopes. International Geology Review, 63(17), pp. 2104-2128. (doi: 10.1080/00206814.2020.1824129)

Walls, D. B., Banks, D. , Boyce, A. J. and Burnside, N. M. (2021) A review of the performance of minewater heating and cooling systems. Energies, 14(19), 6215. (doi: 10.3390/en14196215)

Lee, M. R. , Cohen, B. E. , Boyce, A. J. , Hallis, L. J. and Daly, L. (2021) The pre-atmospheric hydrogen inventory of CM carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 309, pp. 31-44. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.06.013)

Eickmann, B., Little, C. T. S., Peckmann, J., Taylor, P. D., Boyce, A. J. , Morgan, D. J. and Bach, W. (2021) Shallow-marine serpentinization-derived fluid seepage in the Upper Cretaceous Qahlah Formation, United Arab Emirates. Geological Magazine, 158(9), pp. 1561-1571. (doi: 10.1017/S0016756821000121)

Parnell, J., Brolly, C. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Graphite from Palaeoproterozoic enhanced carbon burial, and its metallogenic legacy. Geological Magazine, 158(9), pp. 1711-1718. (doi: 10.1017/S0016756821000583)

Hutchison, W., Finch, A. A., Borst, A. M., Marks, M. A.W., Upton, B. G.J., Zerkle, A. L., Stüeken, E. E. and Boyce, A. (2021) Mantle sources and magma evolution in Europe's largest rare earth element belt (Gardar Province, SW Greenland): New insights from sulfur isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 568, 117034. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117034)

Shaw, J. M., Evenstar, L., Cooper, F. J., Adams, B. A., Boyce, A. J. , Hofmann, .F. and Farley, K. A. (2021) A rusty record of weathering and groundwater movement in the hyperarid Central Andes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(8), e2021GC009759. (doi: 10.1029/2021GC009759)

Martin, A. J., McDonald, I., Jenkin, G. R.T., McFall, K. A., Boyce, A. J. , Jamieson, J. W. and MacLeod, C. J. (2021) A missing link between ancient and active mafic-hosted seafloor hydrothermal systems – Magmatic volatile influx in the exceptionally preserved Mala VMS deposit, Troodos, Cyprus. Chemical Geology, 567, 120127. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120127)

Cawood, I. P., Murphy, J. B., McCarthy, W. J. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) O and H isotopic evidence for a mantle source of water in appinite magma: an example from the late Neoproterozoic Greendale complex, Nova Scotia. Lithos, 386-87, 105997. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.105997)

Soberano, O. B., Gabo-Ratio, J. A. S., Queaño, K. L., Dimalanta, C. B., Yumul Jr., G. P., Andal, E. S., Yonezu, K. and Boyce, A. J. (2021) Mineral chemistry, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Suyoc epithermal veins: insights to Au-Cu mineralization in southern Mankayan Mineral District, Philippines. Ore Geology Reviews, 131, 104035. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104035)

Banks, D. , Boyce, A. J. , Westaway, R. and Burnside, N. M. (2021) Sulphur isotopes in deep groundwater reservoirs: evidence from post-stimulation flowback at the Pohang geothermal facility, Korea. Geothermics, 91, 102003. (doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.102003)

Wiedenbeck, M. et al. (2021) Tourmaline reference materials for the in situ analysis of oxygen and lithium isotope ratio compositions. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45(1), pp. 91-119. (doi: 10.1111/ggr.12362)

Saintilan, N. J., Sheldrake, T. E., Creaser, R. A., Selby, D., Zieg, J., Boyce, A. , Chelle-Michou, C. and Durance, P. (2021) Synsedimentary to diagenetic Cu±Co mineralization in Mesoproterozoic pyritic shale driven by magmatic-hydrothermal activity on the edge of the Great Falls Tectonic Zone–Black Butte, Helena Embayment, Belt-Purcell Basin, USA: evidence from sulfide Re-Os isotope geochemistry. Lithosphere, 2021(1), 7866186. (doi: 10.2113/2021/7866186)

Bark, G., Boyce, A. J. , Fallick, A. E. and Weihed, P. (2021) Fluid and metal sources in the Fäboliden hypozonal orogenic gold deposit, Sweden. Mineralium Deposita, 56, pp. 425-440. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-020-00977-7)

Banks, D. , Boyce, A. J. , Burnside, N. M. , Janson, E. and Roqueñi Gutierrez, N. (2020) On the common occurrence of sulphate with elevated δ34S in European mine waters: sulphides, evaporites or seawater? International Journal of Coal Geology, 232, 103619. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2020.103619)

Hutchison, W., Finch, A. A. and Boyce, A. J. (2020) The sulfur isotope evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids: insights into ore-forming processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 288, pp. 176-198. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.07.042)

Lambert-Smith, J. S., Allibone, A., Treloar, P. J., Lawrence, D. M., Boyce, A. J. and Fanning, M. (2020) Stable C, O, and S isotope record of magmatic-hydrothermal interactions between the Falémé Fe Skarn and the Loulo Au systems in Western Mali. Economic Geology, 115(7), pp. 1537-1558. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4759)

Parnell, J., Armstrong, J., Brolly, C., Boyce, A.J. and Heptinstall, E. (2020) Carbon in mineralized ultramafic intrusions, caledonides, northern Britain. Lithos, 374-5, 105711. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105711)

Koeshidayatullah, A., Corlett, H., Stacey, J., Swart, P. K., Boyce, A. , Robertson, H., Whitaker, F. and Hollis, C. (2020) Evaluating new fault‐controlled hydrothermal dolomitisation models: insights from the Cambrian Dolomite, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Sedimentology, 67(6), pp. 2945-2973. (doi: 10.1111/sed.12729)

Drummond, D.A., Cloutier, J., Boyce, A.J. and Prave, A.R. (2020) Petrogenesis and geochemical halos of the amphibolite facies, Lower Proterozoic, Kerry Road volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Loch Maree Group, Gairloch, NW Scotland. Ore Geology Reviews, 124, 103623. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103623)

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Blanks, D. E., Holwell, D. A., Fiorentini, M. L., Moroni, M., Giuliani, A., Tassara, S., González-Jiménez, J. M., Boyce, A. J. and Ferrari, E. (2020) Fluxing of mantle carbon as a physical agent for metallogenic fertilization of the crust. Nature Communications, 11, 4342. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18157-6) (PMID:32859892) (PMCID:PMC7455710)

Koeshidayatullah, A., Corlett, H., Stacey, J., Swart, P. K., Boyce, A. and Hollis, C. (2020) Origin and evolution of fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomitization fronts: a new insight. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 541, 116291. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116291)

Rivai, T. A., Syafrizal, , Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Boyce, A. J. , Sanematsu, K., Satori, S. and Watanabe, K. (2020) The Dairi SEDEX Zn + Pb + Ag deposit (North Sumatra, Indonesia): insights from mineralogy and sulfur isotope systematics. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103510. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103510)

Saintilan, N.J., Selby, D., Hughes, J.W., Schlatter, D.M., Kolb, J. and Boyce, A. (2020) Source of gold in Neoarchean orogenic-type deposits in the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland: Insights for a proto-source of gold in sub-seafloor hydrothermal arsenopyrite in the Mesoarchean. Precambrian Research, 343, 105717. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105717)

Hepburn, L. E., Butler, I. B., Boyce, A. and Schröder, C. (2020) The use of operationally-defined sequential Fe extraction methods for mineralogical applications: a cautionary tale from Mössbauer spectroscopy. Chemical Geology, 543, 119584. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119584)

Pacey, A., Wilkinson, J. J., Boyce, A. J. and Millar, I. L. (2020) Magmatic fluids implicated in the formation of propylitic alteration: oxygen, hydrogen, and strontium isotope constraints from the Northparkes porphyry Cu-Au district, New South Wales, Australia. Economic Geology, 115(4), pp. 729-748. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4732)

Mondillo, N., Accardo, M., Boni, M., Boyce, A. , Herrington, R., Rumsey, M. and Wilkinson, C. (2020) New insights into the genesis of willemite (Zn2SiO4) from zinc nonsulfide deposits, through trace elements and oxygen isotope geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews, 118, 103307. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103307)

Armstrong, J. G.T., Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. and Bullock, L. A. (2020) Kilometre-scale compartmentalization of fluid sources to a fossil hydrothermal system. Ore Geology Reviews, 116, 103207. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103207)

Martin, A. J., Keith, M., Parvaz, D. B., McDonald, I., Boyce, A. J. , McFall, K. A., Jenkin, G. R.T., Strauss, H. and MacLeod, C. J. (2020) Effects of magmatic volatile influx in mafic VMS hydrothermal systems: Evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Chemical Geology, 531, 119325. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119325)

Hamlaoui, H., Laouar, R., Bouhlel, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2020) Caractéristiques pétrologiques et géochimiques des roches magmatiques d’El Aouana, NE algérien = Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the magmatic rocks from El Aouana, NE Algeria. Estudios Geológicos, 76(1), e124. (doi: 10.3989/egeol.43391.510)

Saintilan, N.J., Selby, D., Hughes, J.W., Schlatter, D., Kolb, J. and Boyce, A. (2020) Mineral separation protocol for accurate and precise rhenium-osmium (Re-Os) geochronology and sulphur isotope composition of individual sulphide species. MethodsX, 7, 100944. (doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.100944)

Burnside, N. , Westaway, R., Banks, D. , Zimmermann, G., Hofmann, H. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Rapid water-rock interactions evidenced by hydrochemical evolution of flowback fluid during hydraulic stimulation of a deep geothermal borehole in granodiorite: Pohang, Korea. Applied Geochemistry, 111, 104445. (doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104445)

McKay, L., Shipton, Z. K., Lunn, R. J., Andrews, B., Raub, T. D. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Detailed internal structure and along-strike variability of the core of a plate boundary fault: the Highland Boundary fault, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, jsg2018226. (doi: 10.1144/jgs2018-226)

McFall, K., Roberts, S., McDonald, I., Boyce, A. J. , Naden, J. and Teagle, D. (2019) Rhenium enrichment in the Muratdere Cu-Mo (Au-Re) porphyry deposit, Turkey: evidence from stable isotope analyses (δ34S, δ18O, δD) and LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulfides. Economic Geology, 114(7), pp. 1443-1466. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4638)

Armstrong, J. G.T., Parnell, J., Bullock, L., Boyce, A. , Perez, M. and Feldmann, J. (2019) Mobilisation of arsenic, selenium and uranium from Carboniferous black shales in west Ireland. Applied Geochemistry, 109, 104401. (doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104401)

Hutchison, W., Babiel, R. J., Finch, A. A., Marks, M. A. W., Markl, G., Boyce, A. J. , Stüeken, E. E., Friis, H., Borst, A. M. and Horsburgh, N. J. (2019) Sulphur isotopes of alkaline magmas unlock long-term records of crustal recycling on Earth. Nature Communications, 10, 4208. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12218-1) (PMID:31527587) (PMCID:PMC6746797)

Karolyte, R., Johnson, G., Gyore, D. , Serno, S., Flude, S., Stuart, F. M. , Chivas, A. R., Boyce, A. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2019) Tracing the migration of mantle CO2 in gas fields and mineral water springs in south-east Australia using noble gas and stable isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, pp. 109-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.06.002)

Montcoudiol, N., Burnside, N. M. , Györe, D. , Mariita, N., Mutia, T. and Boyce, A. (2019) Surface and groundwater hydrochemistry of the Menengai Caldera geothermal field and surrounding Nakuru County, Kenya. Energies, 12(16), 3131. (doi: 10.3390/en12163131)

Brasier, A.T. et al. (2019) Detecting ancient life: investigating the nature and origin of possible stromatolites and associated calcite from a one billion year old lake. Precambrian Research, 328, pp. 309-320. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2019.04.025)

Burton-Johnson, A., Macpherson, C.G., Ottley, C.J., Nowell, G.M. and Boyce, A.J. (2019) Generation of the Mt Kinabalu granite by crustal contamination of intraplate magma modelled by Equilibrated Major Element Assimilation with Fractional Crystallisation (EME-AFC). Journal of Petrology, 60(7), pp. 1461-1487. (doi: 10.1093/petrology/egz036)

Lindsay, J. J., Hughes, H. S.R., Smyth, D., McDonald, I., Boyce, A. J. and Andersen, J. C.Ø. (2019) Distinct sulfur saturation histories within the Palaeogene Magilligan Sill, Northern Ireland: implications for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation in the North Atlantic Igneous Province. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(7), pp. 774-789. (doi: 10.1139/cjes-2018-0141)

MacDonald, J.M. , Faithfull, J.W. , Roberts, N.M.W., Davies, A.J., Holdsworth, C.S., Newton, M., Williamson, S., Boyce, A. and John, C.M. (2019) Clumped isotope palaeothermometry and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of lava-pile hydrothermal calcite veins. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 174, 63. (doi: 10.1007/s00410-019-1599-x)

Yesares, L., Drummond, D. A., Hollis, S. P., Doran, A. L., Menuge, J. F., Boyce, A. J. , Blakeman, R. J. and Ashton, J. H. (2019) Coupling mineralogy, textures, stable and radiogenic isotopes in identifying ore-forming processes in Irish-type carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb deposits. Minerals, 9(6), 335. (doi: 10.3390/min9060335)

Brehme, M., Nowak, K., Banks, D. , Petrauskas, S., Valickas, R., Bauer, K., Burnside, N. and Boyce, A. (2019) A review of the hydrochemistry of a deep sedimentary aquifer and its consequences for geothermal operation: Klaipeda, Lithuania. Geofluids, 2019, 4363592. (doi: 10.1155/2019/4363592)

Richards, L. A. et al. (2019) Dual in-aquifer and near surface processes drive arsenic mobilization in Cambodian groundwaters. Science of the Total Environment, 659, pp. 699-714. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.437)

Zanouda, H. S., Laouar, R., Salmi-Laouar, S., Sebai, A., Verati, C., Bouhlel, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) The Sidi El Hemissi Triassic “ophites” (Souk Ahras, NE Algeria): petrology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12(8), 274. (doi: 10.1007/s12517-019-4462-5)

Parnell, J. and Boyce, A.J. (2019) Neoproterozoic copper cycling, and the rise of metazoans. Scientific Reports, 9, 3638. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40484-y) (PMID:30842538) (PMCID:PMC6403403)

Banks, D. , Steven, J. K., Berry, J., Burnside, N. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) A combined pumping test and heat extraction/recirculation trial in an abandoned haematite ore mine shaft, Egremont, Cumbria, UK. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 5(1), pp. 51-69. (doi: 10.1007/s40899-017-0165-9)

Mehrabi, B., Karimishahraki, B., Banks, D., Boyce, A. and Yardley, B. W.D. (2019) Hydrothermal iron oxide-Cu-Au (IOCG) mineralization at the Jalal-Abad deposit, northwestern Zarand, Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 106, pp. 300-317. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.01.019)

Rainoldi, A. L., Franchini, M. B., Boyce, A. J. , Giusiano, A., Cesaretti, N. N., Pons, J. and Ríos, F. J. (2019) Stable isotope and fluid inclusion study of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Mineralium Deposita, 54(3), pp. 415-436. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-018-0815-3)

Elliott, H. A.L., Gernon, T. M., Roberts, S., Boyce, A. J. and Hewson, C. (2019) Diatremes act as fluid conduits for Zn-Pb mineralization in the SW Irish ore field. Economic Geology, 114(1), pp. 117-125. (doi: 10.5382/econgeo.2019.4622)

Fallick, A. E., Giuliani, G., Rigaudier, T., Boyce, A. J. , Pham, V. L. and Pardieu, V. (2019) Remarkably uniform oxygen isotope systematics for co-existing pairs of gem-spinel and calcite in marble, with special reference to Vietnamese deposits. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 351(1), pp. 27-36. (doi: 10.1016/j.crte.2018.11.008)

Skelton, A., Löwhagen, L., Fairchild, I. J., Boyce, A. , Mörth, C.-M., Siegmund, H., Webster, D. and Spencer, A. M. (2019) Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in meteoric water during the Cryogenian Period. Precambrian Research, 320, pp. 253-260. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2018.11.006)

Zwahlen, C., Hollis, C., Lawson, M., Becker, S. P., Boyce, A. , Zhou, Z. and Holland, G. (2019) Constraining the fluid history of a CO2 -H2 S reservoir: insights from stable isotopes, REE and fluid inclusion microthermometry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(1), pp. 359-382. (doi: 10.1029/2018GC007900)

McCaig, A. M., Titarenko, S. S., Savov, I. P., Cliff, R. A., Banks, D., Boyce, A. and Agostini, S. (2018) No significant boron in the hydrated mantle of most subducting slabs. Nature Communications, 9, 4602. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07064-6) (PMID:30389930) (PMCID:PMC6214984)

Lee, M.R. , Daly, L. , Cohen, B.E. , Hallis, L.J. , Griffin, S. , Trimby, P., Boyce, A. and Mark, D.F. (2018) Aqueous alteration of the Martian meteorite Northwest Africa 817: Probing fluid–rock interaction at the nakhlite launch site. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 53(11), pp. 2395-2412. (doi: 10.1111/maps.13136)

Spence-Jones, C. P., Jenkin, G. R.T., Boyce, A. J. , Hill, N. J. and Sangster, C. J.S. (2018) Tellurium, magmatic fluids and orogenic gold: an early magmatic fluid pulse at Cononish gold deposit, Scotland. Ore Geology Reviews, 102, pp. 894-905. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.05.014)

Tindell, T., Watanabe, K., Imai, A., Takahashi, R., Boyce, A. J. , Yonezu, K., Schersten, A., Page, L. and Ogata, T. (2018) The Kago low-sulfidation gold and silver deposit: a peripheral mineralisation to the Nansatsu high-sulfidation system, southern Kyushu, Japan. Ore Geology Reviews, 102, pp. 951-966. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.10.027)

Hirani, J., Bastesen, E., Boyce, A. , Corlett, H., Eker, A., Gawthorpe, R., Hollis, C., Korneva, I. and Rotevatn, A. (2018) Structural controls on non fabric‐selective dolomitization within rift‐related basin‐bounding normal fault systems: insights from the Hammam Faraun Fault, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Basin Research, 30(5), pp. 990-1014. (doi: 10.1111/bre.12290)

Hirani, J. et al. (2018) Controls on the formation of stratabound dolostone bodies, Hammam Faraun Fault block, Gulf of Suez. Sedimentology, 65(6), pp. 1973-2002. (doi: 10.1111/sed.12454)

Parnell, J., McMahon, S. and Boyce, A. (2018) Demonstrating deep biosphere activity in the geological record of lake sediments, on Earth and Mars. International Journal of Astrobiology, 17(4), pp. 380-385. (doi: 10.1017/S1473550417000337)

Van Daele, J., Hulsbosch, N., Dewaele, S., Boiron, M.-C., Piessens, K., Boyce, A. and Muchez, P. (2018) Mixing of magmatic-hydrothermal and metamorphic fluids and the origin of peribatholitic Sn vein-type deposits in Rwanda. Ore Geology Reviews, 101, pp. 481-501. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.07.020)

Cousins, C. R., Fogel, M., Bowden, R., Crawford, I., Boyce, A. , Cockell, C. and Gunn, M. (2018) Biogeochemical probing of microbial communities in a basalt-hosted hot spring at Kverkfjöll volcano, Iceland. Geobiology, 16(5), pp. 507-521. (doi: 10.1111/gbi.12291) (PMID:29856116)

Nshimiyimana, F., Essarraj, S., Hibti, M., Boulvais, P., Boyce, A. J. , Marignac, C. and Maacha, L. (2018) The Koudia El Hamra Ag–Pb–Zn deposit, Jebilet, Morocco: mineralogy and ore fluid characterization. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 145, pp. 1-17. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.04.019)

Bullock, L. A., Parnell, J., Perez, M., Armstrong, J. G., Feldmann, J. and Boyce, A. J. (2018) High selenium in the Carboniferous Coal Measures of Northumberland, North East England. International Journal of Coal Geology, 195, pp. 61-74. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2018.05.007)

Armstrong, J. G.T., Parnell, J., Bullock, L. A., Perez, M., Boyce, A. J. and Feldmann, J. (2018) Tellurium, selenium and cobalt enrichment in Neoproterozoic black shales, Gwna Group, UK: deep marine trace element enrichment during the Second Great Oxygenation Event. Terra Nova, 30(3), pp. 244-253. (doi: 10.1111/ter.12331)

Parnell, J., Perez, M., Armstrong, J., Bullock, L., Feldmann, J. and Boyce, A.J. (2018) Geochemistry and metallogeny of Neoproterozoic pyrite in oxic and anoxic sediments. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 7, pp. 12-16. (doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1812)

Bullock, L. A., Parnell, J., Perez, M., Boyce, A. , Feldmann, J. and Armstrong, J. G.T. (2018) Multi-stage pyrite genesis and epigenetic selenium enrichment of Greenburn coals (East Ayrshire). Scottish Journal of Geology, 54(1), pp. 37-49. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2017-010)

De Putter, T., Liégeois, J.-P., Dewaele, S., Cailteux, J., Boyce, A. and Mees, F. (2018) Paleoproterozoic manganese and base metals deposits at Kisenge-Kamata (Katanga, D.R. Congo). Ore Geology Reviews, 96, pp. 181-200. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.04.015)

Hutchison, W. et al. (2018) The evolution of magma during continental rifting: new constraints from the isotopic and trace element signatures of silicic magmas from Ethiopian volcanoes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, pp. 203-218. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.027)

Mondillo, N., Herrington, R., Boyce, A.J. , Wilkinson, C., Santoro, L. and Rumsey, M. (2018) Critical elements in non-sulfide Zn deposits: a reanalysis of the Kabwe Zn-Pb ores (central Zambia). Mineralogical Magazine, 82(S1), S89-S114. (doi: 10.1180/minmag.2017.081.038)

Myint, A. Z., Yonezu, K., Boyce, A. J. , Selby, D., Scherstén, A., Tindell, T., Watanabe, K. and Swe, Y. M. (2018) Stable isotope and geochronological study of the Mawchi Sn-W deposit, Myanmar: implications for timing of mineralization and ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 95, pp. 663-679. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.03.014)

Salmi-Laouar, S., Ferré, B., Chaabane, K., Laouar, R., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2018) The oceanic anoxic event 2 at Es Souabaa (Tebessa, NE Algeria): bio-events and stable isotope study. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(8), (doi: 10.1007/s12517-018-3509-3)

Mondillo, N., Arfè, G., Boni, M., Balassone, G., Boyce, A. , Joachimski, M., Kang, J.S. and Villa, I.M. (2018) The Cristal Zinc prospect (Amazonas region, northern Peru). Part I: New insights on the sulfide mineralization in the Bongará province. Ore Geology Reviews, 94, pp. 261-276. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.01.021)

Richards, L. A., Magnone, D., Boyce, A. J. , Casanueva-Marenco, M. J., van Dongen, B. E., Ballentine, C. J. and Polya, D. A. (2018) Delineating sources of groundwater recharge in an arsenic-affected Holocene aquifer in Cambodia using stable isotope-based mixing models. Journal of Hydrology, 557, pp. 321-334. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.12.012)

Brodie, M. W., Aplin, A. C., Hart, B., Orland, I. J., Valley, J. W. and Boyce, A. J. (2018) Oxygen isotope microanalysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry suggests continuous 300-million-year history of calcite cementation and dolomitization in the Devonian Bakken formation. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88(1), pp. 91-104. (doi: 10.2110/jsr.2018.1)

Ayadi, Y., Mokadem, N., Besser, H., Khelifi, F., Harabi, S., Hamad, A., Boyce, A. , Laouar, R. and Hamed, Y. (2018) Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes (δ 18 O and δ 2 H) tools applied to the study of karst aquifers in Southern Mediterranean basin (Teboursouk area, NW Tunisia). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 137, pp. 208-217. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.10.018)

Long, P. V., Giuliani, G., Fallick, A. E., Boyce, A. J. and Pardieu, V. (2018) Trace elements and oxygen isotopes of gem spinels in marble from the Luc Yen – An Phu areas, Yen Bai province, North Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2),

Flude, S., Györe, D. , Stuart, F. M. , Zurakowska, M., Boyce, A. J. , Haszeldine, R. S., Chalaturnyk, R. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2017) The inherent tracer fingerprint of captured CO2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 65, pp. 40-54. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.08.010)

Parnell, J. and Boyce, A. J. (2017) Microbial sulphate reduction during Neoproterozoic glaciation, Port Askaig Formation, UK. Journal of the Geological Society, 174(5), pp. 850-854. (doi: 10.1144/jgs2016-147)

Giuliani, G., Fallick, A. E., Boyce, A. J. , Pardieu, V. and Pham, V. L. (2017) Pink and red spinels in marble: trace elements, oxygen isotopes, and sources. Canadian Mineralogist, 55(4), pp. 743-761. (doi: 10.3749/canmin.1700009)

Giuliani, G., Pignatelli, I., Fallick, A., Boyce, A. , Andriamamonjy, A., Razafindratsimba, S. and Khan, T. (2017) Gem andradite garnet deposits demantoild variety. InColor, 36, pp. 28-39.

Hawkins, T., Smith, M.P., Herrington, R.J., Maslennikov, V., Boyce, A.J. and Jeffries, T. (2017) The geology and genesis of the iron skarns of the Turgai belt, northwestern Kazakhstan. Ore Geology Reviews, 85, pp. 216-246. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.016)

Hollis, C., Bastesen, E., Boyce, A. , Corlett, H., Gawthorpe, R., Hirani, J., Rotevatn, A. and Whitaker, F. (2017) Fault-controlled dolomitization in a rift basin. Geology, 45(3), pp. 219-222. (doi: 10.1130/G38394.1)

Simpson, S.L. , Boyce, A.J. , Lambert, P., Lindgren, P. and Lee, M.R. (2017) Evidence for an impact-induced biosphere from the δ34S signature of sulphides in the Rochechouart impact structure, France. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 460, pp. 192-200. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.023)

Graham, S.D., Holwell, D.A., McDonald, I., Jenkin, G.R.T., Hill, N.J., Boyce, A.J. , Smith, J. and Sangster, C. (2017) Magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE-Au sulfide mineralisation in alkaline igneous systems: An example from the Sron Garbh intrusion, Tyndrum, Scotland. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, pp. 961-984. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.08.031)

Laouar, R., Satouh, A., Salmi-Laouar, S., Abdallah, N., Cottin, J.-Y., Bruguier, O., Bosch, D., Ouabadi, A., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2017) Petrological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Collo ultramafic rocks (NE Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 125, pp. 59-72. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.10.012)

McDonald, I., Harmer, R.E. (J.), Holwell, D. A., Hughes, H. S.R. and Boyce, A. J. (2017) Cu-Ni-PGE mineralisation at the Aurora Project and potential for a new PGE province in the Northern Bushveld Main Zone. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, pp. 1135-1159. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.09.016)

Boskabadi, A., Pitcairn, I. K., Broman, C., Boyce, A. , Teagle, D. A.H., Cooper, M. J., Azer, M. K., Stern, R. J., Mohamed, F. H. and Majka, J. (2017) Carbonate alteration of ophiolitic rocks in the Arabian–Nubian Shield of Egypt: sources and compositions of the carbonating fluid and implications for the formation of Au deposits. International Geology Review, 59(4), pp. 391-419. (doi: 10.1080/00206814.2016.1227281)

Parnell, J., Perez, M., Armstrong, J., Bullock, L., Feldmann, J. and Boyce, A.J. (2017) A black shale protolith for gold-tellurium mineralisation in the Dalradian Supergroup (Neoproterozoic) of Britain and Ireland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 126(4), pp. 161-175. (doi: 10.1080/03717453.2017.1404682)

Wacey, D. et al. (2017) Contrasting microfossil preservation and lake chemistries within the 1200–1000 Ma Torridonian Supergroup of NW Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 448, pp. 105-119. (doi: 10.1144/SP448.6)

Lawther, S. E.M., Dempster, T. J. , Shipton, Z. K. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) Effective crustal permeability controls fault evolution: An integrated structural, mineralogical and isotopic study in granitic gneiss, Monte Rosa, Northern Italy. Tectonophysics, 690(A), pp. 160-173. (doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.07.010)

Lambert-Smith, J. S., Lawrence, D. M., Vargas, C. A., Boyce, A. J. , Treloar, P. J. and Herbert, S. (2016) The Gounkoto Au deposit, West Africa: Constraints on ore genesis and volatile sources from petrological, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data. Ore Geology Reviews, 78, pp. 606-622. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.025)

Laouar, R., Salmi-Laouar, S., Sami, L., Boyce, A. J. , Kolli, O., Boutaleb, A. and Fallick, A. E. (2016) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Mesloula Pb-Zn-Ba ore deposit, NE Algeria: Characteristics and origin of the mineralizing fluids. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 121, pp. 119-135. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.06.004)

Burnside, N.M. , Banks, D. , Boyce, A.J. and Athresh, A. (2016) Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes as tools for understanding the sustainability of minewater geothermal energy production from a ‘standing column’ heat pump system: Markham Colliery, Bolsover, Derbyshire, UK. International Journal of Coal Geology, 165, pp. 223-230. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.08.021)

Weibel, R., Lindström, S., Pedersen, G.K., Johansson, L., Dybkjær, K., Whitehouse, M.J., Boyce, A.J. and Leng, M.J. (2016) Groundwater table fluctuations recorded in zonation of microbial siderites from end-Triassic strata. Sedimentary Geology, 342, pp. 47-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2016.06.009)

Burnside, N. , Banks, D. and Boyce, A. (2016) Sustainability of thermal energy production at the flooded mine workings of the former Caphouse Colliery, Yorkshire, United Kingdom. International Journal of Coal Geology, 164, pp. 85-91. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.03.006)

Janson, E., Boyce, A. J. , Burnside, N. and Gzyl, G. (2016) Preliminary investigation on temperature, chemistry and isotopes of mine water pumped in Bytom geological basin (USCB,Southern Poland) as a potential geothermal energy source. International Journal of Coal Geology, 164, pp. 104-114. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.06.007)

Maulana, A., Imai, A., Van Leeuwen, T., Watanabe, K., Yonezu, K., Nakano, T., Boyce, A. , Page, L. and Schersten, A. (2016) Origin and geodynamic setting of Late Cenozoic granitoids in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 124, pp. 102-125. (doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.04.018)

Humphreys, M. P., Greatrix, F. M., Tynan, E., Achterberg, E. P., Griffiths, A. M., Fry, C. H., Garley, R., McDonald, A. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) Stable carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon for a zonal transect across the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in summer 2014. Earth System Science Data, 8(1), pp. 221-233. (doi: 10.5194/essd-8-221-2016)

Lawson, M., Polya, D. A., Boyce, A. J. , Bryant, C. and Ballentine, C. J. (2016) Tracing organic matter composition and distribution and its role on arsenic release in shallow Cambodian groundwaters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 178, pp. 160-177. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.01.010)

Angerer, T., Hagemann, S. G., Walde, D., Halverson, G. P. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) Multiple metal sources in the glaciomarine facies of the Neoproterozoic Jacadigo iron formation in the “Santa Cruz deposit”, Corumbá, Brazil. Precambrian Research, 275, pp. 369-393. (doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.01.002)

Smith, J. W., Holwell, D. A., McDonald, I. and Boyce, A. J. (2016) The application of S isotopes and S/Se ratios in determining ore-forming processes of magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits: a cautionary case study from the northern Bushveld Complex. Ore Geology Reviews, 73(1), pp. 148-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.022)

Dewaele, S., De Clercq, F., Hulsbosch, N., Piessens, K., Boyce, A. , Burgess, R. and Muchez, P. (2016) Genesis of the vein-type tungsten mineralization at Nyakabingo (Rwanda) in the Karagwe–Ankole belt, Central Africa. Mineralium Deposita, 51(2), pp. 283-307. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-015-0608-x)

Mokadem, N., Demdoum, A., Hamed, Y., Bouri, S., Hadji, R., Boyce, A. , Laouar, R. and Sâad, A. (2016) Hydrogeochemical and stable isotope data of Groundwater of a multi-aquifer system: Northern Gafsa basin - Central Tunisia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 114, pp. 174-191. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.11.010)

Dewaele, S., Hulsbosch, N., Cryns, Y., Boyce, A. , Burgess, R. and Muchez, P. (2016) Geological setting and timing of the world-class Sn, Nb–Ta and Li mineralization of Manono-Kitotolo (Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo). Ore Geology Reviews, 72(Pt. 1), pp. 373-390. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.07.004)

Esteban-Arispe, I., Velasco, F., Boyce, A. J. , Morales-Ruano, S., Yusta, I. and Carrillo-Rosúa, J. (2016) Unconventional non-magmatic sulfur source for the Mazarrón Zn–Pb–Cu–Ag–Fe epithermal deposit (SE Spain). Ore Geology Reviews, 72, pp. 1102-1115. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.005)

Humphreys, M.P. et al. (2016) Multi-decadal accumulation of anthropogenic and remineralized dissolved inorganic carbon at the Extended Ellett Line in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30(2), pp. 293-310. (doi: 10.1002/2015GB005246)

Budinov, Z. D., Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Gabo-Ratio, J. A., Milutinovic, S., Boyce, A. J. and Watanabe, K. (2015) Copper-gold skarn mineralization at the Karavansalija Ore Zone, Rogozna Mountain, Southwestern Serbia. Resource Geology, 65(4), pp. 328-344. (doi: 10.1111/rge.12075)

Younger, P. L. , Boyce, A. J. and Waring, A. J. (2015) Chloride waters of Great Britain revisited: from subsea formation waters to onshore geothermal fluids. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 126(4-5), pp. 453-465. (doi: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2015.04.001)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. , Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Brolly, C., Bowden, S. and Lindgren, P. (2015) Enhanced microbial activity in carbon-rich pillow lavas, Ordovician, Great Britain and Ireland. Geology, 43(9), pp. 827-830. (doi: 10.1130/G36937.1)

Firth, E. A., Holwell, D. A., Oliver, N. H. S., Mortensen, J. K., Rovardi, M. P. and Boyce, A. J. (2015) Constraints on the development of orogenic style gold mineralisation at Mineral de Talca, Coastal Range, central Chile: evidence from a combined structural, mineralogical, S and Pb isotope and geochronological study. Mineralium Deposita, 50(6), pp. 675-696. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-014-0568-6)

Barrie, G. M., Worden, R. H., Barrie, C. D. and Boyce, A. J. (2015) Extensive evaporation in a modern temperate estuary: stable isotopic and compositional evidence. Limnology and Oceanography, 60(4), pp. 1241-1250. (doi: 10.1002/lno.10091)

Humphreys, M. P., Achterberg, E. P., Griffiths, A. M., McDonald, A. and Boyce, A.J. (2015) Measurements of the stable carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in the northeastern Atlantic and Nordic Seas during summer 2012. Earth System Science Data, 7(1), pp. 127-135. (doi: 10.5194/essd-7-127-2015)

Sánchez-España, J., Diez Ercilla, M., Pérez Cerdán, F., Yusta, I. and Boyce, A. (2015) Hydrological investigation of a multi-stratified pit lake using radioactive and stable isotopes combined with hydrometric monitoring. Journal of Hydrology, 511, pp. 494-508. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.02.003)

Westaway, R., Scotney, P. M., Younger, P. L. and Boyce, A. J. (2015) Subsurface absorption of anthropogenic warming of the land surface: The case of the world's largest brickworks (Stewartby, Bedfordshire, UK). Science of the Total Environment, 508(2015), pp. 585-603. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.09.109) (PMID:25481718)

Little, C. T.S., Birgel, D., Boyce, A. J. , Crame, J. A., Francis, J. E., Kiel, S., Peckmann, J., Pirrie, D., Rollinson, G. K. and Witts, J. D. (2015) Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) shallow water hydrocarbon seeps from Snow Hill and Seymour Islands, James Ross Basin, Antarctica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 418, pp. 213-228. (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.11.020)

Dewaele, S., Muchez, P., Burgess, R. and Boyce, A. (2015) Geological setting and timing of the cassiterite vein type mineralization of the Kalima area (Maniema, Democratic Republic of Congo). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 112, pp. 199-212. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.09.006)

Hill, N. J., Jenkin, G. R.T., Boyce, A. J. , Sangster, C. J.S., Catterall, D. J., Holwell, D. A., Naden, J. and Rice, C. M. (2015) How the Neoproterozoic S-isotope record illuminates the genesis of vein gold systems: an example from the Dalradian Supergroup in Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393(1), pp. 213-247. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.9)

Hughes, H. S. R., Boyce, A. J. , McDonald, I., Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Holwell, D. A., McDonald, A. and Oldroyd, A. (2015) Contrasting mechanisms for crustal sulphur contamination of mafic magma: evidence from dyke and sill complexes from the British Palaeogene Igneous Province. Journal of the Geological Society, 172(4), pp. 443-458. (doi: 10.1144/jgs2014-112)

Jenkin, G. R. T., Lusty, P. A. J., McDonald, I., Smith, M. P., Boyce, A. J. and Wilkinson, J. J. (2015) Ore deposits in an evolving Earth: an introduction. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393(1), pp. 1-8. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.14)

Moles, N. R., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. (2015) Abundant sulphate in the Neoproterozoic ocean: implications of constant 34S of barite in the Aberfeldy SEDEX deposits, Scottish Dalradian. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393, pp. 189-212. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.7)

Treloar, P. J., Lawrence, D. M., Senghor, D., Boyce, A. and Harbidge, P. (2015) The Massawa gold deposit, Eastern Senegal, West Africa: an orogenic gold deposit sourced from magmatically derived fluids? Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393(1), pp. 135-160. (doi: 10.1144/SP393.12)

Othman Wilson, A., Parnell, J., Boyce, A. J. and Bowden, S. A. (2014) Constraining causes of fish mass mortality using ultra-high-resolution biomarker measurement. Chemical Geology, 385, pp. 156-162. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.07.004)

Foley, F. V., Turner, S., Rushmer, T., Caulfield, J. T., Daczko, N. R., Bierman, P., Robertson, M., Barrie, C. D. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) 10Be, 18O and radiogenic isotopic constraints on the origin of adakitic signatures: a case study from Solander and Little Solander Islands, New Zealand. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168(3), (doi: 10.1007/s00410-014-1048-9)

Gagnevin, D., Menuge, J. F., Kronz, A., Barrie, C. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Minor elements in layered sphalerite as a record of fluid origin, mixing, and crystallization in the Navan Zn-Pb ore deposit, Ireland. Economic Geology, 109(6), pp. 1513-1528. (doi: 10.2113/econgeo.109.6.1513)

Menzies, C. D., Teagle, D. A.H., Craw, D., Cox, S. C., Boyce, A. J. , Barrie, C. D. and Roberts, S. (2014) Incursion of meteoric waters into the ductile regime in an active orogen. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 399, pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.046)

Parnell, J., Blamey, N. J.F., Costanzo, A., Feely, M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Preservation of Mesoproterozoic age deep burial fluid signatures, NW Scotland. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 55, pp. 275-281. (doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.11.018)

Parnell, J., Hole, M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Evidence for microbial activity in British and Irish Ordovician pillow lavas. Geological Journal, 50(4), pp. 497-508. (doi: 10.1002/gj.2562)

Bezard, R., Davidson, J. P., Turner, S., Macpherson, C. G., Lindsay, J. M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Assimilation of sediments embedded in the oceanic arc crust: myth or reality? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395, pp. 51-60. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.038)

Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Stuart, F. M. and Boyce, A. J. (2014) Mantle heat drives hydrothermal fluids responsible for carbonate-hosted base metal deposits: evidence from 3He/4He of ore fluids in the Irish Pb-Zn ore district. Mineralium Deposita, 49(5), pp. 547-553. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-014-0516-5)

Carrillo-Rosúa, J., Boyce, A.J. , Morales-Ruano, S., Morata, D., Roberts, S., Munizaga, F. and Moreno-Rodríguez, V. (2014) Extremely negative and inhomogeneous sulfur isotope signatures in Cretaceous Chilean manto-type Cu–(Ag) deposits, Coastal Range of central Chile. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, pp. 13-24. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.06.013)

Holwell, D.A., Jones, A., Smith, J.W. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) New mineralogical and isotopic constraints on main zone-hosted PGE mineralisation at Moorddrift, northern Bushveld complex. Mineralium Deposita, 48(6), pp. 675-686. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-013-0471-6)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. , Hurst, A., Davidheiser-Kroll, B. and Ponicka, J. (2013) Long term geological record of a global deep subsurface microbial habitat in sand injection complexes. Scientific Reports, 3, 1828. (doi: 10.1038/srep01828) (PMID:23681146) (PMCID:PMC3656391)

Holwell, D.A., Jenkin, G.R.T., Butterworth, K., Abraham-James, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) Orogenic gold mineralization hosted by Archaean basement rocks at Sortekap, Kangerlussuaq area, east Greenland. Mineralium Deposita, 48(4), pp. 453-466. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-012-0434-3)

Lawrence, D.M., Reloar, P.J., Rankin, A.H., Boyce, A.J. and Harbridge, P. (2013) A fluid inclusion and stable isotope study at the Loulo mining district, Mali, West Africa: implications for multifluid sources in the generation of orogenic gold deposits. Economic Geology, 108(2), pp. 229-257. (doi: 10.2113/​econgeo.108.2.229)

Torremans, K., Gauquie, J., Boyce, A.J. , Barrie, C.D., Sikazwe, O. and Muchez, P.H. (2013) Remobilisation features and structural control on ore grade distribution at the Konkola stratiform Cu-Co ore deposit, Zambia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 79, pp. 10-23. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2012.10.005)

McMahon, S., Parnell, J., Ponicka, J., Hole, M. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) The habitability of vesicles in martian basalt. Astronomy and Geophysics, 54(1), 1.17-1.21. (doi: 10.1093/astrogeo/ats035)

Bernau, R., Roberts, S., Richards, M., Nisbet, B., Boyce, A.J. and Nowecki, J. (2013) The geology and geochemistry of the Lumwana Cu (±Co±U) deposits, NW Zambia. Mineralium Deposita, 48(2), pp. 137-153. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-012-0424-5)

Lawson, M., Polya, D.A., Boyce, A.J. , Bryant, C., Mondal, D., Shantz, A. and Ballentine, C.J. (2013) Pond-derived organic carbon driving changes in arsenic hazard found in Asian groundwaters. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(13), pp. 7085-7094. (doi: 10.1021/es400114q)

Butcher, G.S., Kendall, A.C., Boyce, A.J. , Millar, I.L., Andrews, J.E. and Dennis, P.F. (2012) Age determination of the lower watrous red-beds of the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 60(4), pp. 227-238. (doi: 10.2113/gscpgbull.60.4.227)

Gangenvin, D., Boyce, A.J. , Barrie, C.D., Menuge, J.F. and Blakeman, R.J. (2012) Zn, Fe and S isotope fractionation in a large hydrothermal system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 88, pp. 183-198. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.04.031)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. , Osinski, G.R., Matthew, R.M., Izawa, M.R.M., Banerjee, N., Flemming, R. and Lee, P. (2012) Evidence for life in the isotopic analysis of surface sulphates in the Haughton impact structure, and potential applications on Mars. International Journal of Astrobiology, 11(2), pp. 93-101. (doi: 10.1017/S1473550411000395)

Matthies, R., Aplin, A.C., Boyce, A.J. and Jarvis, A.P. (2012) Geochemical and stable isotopic constraints on the generation and passive treatment of acidic, Fe–SO4 rich waters. Science of the Total Environment, 420, pp. 238-249. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.01.034)

Holwell, D.A., Abraham-James, T., Keays, R.R. and Boyce, A.J. (2012) The nature and genesis of marginal Cu-PGE-Au sulphide mineralisation in Paleogene Macrodykes of the Kangerlussuaq region, East Greenland. Mineralium Deposita, 47(1-2), pp. 3-21. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-010-0325-4)

Fallick, A.E., Boyce, A. and McConville, P. (2012) Sulphur stable isotope systematics in diagenetic pyrite from the North Sea hydrocarbon reservoirs revealed by laser combustion analysis. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 48(1), pp. 144-165. (doi: 10.1080/10256016.2012.658791)

Holwell, D.A., Selby, D., Boyce, A.J. , Gilbertson, J.A. and Abraham-James, T. (2012) A Re-Os date for Molybdenite-bearing quartz vein mineralisation within the Kangerlussuaq Alkaline Complex, east Greenland: implications for the timing of regional metallogenesis. Economic Geology, 107(4), pp. 713-722. (doi: 10.2113/econgeo.107.4.713)

Parnell, J., Hole, M., Boyce, A.J. , Spinks, S. and Bowden, S. (2012) Heavy metal, sex and granites: crustal differentiation and bioavailability of trace metals in the mid-Proterozoic. Geology, 40(8), pp. 751-754. (doi: 10.1130/G33116.1)

Yucel, M., Moore, W.S., Butler, I.B., Boyce, A. and Luther III, G.W. (2012) Recent sedimentation in the Black Sea: New insights from radionuclide distributions and sulfur isotopes. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 66, pp. 103-113. (doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.04.007)

Byrne, G.M., Worden, R.H., Hodgson, D.M., Polya, D.A., Lythgoe, P.R., Barrie, C.D. and Boyce, A.J. (2011) Understanding the fate of iron in a modern temperate estuary: Leirarvogur, Iceland. Applied Geochemistry, 26(Sup), S16-S19. (doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.018)

Webber, A., Roberts, S., Burgess, R. and Boyce, A.J. (2011) Fluid mixing and thermal regimes beneath the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Papua New Guinea: helium and oxygen isotope data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304(1-2), pp. 93-102. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.020)

Lu, J., Wilkinson, M., Haszeldine, R.S. and Boyce, A.J. (2011) Carbonate cements in Miller field of the UK North Sea: a natural analog for mineral trapping in CO2 geological storage. Environmental Earth Sciences, 62(3), pp. 507-517. (doi: 10.1007/s12665-010-0543-1)

Parnell, J., Mark, D. , Fallick, A., Boyce, A. and Thackrey, S. (2011) The age of the Mesoproterozoic Stoer Group sedimentary and impact deposits, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 168, pp. 349-358. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492010-099)

Mark, D.F. , Rice, C.M., Fallick, A.E., Trewin, N.H., Lee, M.R. , Boyce, A. and Lee, J.K.W. (2011) 40Ar/39Ar dating of hydrothermal activity, biota and gold mineralization in the Rhynie hot-spring system, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(2), pp. 555-569. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.10.014)

Herrington, R.J., Scotney, P.M., Roberts, S., Boyce, A.J. and Harrison, D. (2011) Temporal association of arc-continent collision, progressive magma contamination in arc volcanism and formation of gold-rich massive sulphide deposits on Wetar Island (Banda arc). Gondwana Research, 19(3), pp. 583-593. (doi: 10.1016/

El Desouky, H.A., Muchez, P., Boyce, A.J. , Schneider, J., Cailteux, J.L.H., Dewaele, S. and von Quadt, A. (2010) Genesis of sediment-hosted stratiform copper-cobalt mineralization at Luiswishi and Kamoto, Katanga Copperbelt (Democratic Republic of Congo). Mineralium Deposita, 45(8), pp. 735-763. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-010-0298-3)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. , Mark, D.F. , Bowden, S. and Spinks, S. (2010) Early oxygenation of the terrestrial environment during the Mesoproterozoic. Nature, 468(7321), pp. 290-293. (doi: 10.1038/nature09538) (PMID:21068840)

Muchez, P., Brems, D., Clara, E., De Cleyn, A., Lammens, L., Boyce, A. , De Muynck, D., Mukumba, W. and Sikazwe, O. (2010) Evolution of Cu-Co mineralizing fluids at Nkana Mine, Central African Copperbelt, Zambia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 58(3), pp. 457-474. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2010.05.003)

Parnell, J., Boyce, A.J. and Blamey, N.J.F. (2010) Follow the methane: the search for a deep biosphere, and the case for sampling serpentinites, on Mars. International Journal of Astrobiology, 9, pp. 193-200. (doi: 10.1017/S147355041000020)

Wagner, T., Boyce, A.J. and Erzinger, J. (2010) Fluid-rock interaction during formation of metamorphic quartz veins: a REE and stable isotope study from the Rhenish Massif, Germany. American Journal of Science, 310(7), pp. 645-682. (doi: 10.2475/07.2010.04)

Smith, D., Jenkin, G.R.T., Naden, J., Boyce, A.J. , Petterson, M.G., Toba, T., Darling, W.G., Taylor, H. and Millar, I.L. (2010) Anomalous alkaline sulphate fluids produced in a magmatic hydrothermal system — Savo, Solomon Islands. Chemical Geology, 275(1-2), pp. 35-49. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.04.011)

Degryse, P., Boyce, A. , Erb-Satullo, N., Eremin, K., Kirk, S., Scott, R., Shortland, A.J., Schneider, J. and Walton, M. (2010) Isotopic discriminants between Late Bronze Age glasses from Egypt and the Near East. Archaeometry, 52(3), pp. 380-388. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2009.00487.x)

Esteban, I., Carrillo, J., Morales, S., Velasco, F., Yusta, I. and Boyce, A.J. (2010) The Zn-Pb-(Ag) epithermal mineralization of Mazarron (Spain): A preliminary isotope study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(12), A273. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.030)

Sanchez, V., Cardellach, E., Corbella, M., Vindel, E., Martin-Crespo, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2010) Variability in fluid sources in the fluorite deposits from Asturias (N Spain): further evidences from REE, radiogenic (Sr, Sm, Nd) and stable (S, C. O) isotopic data. Ore Geology Reviews, 37(2), pp. 87-100. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2009.12.001)

Parnell, J. et al. (2010) Sulfur isotope signatures for rapid colonization of an impact crater by thermophilic microbes. Geology, 38(3), pp. 271-274. (doi: 10.1130/G30615.1)

Dewaele, S., De Clerq, F., Muchez, P., Scheider, J., Burgess, R., Boyce, A. and Alonso, M.F. (2010) Geology of the cassiterite mineralisation in the Rutongo area, Rwanda (Central Africa); current state of knowledge. Geologica Belgica, 13(1-2), pp. 91-111.

Pitcairn, I.K., Skelton, A.D.L., Broman, C., Arghe, F. and Boyce, A. (2010) Structurally focussed fluid flow during orogenesis: The Islay Anticline, SW Highlands, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 167(4), pp. 659-674. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492009-135)

Billstrom, K., Broman, C., Jonsson, E., Recio, C., Boyce, A. and Torssander, P. (2009) Geochronological, stable isotopes and fluid inclusion constraints for a premetamorphic development of the intrusive-hosted Björkdal Au deposit, northern Sweden. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(5), pp. 1027-1052. (doi: 10.1007/s00531-008-0301-8)

Haest, M., Muchez, P., Dewaele, S., Boyce, A. , von Quadt, A. and Schneider, J. (2009) Petrographic, fluid inclusion and isotopic study of the Dikulushi Cu–Ag deposit, Katanga (D.R.C.): implications for exploration. Mineralium Deposita, 44(5), pp. 505-522. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-009-0230-x)

Esteban, I., Boyce, A.J. , Carrillo-Rosua, J., Morales-Ruano, S., Velasco, F. and Yusta, I. (2009) Geochemistry of the Zn-Pb-Cu-(Ag)-(Au) epithermal deposits from San Jose (SE Spain). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), A339. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.004)

Lawson, M., Ballentine, C.J., Polya, D.A., Zhou, Z., Smith, K., Boyce, A.J. , Chatterjee, D., Majumder, S. and Biswas, A. (2009) Isotopic investigation into the role of surface waters in promoting arsenic release in Bengali groundwaters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), A730. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.010)

Moreno-Rodriguez, V., Carrillo-Rosua, J., Morales-Ruano, S., Morata, D. and Boyce, A.J. (2009) Bacteriogenic and magmatic S sources in the Cabildo Cu District (Chile). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), A904. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.011)

Barrie, C., Boyce, A. , Boyle, A.P., Williams, P.J., Blake, K., Freitag, K., Ogawara, T., Akai, J. and Prior, D. (2009) Growth controls in colloform pyrite. American Mineralogist, 94(4), pp. 415-429. (doi: 10.2138/am.2009.3053)

Sizaret, S., Marcoux, E., Boyce, A. , Jebrak, M., Stevenson, R. and Ellam, R. (2009) Isotopic (S, Sr, Sm/Nd, H, Pb) evidences for multiple sources in the Early Jurassic Chaillac F-Ba ore deposit (Indre, France). Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 180(2), pp. 83-94. (doi: 10.2113/gssgfbull.180.2.83)

Wagner, T., Mlynarczyk, M.S.J., Williams-Jones, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (2009) Stable isotope constraints on ore formation at the San Rafael tin-copper deposit, south east Peru. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 104, pp. 223-248. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.104.2.223)

Barrie, C., Boyce, A. , Boyle, A.P., Williams, P.J., Blake, K., Wilkinson, J.J., Lowther, M., MacDermott, P. and Prior, D. (2009) On the growth of colloform textures: A case study of sphalerite from the Galmoy ore body, Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society, 166(3), pp. 563-582. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492008-080)

Sbrana, A., Fulignati, P., Marianelli, P., Boyce, A. and Cecchetti, A. (2009) Exhumation of an active magmatic-hydrothermal system in a resurgent caldera environment: the example of Ischia (Italy). Journal of the Geological Society, 166(6), pp. 1061-1073. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492009-030)

Gleeson, S.A., Roberts, S., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (2008) Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and δD value investigation of hydrothermal vein quartz: Interpretation of fluid inclusion {delta}D values in hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(18), pp. 4595-4606. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.06.014)

Berwouts, I., Van Noorden, M., Muchez, P., Boyce, A. and Sintubin, M. (2008) Inferring intermediate-scale fluid flow in a heterogeneous metasedimentary multilayer sequence during progressive deformation: evidence from the Monts d'Aree slate belt (Brittany, France). Geofluids, 8(3), pp. 143-158. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2008.00213.x)

Dale, C.W., Macpherson, C.G., Boyce, A.J. , Nowell, G.M., Pearson, D.G. and Arculus, R.J. (2008) Variable H and O isotopes in Tongan basaltic glasses: Source or degassing? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(12), A195. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.007)

Lowry, D., Grassineau, N. and Boyce, A.J. (2008) Sulphide isotope stratigraphy through the Scottish Neoproterozoic: links to global glaciations and changing ocean sulphate content. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(12), A569. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.015)

Carrillo-Rosúa, J., Morales-Ruano, S., Morata, D., Boyce, A.J. , Belmar, M., Fallick, A.E. and Fenoll Hach-Alí, P. (2008) Mineralogy and geochemistry of El Dorado epithermal gold deposit, El Sauce district, central-northern Chile. Mineralogy and Petrology, 92(3-4), pp. 341-360. (doi: 10.1007/s00710-007-0203-7)

Lawson, M., Ballentine, C.J., Polya, D.A., Boyce, A.J. , Mondal, D., Chatterjee, D., Majumder, S. and Biswas, A. (2008) The geochemical and isotopic composition of ground waters in West Bengal: tracing ground-surface water interaction and its role in arsenic release. Mineralogical Magazine, 72(1), pp. 441-444. (doi: 10.1180/minmag.2008.072.1.441)

de Clercq, F., Muchez, P., Dewaele, S. and Boyce, A. (2008) The tungsten mineralisation at Nyakabingo and Gifurwe (Rwanda): preliminary results. Geologica Belgica, 11(3-4), pp. 251-258.

Gleeson, S.A., Roberts, S., Fallick, A. and Boyce, A. (2008) Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and δD value investigation of hydrothermal vein quartz: Interpretation of fluid inclusion δD values in hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(18), pp. 4595-4606. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.06.014)

Muchez, P., Vanderhaegen, P., El Desouky, H., Schneider, J., Boyce, A. , Dewaele, S. and Cailteux, J. (2008) Anhydrite pseudomorphs and the origin of stratiform Cu-Co ores in the Katangan Copperbelt (Democratic Republic of Congo). Mineralium Deposita, 43(5), pp. 575-589. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-008-0183-5)

Holwell, D.A., Boyce, A.J. and Mcdonald, I. (2007) Sulfur isotope variations within the platreef Ni-Cu-PGE deposit: Genetic implications for the origin of sulfide mineralization. Economic Geology, 102(6), pp. 1091-1110. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.102.6.1091)

Wacey, D., Wright, D.T. and Boyce, A. (2007) A stable isotope study of microbial dolomite formation in the Coorong Region, South Australia. Chemical Geology, 244(1-2), pp. 155-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.06.032)

Boyce, A. (2007) Fluids in early stage hydrothermal alteration of high-sulfidation epithermal systems: A view from the Vulcano active hydrothermal system (Aeolian Island, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 166(2), pp. 76-90. (doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.07.005)

Boyce, A. (2007) High arsenic concentrations and enriched sulfur and oxygen isotopes in a fractured-bedrock ground-water system. Chemical Geology, 242(03-Apr), pp. 385-399. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.04.003)

Boyce, A. (2007) New method for separation of magnetite from rock samples for oxygen isotope analysis. European Journal of Mineralogy, 19(5), pp. 717-722. (doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2007/0019-1761)

Boyce, A. (2007) Stable isotope study of the mineralization and alteration in the Madjarovo Pb-Zn-district, south-east Bulgaria. Mineralium Deposita, 42(7), pp. 691-713. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-007-0130-x)

Boyce, A. (2007) Sulfur isotope variations within the Platreef: genetic implications for the origin of sulfide mineralization. Economic Geology, 102(6), pp. 1091-1110.

Salmi-Laouar, S., Laouar, R. and Boyce, A.J. (2007) Premières données isotopiques sur la mer triasique dans l’Atlas saharien oriental (Algérie). Bulletin Service Géologique National, 18(3), pp. 315-323.

Wagner, T. and Boyce, A. J. (2006) Pyrite metamorphism in the devonian hunsruck slate of Germany: Insights from laser microprobe sulfur isotope analysis and thermodynamic modelling. American Journal of Science, 306(7), pp. 525-552. (doi: 10.2475/07.2006.02)

Druppel, K., Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2006) Evolution of sulfide mineralization in ferrocarbonatite, Swartbooisdrif, northwestern Namibia: Constraints from mineral compositions and sulfur isotopes. Canadian Mineralogist, 44(4), pp. 877-894. (doi: 10.2113/gscanmin.44.4.877)

Smith, D.J., Jenkin, G.R.T., Boyce, A.J. , Naden, J. and Petterson, M.G. (2006) Origin of fluids in the shallow geothermal environment of Savo, Solomon Islands. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(18), A598. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.06.1111)

McGowan, R. R., Roberts, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2006) Origin of the Nchanga copper–cobalt deposits of the Zambian Copperbelt. Mineralium Deposita, 40(6-7), pp. 617-638. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0032-8)

Sánchez-España, J., Velasco, F., Boyce, A. J. and Tornos, F. (2006) Reply to the comments by Marignac and Cathelineau on the paper by Sánchez-España et al.: Source and evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids in the northern Iberian Pyrite Belt massive sulphide deposits (SW Spain): evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes (Mineralium Deposita 38: 519–537). Mineralium Deposita, 40(6-7), pp. 749-754. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0033-7)

Boyce, A. (2006) Discovery of a 25cm asteroid clast in the giant Morokweng impact crater, South Africa. Nature, 441(7090), pp. 203-206. (doi: 10.1038/nature04751)

Boyce, A. (2006) Evolution of sulfide mineralization in ferrocrabonatite, Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia: constraints from mineral chemistry and sulfur isotopes. Canadian Mineralogist, 44(4), pp. 877-894.

Boyce, A. (2006) Precipitation trapped in datable rock-forming minerals: estimating Antarctic palaeoelevations - a discussion. Antarctic Science, 18(1), pp. 123-139. (doi: 10.1017/S0954102006000125)

Coogan, L., Howard, K., Gillis, K., Bickle, M., Chapman, H., Boyce, A. , Jenkin, G. and Wilson, R. (2006) Chemical and thermal constraints on focussed fluid flow in the lower oceanic crust. American Journal of Science, 306, pp. 389-427. (doi: 10.2475/06.2006.01)

Glynn, S., Mills, R., Palmer, M., Pancost, R., Severmann, S. and Boyce, A. (2006) The role of prokaryotes in supergene alteration of submarine hydrothermal sulfides. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 244, pp. 170-185. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.01.065)

Wagner, T., Jonsson, E. and Boyce, A. J. (2005) Metamorphic ore remobilization in the Hällefors district, Bergslagen, Sweden: constraints from mineralogical and small-scale sulphur isotope studies. Mineralium Deposita, 40(1), pp. 100-114. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0463-2)

Laouar, R., Boyce, A.J. , Arafa, M., Ouabadi, A. and Fallick, A.E. (2005) Petrological, geochemical, and stable isotope constraints on the genesis of the Miocene igneous rocks of Chetaibi and Cap de Fer (NE Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 41(5), pp. 445-465. (doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2005.06.002)

Boyce, A. (2005) Fluid evolution during burial and Variscan deformation in the Lower Devonian rocks of the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium): sources and causes of high-salinity and C-O-H-N fluids. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 150(1), pp. 102-118. (doi: 10.1007/s00410-005-0008-9)

Boyce, A. (2005) Geology and genesis of the Lisheen Zn-Pb deposit, Ireland: ore mineralogy, chemistry and sulfur isotopes. Economic Geology, 100, pp. 63-86.

Boyce, A. (2005) Giant mineral deposits and underlying Earth processes. Mineralium Deposita, 40(5), pp. 449-450. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0031-9)

Boyce, A. (2005) Metamorphic ore remobilisation in the Hõllefors district, Bergslagen, Sweden: constraints from mineralogical and small-scale sulphur isotope studies. Mineralium Deposita, 40, pp. 100-114.

Boyce, A. (2005) Mineral Deposits and Earth Evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 101(2), pp. 481-482. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.101.2.481)

Boyce, A. (2005) Stable isotope-based modeling of the origin and genesis of an unusual Au-Ag-Sn-W epithermal system at Cirotan, Indonesia. Chemical Geology, 219(01-Apr), pp. 237-260.

Lowry, D., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Stephens, W.E. and Grassineau, N.V. (2005) Terrane and basement discrimination in northern Britain using sulphur isotopes and mineralogy of ore deposits. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 248, pp. 133-151. (doi: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.248.01.07)

Rice, C.M., Steele, G.B., Barfod, D.N. , Boyce, A.J. and Pringle, M.S. (2005) Duration of magmatic, hydrothermal, and supergene activity at Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia. Economic Geology, 100(8), pp. 1647-1656. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.100.8.1647)

Russell, M. J., Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2005) 100th anniversary special paper: > on hydrothermal convection systems and the emergence of life. Economic Geology, 100(3), pp. 419-438. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.100.3.419)

Scotney, P.M., Roberts, S., Herrington, R.J., Boyce, A.J. and Burgess, R. (2005) The development of volcanic hosted massive sulfide and barite-gold orebodies on Wetar Island, Indonesia. Mineralium Deposita, 40, pp. 76-99. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-005-0468-x)

Valsami-Jones, E., Baltatzis, E., Bailey, E., Boyce, A. , Alexander, J., Magganas, A., Anderson, L., Waldron, S. and Ragnarsdottir, K. (2005) The geochemistry of fluids from an active shallow submarine hydrothermal system: Milos island, Hellenic Volcanic Arc. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 148, pp. 130-151. (doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.03.018)

Wagner, T., Kirnbauer, T., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2005) Barite-pyrite mineralization of the Wiesbaden thermal spring system, Germany: a 500-kyr record of geochemical evolution. Geofluids, 5(2), pp. 124-139. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2005.00100.x)

Wilkinson, J.J., Eyre, S.L. and Boyce, A.J. (2005) Ore-forming processes in Irish-type carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits: Evidence from mineralogy, chemistry, and isotopic composition of sulfides at the Lisheen mine. Economic Geology, 100(1), pp. 63-86.

Wilkinson, J., Everett, C., Boyce, A. , Gleeson, S. and Rye, D. (2005) Intracratonic crustal seawater circulation and the genesis of subseafloor zinc-lead mineralization in the Irish orefield. Geology, 33, pp. 805-808. (doi: 10.1130/G21740.1)

Druppel, K., Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2004) Evolution of sulphide mineralization in ferrocarbonatite, NW Namibia: Constraints from sulphur isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(11), A310. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.05.007)

Nielsen, J.K., Boyce, A.J. , Elvebakk, G. and Hanken, N.M. (2004) Thermochemical sulfate reduction by hydrocarbons in an evaporate-carbonate reservoir, Orn Formation, Upper Palaeozoic, Barents Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(11), A233. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.05.006)

Anderson, R., Graham, C.M., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2004) Metamorphic and basin fluids in quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins in the SW Scottish Highlands: a stable isotope and fluid inclusion study. Geofluids, 4(2), 169 -185. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8115.2004.00080.x)

Boyce, A. (2004) Kaolin polytype evidence for a hot fluid pulse along Caledonian thrusts during rifting of the European Margin. Mineralogical Magazine, 68(3), pp. 419-432. (doi: 10.1180/0026461046830195)

Mark, G., Williams, P.J. and Boyce, A.J. (2004) Low-latitude meteoric fluid flow along the Cloncurry Fault, Cloncurry district, NW Queensland, Australia: geodynamic and metallogenic implications. Chemical Geology, 207(1-2), pp. 117-132. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2004.02.007)

Parnell, J., Watt, G., Chen, H., Wycherley, H., Boyce, A., Elmore, D., Blumstein, R., Engel, M. and Gree, P. (2004) Kaolin polytype evidence for a hot-fluid pulse along Caledonian thrusts during rifting of the European Margin. Mineralogical Magazine, 68(3), pp. 419-432. (doi: 10.1180/0026461046830195)

Salmi-Laouar, S., Laouar, R., Boyce, A. , Zerdazi, A. and Arouche, Y.E. (2004) Rapports isotopiques du soufre, de l'oxygene et du carbone dans le Massif de Boujaber, NE Algerien: origine des mineralisations a Pb-Zb-Ba et source des fluides. Bulletin du Service Geologique de l'Algerie, 15(1), pp. 3-25.

Wagner, T., Boyce, A.J., Jonsson, E. and Fallick, A.E. (2004) Laser microprobe sulphur isotope analysis of arsenopyrite: experimental calibration and application to the Boliden Au-Cu- As massive sulphide deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 25(3-4), pp. 311-325. (doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2004.05.002)

McDonald, I., Annels, A., Bevins, R., Boyce, A. , Brabham, P., Butler, I., Herrington, R. and Polya, D. (2003) The Geological Society's 2003 fermor flagship meeting - world class mineral deposits and earth evolution - 18-21 August 2003 -foreword. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 112(2), p. 102. (doi: 10.1179/037174503225002270)

Boyce, A.J. , Fulignati, P. and Sbrana, A. (2003) Deep hydrothermal circulation in a granite intrusion beneath Larderello geothermal area (Italy): constraints from mineralogy, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 126(3-4), pp. 243-262. (doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00150-1)

Sánchez-España, J., Velasco, F., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) Source and evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids in the northern Iberian Pyrite Belt massive sulphide deposits (SW Spain): evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita, 38(5), pp. 519-537. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-002-0326-z)

Gleeson, S.A., Yardley, B.W., Munz, I.A. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Infiltration of basinal fluids into high-grade basement, South Norway: sources and behaviour of waters and brines. Geofluids, 3(1), pp. 33-48. (doi: 10.1046/j.1468-8123.2003.00047.x)

Pedersen, M., Nielsen, J.K., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) Timing and genesis of base- metal mineralisation in black shales of the Upper Permian Ravnefjeld Formation, Wegener Halvo, East Greenland. Mineralium Deposita, 38(1), pp. 108-123. (doi: 10.1007/s00126-002-0283-6)

Boyce, A. (2003) Interplay between sulphur sources in polysulphide mineralisation in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant Fold belt, Belgium. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79, pp. 607-611. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(03)00020-7)

Boyce, A.J., Fulignati, P. and Sbrana, A. (2003) Deep hydrothermal circulation in a granite intrusion beneath Larderello geothermal area (Italy): constraints from mineralogy, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 126(3-4), pp. 243-262. (doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00150-1)

Boyce, A.J. , Little, C.T.S. and Russell, M.J. (2003) A new fossil vent biota in the Ballynoe barite deposit, Silvermines, Ireland: Evidence for intracratonic sea-floor hydrothermal activity about 352 Ma. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 98(3), pp. 649-656.

Dewaele, S., Muchez, P. and Boyce, A. (2003) Interplay between sulphur sources in polysulphide mineralisation in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant Fold belt. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79, pp. 607-611. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(03)00020-7)

McGowan, R., Roberts, S., Foster, R.P., Boyce, A.J. and Coller, D. (2003) Origin of the Cu-Co deposits of the Zambian Copperbelt: an epigenetic view from Nchanga. Geology, 31(6), pp. 497-500. (doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0497:OOTCDO>2.0.CO;2)

McGowan, R.R., Roberts, S., Foster, R.P., Boyce, A.J. and Coller, D. (2003) Origin of the copper-cobalt deposits of the Zambian copperbelt: an epigenetic view from Nchanga. Geology, 31(6), pp. 497-500. (doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0497:OOTCDO>2.0.CO;2)

Palero, F.J., Both, R.A., Arribas, A., Boyce, A.J., Mangas, J. and Martin-Izard, A. (2003) Geology and metallogenic evolution of the polymetallic deposits of the Alcudia Valley mineral field, eastern Sierra Morena, Spain. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 98(3), pp. 577-605. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.98.3.577)

Roberts, S. et al. (2003) Contrasting evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin. The Sr and S isotope evidence. Geology, 31(9), pp. 805-808. (doi: 10.1130/G19716.1)

Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Sulphur isotope geochemistry of black shale-hosted antimony mineralization, Arnsberg, northern Rhenish Massif, Germany. Journal of Geological Society, 160(2), pp. 299-308. (doi: 10.1144/0016-764902-010)

Wycherley, H.L., Parnell, J., Watt, G.R., Chen, H. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Indicators of hot fluid migration in sedimentary basins: evidence from the UK Atlantic Margin. Petroleum Geoscience, 9(4), pp. 357-374.

Laouar, R., Boyce, A.J., Ahmed-Said, Y., Ouabadi, A., Fallick, A.E. and Toubal, A. (2002) Stable isotope study of the igneous, metamorphic and mineralized rocks of the Edough complex, Annaba, Northeast Algeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 35(2), pp. 271-283. (doi: 10.1016/S0899-5362(02)00037-4)

Piessens, K., Muchez, P., Dewaele, S., Boyce, A., De Vos, W., Sintubin, M., Debacker, T.N., Burke, E.A.J. and Viaene, W. (2002) Fluid flow, alteration and polysulphide mineralisation associated with a low-angle reverse shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant fold belt, Belgium. Tectonophysics, 348(1-3), pp. 73-92. (doi: 10.1016/S0040-1951(01)00250-5)

Banks, D.A., Boyce, A.J. and Samson, I.M. (2002) Constraints on the origins of fluids forming Irish Zn-Pb-Ba deposits: Evidence from the composition of fluid inclusions. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 97(3), pp. 471-480.

Blakeman, R.J., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J., Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (2002) Timing of interplay between hydrothermal and surface fluids in the Navan Zn plus Pb orebody, Ireland: Evidence from metal distribution trends, mineral textures, and delta S-34 analyses. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 97(1), pp. 73-91.

Boiron, M.C., Cathelineau, M., Banks, D.A., Buschaert, S., Fourcade, S., Coulibaly, Y., Michelot, J.L. and Boyce, A.J. (2002) Fluid transfers at a basement/cover interface Part II. Large- scale introduction of chlorine into the basement by Mesozoic basinal brines. Chemical Geology, 192(1-2), pp. 121-140. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00191-2)

Boyce, A. (2002) Sulfur stable isotope signatures of the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, Serra do Itaberaba group, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Geochimica Brasiliensis, 16(1), pp. 79-97.

Wagner, T., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2002) Laser combustion analysis of delta S-34 of sulfosalt minerals: Determination of the fractionation systematics and some crystal-chemical considerations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66(16), pp. 2855-2863. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00891-8)

Wagner, T. and Boyce, A.J. (2001) Sulphur isotope characteristics of recrystallisation, remobilisation and reaction processes: a case study from the Ramsbeck Pb-Zn deposit, Germany. Mineralium Deposita, 36(7), pp. 670-679. (doi: 10.1007/s001260100194)

Nord, A.G., Tronner, K. and Boyce, A.J. (2001) Atmospheric bronze and copper corrosion as an environmental indicator. A study based on chemical and sulphur isotope data. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 127(1-4), pp. 193-204. (doi: 10.1023/A:1005254913598)

Vroon, P.Z., Lowry, D., Van Bergen, M.J., Boyce, A.J. and Mattey, D.P. (2001) Oxygen isotope systematics of the Banda Arc: Low delta O-18 despite involvement of subducted continental material in magma genesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(4), pp. 589-609. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00554-8)

Boyce, A. (2001) Sulphur isotope characteristics of recrystallisation, remobilisation and reaction processes: a case study from the Ramsbeck Pb- Zn deposit, Germany. Mineralium Deposita, 36(7), pp. 670-679. (doi: 10.1007/s001260100194)

Fallick, A.E., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Ellam, R.M. and Russell, M.J. (2001) Bacteria were responsible for the magnitude of the world-class hydrothermal base metal sulfide orebody at Navan Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96(4), pp. 885-890.

Millar, I.L., Willan, R.C.R., Wareham, C.D. and Boyce, A.J. (2001) The role of crustal and mantle sources in the genesis of granitoids of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent crustal blocks. Journal of the Geological Society, 158(5), pp. 855-867.

Rice, C.M., Harmon, R.S., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2001) Assessment of grid-based whole-rock delta D surveys in exploration: Boulder County epithermal tungsten deposit, Colorado. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96(1), pp. 133-143.

Richards, J.P., Boyce, A.J.,. and Pringle, M.S. (2001) Geological evolution of the Escondida Area, Northern Chile: a model for spatial and temporal localization of Porphyry Cu mineralization. Economic Geology, 96(2), pp. 271-305.

Richards, J.P., Boyce, A.J. and Pringle, M.S. (2001) Geologic evolution of the Escondida area, northern Chile: A model for spatial and temporal localization of porphyry Cu mineralization. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96(2), pp. 271-305.

Barker, A.J., Bennett, D.G., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2000) Retrogression by deep infiltration of meteoric fluids into thrust zones during late-orogenic rapid unroofing. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 18(3), pp. 307-318. (doi: 10.1046/j.1525-1314.2000.00257.x)

Gleeson, S.A., Yardley, B.W.D., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Munz, L.A. (2000) From basin to basement: the movement of surface fluids into the crust. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69, pp. 527-531. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(00)00114-X)

McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Harte, B. and Scott, E.M. (2000) Sulphur isotope variations in diagenetic pyrite from core plug to sub-millimetre scales. Clay Minerals, 35(1), pp. 303-311. (doi: 10.1180/000985500546675)

Parnell, J., Baron, M. and Boyce, A. (2000) Controls on kaolinite and dickite distribution, Highland Boundary Fault Zone, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society, 157(3), pp. 635-640.

Parnell, J. et al. (2000) Regional fluid flow and gold mineralization in the Dalradian of the Sperrin Mountains, northern Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 95(7), pp. 1389-1416.

Piessens, K., Muchez, P., Viaene, W., Boyce, A. , De Vos, W., Sintubin, M. and Debacker, T. (2000) Alteration and fluid characteristics of a mineralised shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant belt, Belgium. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69, pp. 317-321. (doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(00)00082-0)

Polya, D.A., Foxford, K.A., Stuart, F., Boyce, A. and Fallick, A.E. (2000) Evolution and paragenetic context of low delta D hydrothermal fluids from the Panasqueira W-Sn deposit, Portugal: New evidence from microthermometric, stable isotope, noble gas and halogen analyses of primary fluid inclusions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64(19), pp. 3357-3371. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00459-2)

Gleeson, S.A., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Stuart, F.M. (1999) On the occurrence and wider implications of anomalously low δD fluids in quartz veins, South Cornwall, England. Chemical Geology, 160(1-2), pp. 161-173. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00052-2)

Munoz, M., Boyce, A. J. , Courjault-Rade, P., Fallick, A. E. and Tollon, F. (1999) Continental basinal origin of ore fluids from southwestern Massif central fluorite veins (Albigeois, France): evidence from fluid inclusion and stable isotope analyses. Applied Geochemistry, 14(4), pp. 447-458. (doi: 10.1016/S0883-2927(98)00070-5)

Wilkinson, J. J., Boyce, A.J. , Earls, G. and Fallick, A. E. (1999) Gold remobilization by low-temperature brines; evidence from the Curraghinalt gold deposit, Northern Ireland. Economic Geology, 94(2), pp. 289-296. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.94.2.289)

Alonso-Azcárate, J., Boyce, A. J. , Bottrell, S. H., Macaulay, C. I., Rodas, M., Fallick, A. E. and Mas, J. R. (1999) Development and use of in situ laser sulfur isotope analyses for pyrite-anhydrite geothermometry: An example from the pyrite deposits of the Cameros Basin, NE Spain. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63(3-4), pp. 509-513. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00022-8)

Velasco, F., Sánchez-España, J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Sáez, R. and Almodóvar, G.R. (1998) A new sulphur isotopic study of some Iberian Pyrite Belt deposits: evidence of a textural control on sulphur isotope composition. Mineralium Deposita, 34(1), pp. 4-18. (doi: 10.1007/s001260050182)

Renzulli, A., Upton, B. G.J., Boyce, A. and Ellam, R. M. (1998) Petrology of quartz syenite and hauyne syenite clasts from the Pitigliano Formation, Latera caldera, Vulsini District, Central Italy. European Journal of Mineralogy, 10(2), pp. 333-354. (doi: 10.1127/ejm/10/2/0333)

Anderson, I.K., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (1998) Ore depositional processes in the Navan Zn-Pb deposit, Ireland. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 93(5), pp. 535-563. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.93.5.535)

Demeny, A., Ahijado, A., Casillas, R., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (1998) Crustal contamination of carbonates indicated by 34S-13C correlations. RMZ: Materials and Geoenvironment, 45(1-2), pp. 20-21.

Wareham, C.D., Rice, C.M., Boyce, A.J. and Rogers, G. (1998) S, C, Sr, and Pb sources in the Pliocene Silver Creek porphyry, Mo system Rio, Colorado. Economic Geology, 93(1), pp. 32-46. (doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.93.1.32)

Macaulay, C.I., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Haszeldine, R.S. (1997) Quartz veins record vertical flow at a Graben Edge; Fulmar oil field, central North Sea. AAPG Bulletin, 81(12), pp. 2024-2033.

Drake, K.E., Boyce, A.J. , Clapperton, C.M., Fallick, A.E., Rice, C.M. and Redwood, S.D. (1997) Supergene mineralization at the Kori Kollo gold mine, Bolivia. Exploration and Mining Geology, 6(3), pp. 209-221.

Munoz, M., Boyce, A. , Courjault-Rade, P., Fallick, A. and Tollon, F. (1997) Peyrebrune (Zn, F) lode-deposit (SW Massif Central, France): geochemical characterization of fluids during the Mesozoic at the eastern border of the Aquitain basin. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 324(11), pp. 899-906. (doi: 10.1016/S1251-8050(97)82503-7)

Fletcher, T.A., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Rice, C.M. and Kay, R.L.F. (1997) Geology and stable isotope study of Arthrath mafic intrusion and Ni-Cu mineralization, northeast Scotland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 106, B169-B178.

Maynard, J., Prichard, H.M., Ixer, R.A., Lord, R.A., Wright, I.P., Pillinger, C.T., McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1997) Sulphur isotope study of Ni-Fe-Cu mineralization in the Shetland ophiolite. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 106, B215-B226.

Smith, M., Banks, D. A., Yardley, B. W.D. and Boyce, A. (1996) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope constraints on the genesis of the Cligga Head Sn-W deposit, S.W. England. European Journal of Mineralogy, 8(5), pp. 961-974. (doi: 10.1127/ejm/8/5/0961)

Wen, N., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Ashworth, J.R. and Ixer, R.A. (1996) The genesis of Cu-bearing quartz veins by metamorphic remobilization from stratiform red bed deposits, SW County Cork, Ireland. Mineralogy and Petrology, 57(1-2), pp. 73-89. (doi: 10.1007/BF01161622)

Craw, D., Hall, A.J., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (1995) Sulphur isotopes in a metamorphogenic gold deposit, Macraes mine, Otago Schist, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 38(2), pp. 131-136. (doi: 10.1080/00288306.1995.9514645)

Rice, C.M. et al. (1995) A Devonian auriferous hot spring system, Rhynie, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 152(2), pp. 229-250. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.152.2.0229)

Munoz, M., Boyce, A. J. , Courjault-Rade, P., Fallick, A. E. and Tollon, F. (1994) Multi-stage fluid incursion in the Palaeozoic basement-hosted Saint-Salvy ore deposit (NW Montagne Noire, southern France). Applied Geochemistry, 9(6), pp. 609-626. (doi: 10.1016/0883-2927(94)90022-1)

Thomson, B., Fallick, A.E., Boyce, A.J. and Rice, C. (1994) The Candelaria silver deposit, Nevada - preliminary sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry. Mineralium Deposita, 29(4), pp. 318-329. (doi: 10.1007/BF00191038)

Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1994) A sulphur isotope study of iron sulphides in the late Precambrian Dalradian Ardrishaig Phyllite Formation, Knapdale, Argyll. Scottish Journal of Geology, 30(1), pp. 63-71. (doi: 10.1144/sjg30010063)

Sullivan, M. D., Haszeldine, R. S., Boyce, A. J. , Rogers, G. and Fallick, A. E. (1994) Late anhydrite cements mark basin inversion: isotopic and formation water evidence, Rotliegend Sandstone, North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 11(1), pp. 46-54. (doi: 10.1016/0264-8172(94)90008-6)

Lowry, D., Boyce, A. J. , Fallick, A. E. and Stephens, W. E. (1994) Genesis of porphyry and plutonic mineralisation systems in metaluminous granitoids of the Grampian Terrane, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 85(3), pp. 221-237. (doi: 10.1017/S0263593300003618)

Hall, A.J., McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1994) Sulfides with high delta-s-34 from the late Precambrian Bonahaven dolomite, Argyll, Scotland. Mineralogical Magazine, 392(58), pp. 486-490.

McGill, R.A.R., Hall, A.J., Fallick, A.E. and Boyce, A.J. (1993) The palaeoenvironment of East Kirkton, West Lothian, Scotland: stable isotope evidence from silicates and sulphides. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 84(3-4), pp. 223-237. (doi: 10.1017/S0263593300006040)

Curtis, S., Pattrick, R., Jenkin, G., Fallick, A.E., Boyce, A.J. and Treagus, J.E. (1993) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of fault-related mineralization in Tyndrum area, Scotland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 102, B39-B47.

Skauli, H., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1992) A sulphur isotopic study of the Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-Cu deposit, Nordland, northern Norway. Mineralium Deposita, 27(4), pp. 284-292. (doi: 10.1007/BF00193399)

Fallick, A.E., McConville, P., Boyce, A.J. , Burgess, R. and Kelley, S.P. (1992) Laser microprobe stable isotope measurements on geological materials: Some experimental considerations (with special reference toδ34S in sulphides). Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 101(1-2), pp. 53-61. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2541(92)90202-G)

Kelley, S.P., Fallick, A.E., McConville, P. and Boyce, A.J. (1992) High-precision, high spatial-resolution analysis of sulfur isotopes by laser combustion of natural sulfide minerals. Scanning Microscopy, 6, pp. 129-138.

Lowry, D., Boyce, A.J. , Pattrick, R.A.D., Fallick, A.E. and Stanley, C.J. (1991) A sulphur isotopic investigation of the potential sulphur sources for Lower Palaeozoic-hosted vein mineralization in the English Lake District. Journal of the Geological Society, 148(6), pp. 993-1004. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.148.6.0993)

Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Hamilton, P.J. (1991) Isotopic evidence of the depositional environment of Late Proterozoic stratiform barite mineralisation, Aberfeldy, Scotland. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 87(2), pp. 99-114. (doi: 10.1016/0168-9622(91)90044-W)

Laouar, R., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Leake, B.E. (1990) A sulphur isotope study on selected Caledonian granites of Britain and Ireland. Geological Journal, 25(3-4), pp. 359-369. (doi: 10.1002/gj.3350250318)

Fletcher, T.A., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1989) A sulphur isotope study of Ni-Cu mineralization in the Huntly-Knock Caledonian mafic and ultramafic intrusions of northeast Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 146(4), pp. 675-684. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.146.4.0675)

Naylor, H., Turner, P., Vaughan, D. J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1989) Genetic studies of red bed mineralization in the Triassic of the Cheshire Basin, northwest England. Journal of the Geological Society, 146(4), pp. 685-699. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.146.4.0685)

Anderson, I.K., Andrew, C.J., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Caulfield, J.B.D., Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (1989) Preliminary sulphur isotope data of diagenetic and vein sulphides in the Lower Palaeozoic strata of Ireland and southern Scotland: implications for Zn + Pb + Ba mineralization. Journal of the Geological Society, 146(4), pp. 715-720. (doi: 10.1144/gsjgs.146.4.0715)

Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1988) A sulfur isotope study of iron sulfides in the late Precambrian Dalradian Easdale slate formation, Argyll, Scotland. Mineralogical Magazine, 52, pp. 483-490.

Pattrick, R.A.D., Boyce, A. and MacIntyre, R.M. (1988) Gold-Silver vein mineralization at Tyndrum, Scotland. Mineralogy and Petrology, 38(1), pp. 61-76. (doi: 10.1007/BF01162482)

Hall, A.J., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1987) Iron sulphides in metasediments: isotopic support for a retrogressive pyrrhotite to pyrite reaction. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 65(3-4), pp. 305-310. (doi: 10.1016/0168-9622(87)90010-8)

McArthur, J.M., Hamilton, P.J., Greensmith, J.T., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Birch, G., Walsh, J.N., Benmore, R.A. and Coleman, M.L. (1987) Phosphorite geochemistry: isotopic evidence for meteoric alteration of francolite on a local scale. Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience Section, 65(3-4), pp. 415-425. (doi: 10.1016/0168-9622(87)90017-0)

Boyce, A.J. , Coleman, M. L. and Russell, M.J. (1983) Formation of fossil hydrothermal chimneys and mounds from Silvermines, Ireland. Nature, 306(5943), pp. 545-550. (doi: 10.1038/306545a0)

Boyce, A.J. , Anderton, R. and Russell, M.J. (1983) Rapid subsidence and early carboniferous base-metal mineralization in Ireland. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Applied Earth Science, 92, B55-B66.

Larter, R.C.L., Boyce, A.J. and Russell, M.J. (1982) Hydrothermal pyrite chimneys - feeders to the synsedimentary Ballynoe baryte deposit. Journal of the Geological Society, 139(1), p. 99.

Larter, R.C.L., Boyce, A.J. and Russell, M.J. (1981) Hydrothermal pyrite chimneys from the Ballynoe baryte deposit, Silvermines, County Tipperary, Ireland. Mineralium Deposita, 16(2), pp. 309-317. (doi: 10.1007/BF00202742)

Book Sections

Gaydarska, B. et al. (2020) The finds. In: Gaydarska, B. (ed.) Early Urbanism in Europe: The Trypillia Megasites of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. De Gruyter Open Poland: Warsaw ; Berlin, pp. 265-414. ISBN 9783110664935 (doi: 10.1515/9783110664959-009)

Ashton, J.H. , Blakeman, R.J., Geraghty, J.F., Beach, A., Coller, D., Philcox, M.E., Boyce, A.J. and Wilkinson, J.J. (2015) The giant Navan Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposit: a review. In: Archibald, S.M. and Piercey, S.J. (eds.) Current Perspectives on Zinc Deposits. Irish Association for Economic Geology: Dublin, pp. 85-122. ISBN 9780950989457

Boyce, A.J. , Barrie, C.D., Samson, I.M. and Williams-Jones, A.E. (2015) Aspects of the geochemistry of zinc: a journey to sphalerite. In: Archibald, S.M. and Piercey, S.J. (eds.) Current Perspectives on Zinc Deposits. Irish Association for Economic Geology: Dublin, pp. 17-35. ISBN 9780950989457

Hawkins, T., Herrington, R., Smith, M.P., Maslenikov, V. and Boyce, A. (2012) The iron skarns of the Turgai Belt, northwestern Kazakhstan. In: Porter, T.M. (ed.) Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective. PGC Pub., pp. 461-474. ISBN 9780987119629

Cope, I.L., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Chapman, J.B., Herrington, R.J. and Harris, C.J. (2008) Genesis of the pic de fon iron oxide deposit, Simandou Range, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. In: Banded iron formation-related high-grade iron ore. Series: Reviews in economic geology (15). Society of Economic Geology: Littleton, pp. 339-360. ISBN 9781934969076

Carrillo Rosúa, F. J., Morales Ruano, S., Hach-Ali, P. F., Céspedes, D. M., Belmar, M., Boyce, A. J. and Fallick, A. E. (2005) Mineralogical and chemical features of gangue phases in relation to hydrothermal mineralization and their host rocks. In: Mao, J. and Bierlein, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1057-1060. ISBN 9783540279457 (doi: 10.1007/3-540-27946-6_270)

Roberts, S., Bach, W., Boyce, A. and Burgess, R. (2005) Sr-87/Sr-86, He-3/He-4, REE and stable isotope (delta S-34, delta O-18) constraints on the hydrothermal fluid evolution of the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin. In: Mao, J. and Bierlein, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 813-815. ISBN 9783540279457

Roberts, S., McGowan, R. and Boyce, A. (2005) Origin of the Nchanga copper-cobalt deposits of the Zambian Copperbelt. In: Mao, J.M. and Bierlein, F.P. (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 171-173. ISBN 9783540279457 (doi: 10.1007/3-540-27946-6_45)

Rosua, F.J.C., Ruano, S.M., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) High and intermediate sulphidation environment in the same hydrothermal deposit: the example of Au-Cu Palai-Islica deposit, Carboneras (Almeria). In: Eliopoulos, D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, pp. 445-448. ISBN 9789077017777

Carrillo Rosua, F.J., Morales Ruano, S., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (2003) High and intermediate sulphidation environment in the same hydrothermal deposit: the example of Au-Cu Palai-Islica deposit, Carbonera (Almeria). In: Eliopoulos, D.G. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Dewaele, S., Muchez, P., Boyce, A.J. and Huizenga, P.M. (2003) Sulfur isotope evolution and changing redox conditions in a mesozonal orogenic mineral occurrence in the lower Paleozoic rocks of the Anglo-Brabant fold belt, Belgium. In: Eliopoulos, D.G. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Holland, N.G., Roberts, S., Herrington, R.J. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) The Balta Tau VMS deposit: an ancient gold-rich white smoker? In: Eliopoulos, G.D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Mark, G., Williams, P.J. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Late quartz veining along the Cloncurry Fault, Eastern Fold Belt, NW Queensland, Australia: stable isotope evidence for the incursion of low-latitude meteoric fluids. In: Eliopoulos, G.D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Wagner, T., Jonsson, E. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) Small-scale sulphur isotope study of metamorphic ore remobilisation in the Hallefors district, Bergslagen, Sweden. In: Eliopoulos, G.D. (ed.) Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003. Millpress: Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789077017777

Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Everett, C.E. and Lee, M.J. (2003) Timing and depth of mineralization in the Irish Zn-Pb orefield. In: Kelly, G., Andrew, J., Ashton, H., Boland, B., Earls, G., Fusciardi, L. and Stanley, G. (eds.) Europe's Major Base Metal Deposits. Irish Association for Economic Geology: Dublin, Ireland, pp. 483-497. ISBN 9780950989433

Wagner, T. and Boyce, A. J. (2001) Sulphide-sulphosalt reactions and sphalerite remobilisation in siderite-Pb-Zn-Sb veins of the Siegerland district, Germany: a laser microprobe sulphur isotope study. In: Piestrzynski, A. (ed.) Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century. CRC Press. ISBN 9781003077503

Blakeman, R.J., Ashton, J.H., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Russell, M.J. (1999) Metal enrichment trends within the Navan Zn plus Pb deposit: Indicators of feeder zones. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 813-816.

Both, R.A., Palero, F.J., Arribas, A., Boyce, A. and Mangas, J. (1999) Metallogenesis of lead-zinc deposits of the Alcudia Valley, Spain. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 817-820.

Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E., Little, C.T.S., Wilkinson, J.J. and Everett, C.E. (1999) A hydrothermal vent tube worm in the Ballynoe baryte deposit, Silvermines, Ireland: Implications for timing and ore genesis. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 825-827.

Bruce, S., Yardley, B.W.D., Banks, D., Boyce, A.J. , Munoz, M., Courjault-Rade, P. and Tollon, F. (1999) Mineralising brines in the South West Massif Central, France. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 29-32.

Cruise, M.D., Boyce, A.J. and Fallick, A.E. (1999) Iron-oxide alteration associated with the carbonate-hosted Tynagh and Crinkill base-metal deposits, Ireland: Evidence for the involvement of dissolved atmospheric oxygen. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 833-836.

Everett, C.E., Rye, D.M., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Ellam, R.M., Fallick, A.E. and Gleeson, S.A. (1999) The genesis of Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits: characterisation and origin of the principal ore fluid. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 845-848.

Gleeson, S.A., Banks, D.A., Everett, C.E., Wilkinson, J.J., Samson, I.M. and Boyce, A.J. (1999) Origin of mineralising fluids in Irish-type deposits: Constraints from halogens. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 857-860.

Jonsson, E. and Boyce, A.J. (1999) Correlation of mineral parageneses with S and O isotopic variation in Pb-Mn-As-Sb-bearing veins at Langban, Sweden. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 951-954.

Knight, F.C., Rickard, D. and Boyce, A.J. (1999) Multigenetic origin for the secondary enrichment in the Las Cruces VMS deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt. In: Stanley, C.J. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, Vols 1 and 2. A.A. Balkema Publishers: Rotterdam, pp. 543-546.

Boyce, A.J. et al. (1997) The identification and role of three fluids in the genesis of a mesozonal gold deposit at Curraghinalt, Northern Ireland. In: Papunen, H. (ed.) Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration - Where do they meet? Proceedings of the 4th Biennial SGA Meeting, Turku, Finland. Series: Opas (Geologian tutkimuskeskus (Finland)) (41-45). A.A. Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 161-163. ISBN 9789054108894

Research Reports or Papers

Banks, D. , Frank, Y., Kadnikov, V., Karnachuk, O., Watts, M., Boyce, A. and Frengstad, B. (2014) Hydrochemical Data Report from Sampling of Two deep Abandoned Hydrocarbon Exploration Wells: Byelii Yar and Parabel’, Tomsk oblast’, Western Siberia, Russian Federation. Technical Report. Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Trondheim, Norway.

Conference or Workshop Item

Montcoudiol, N., Burnside, N. , Wagaw, H., Elias, L. T. and Boyce, A. (2019) Geothermal Energy and Water Resources in Ethiopia. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 Apr 2019.

Lee, M.R. , King, A.J., Cohen, B.E. , Mark, D.F. and Boyce, A. (2018) Distinguishing Mild Aqueous Alteration from Thermal Metamorphism in the Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85311 CM Carbonaceous Chondrite. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Moscow, Russia, 22-27 Jul 2018. (Unpublished)

Lee, M.R. , Cohen, B.E. , Mark, D.F. and Boyce, A. (2018) Ephemeral Nebular Components in the Mildly Aqueously Altered CM Carbonaceous Chondrite LEW 85311. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018, The Woodlands, Texas, 19-23 March 2018.

Lee, M.R. , Cohen, B.E. , Mark, D.F. and Boyce, A. (2018) Evidence for Widespread Post-Hydration Heating of the CM Carbonaceous Chondrites. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018, The Woodlands, Texas, 19-23 March 2018.

Conference Proceedings

Holdsworth, C., Tamraz, L., Gilfillan, S., Johnson, G., Boyce, A. and Snæbjörnsdóttir, S. (2022) Tracking CO2 Injection, Migration and Fate at Carbfix2 Using Stable Isotopes. In: 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-16), Lyon, France, 23-27 Oct 2022, (doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4278641)

Abdelamalek, L., Rabah, L., Sihem, S.-L., Salah, B. and Boyce, A. J. (2022) Origin of the Tala Hamza Igneous Rocks-Hosted Zinc-Lead Deposit, NE Algeria. In: 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-2), Sousse, Tunisia, 25-28 Nov 2019, pp. 367-369. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72547-1_78)

Montcoudiol, N., Burnside, N. M. , Teklemariam, E. L. and Boyce, A. (2020) Addressing Essential Hydrogeological and Environmental Constraints for Geothermal Development in East Africa. In: World Geothermal Conference 2020+1, Reykjavik, Iceland, 24-27 October 2021,

Richards, L.A. et al. (2019) Understanding Arsenic Evolution in a Shallow, Reducing Aquifer in the Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia Using Geochemical Tracers. In: Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress and Exhibition on Arsenic in the Environment (AS 2018), Beijing, China, 1-6 Jul 2018, pp. 127-128. ISBN 9781351046633

Moles, N.R. and Boyce, A.J. (2019) Neoproterozoic Microbial Processes in Chemical Sediment Diagenesis: Evidence from the Aberfeldy Barite Deposits. In: Proceedings of the 15th SGA Biennial Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1413-1416. ISBN 9780852619650

Laouar, R., Zanouda, H. S., Salmi-Laouar, S., Sebai, A., Verati, C., Bouhlel, S. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Petrology, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Sidi El Hemissi Triassic ‘Ophites’ (Souk Ahras, NE Algeria). In: Petrogenesis and Exploration of the Earth’s Interior Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Hammamet, Tunisia, 12-15 Nov 2019, pp. 13-16. ISBN 9783030015756 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-01575-6_3)

Burnside, N. M. , Montcoudiol, N. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Surface and Groundwater Hydrochemistry in the Mid-Gregory Rift, Kenya: First Impressions and Potential Implications for Geothermal Systems. In: 16th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction and 13th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry (1st IAGC International Conference), Tomsk, Russia, 21-26 Jul 2019, 07004. (doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20199807004)

Burnside, N. M. , Rane, S., Yu, G. , Ma, H., Montcoudiol, N., Li, W., Teklemariam, E. L., Boyce, A. , He, L. and Yu, Z. (2019) Geothermally Sourced Combined Power and Freshwater Generation for Eastern Africa. In: European Geothermal Congress 2019, The Hague, The Netherlands, 11-14 Jun 2019,

Currie, D., Stuart, F. , Boyce, A. , Essien, B. and Faithfull, J. (2019) Revised Genesis for Scotland's Largest Pb-Zn deposit. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 225-228. ISBN 9780852619629

Doran, A. L., Menuge, J. F., Guven, J., Hollis, S. P., Boyce, A. J. and Piercey, S. J. (2019) Correlated Petrographic and Isotopic Studies (S, Pb) of Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb Mineralization: the Formation of the High-grade Island Pod, Lisheen. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1200-1203. ISBN 9780852619643

Giuliani, G., Fallick, A. E. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) The Origin of Sapphires in Alluvial and Marine Placers from the Loire River, France. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 897-900. ISBN 9780852619636

Lindsay, J. J., Hughes, H. S.R., Andersen, J. C.O., Smyth, D., McDonald, I. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Distinct Sulphur Saturation Histories of the Palaeogene Magilligan Sill, N. Ireland: Implications for Ni-Cu-PGE Exploration in the North Atlantic. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 550-552. ISBN 9780852619636

Lyell, C., Boyce, A. J. , Mark, D. F. , McCarthy, W., Sangster, C. J.S., Flindell, P. and van den Berg, M. (2019) Evolving the Genetic Model for the Cononish Gold Deposit, Scotland: From Prospect to Mine. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 727-730. ISBN 9780852619636

Martin, A. J., McDonald, I., McFall, K. A., MacLeod, C. J., Keith, M., Jenkin, G. R.T. and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Tellurium and Selenium Systematics in Mafic VMS from Cyprus: Mineral, Mound and Regional Scale Controls. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1657-1660. ISBN 9780852619650

Mullen, G., Barrie, C., Boyce, A. J. and Drummond, D. (2019) How Long Does It Take to Form a Sediment Hosted Zn Plus Pb Deposit? In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 1425-1428. ISBN 9780852619650

Papadopoulos, V., Boyce, A. , Mark, D. , Ickert, R. and Tsikos, H. (2019) Investigation of Large-scale Brine Circulation as Mechanism of Ore Formation in the Kalahari and Postmasburg Fe-Mn Fields, South Africa. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 240-243. ISBN 9780852619629

Price, J. J., Blenkinsop, T. G., Kerr, A. C., Goodenough, K. M., Boyce, A. J. and Kuehnapfel, C. (2019) Reverse Shear, Horizontal Shortening and Lode-gold Mineralisation along the Mougooderra Shear Zone, Western Australia. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 639-642. ISBN 9780852619636

Rivai, T. A., Yonezu, K., Tindell, T., Imai, A., Watanabe, K., Syafrizal, and Boyce, A. J. (2019) Dairi: An Example of Zn-Pb-Ag Sediment-hosted Deposit from Indonesia. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 32-35. ISBN 9780852619629

Saintilan, N. J., Selby, D., Hughes, J., Schlatter, D. M., Kolb, J. and Boyce, A. (2019) A Refined View of the 'Mesoarchaean gold event'. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 715-718. ISBN 9780852619636

Stobbs, I. J., Murton, B. J., Pearce, R., Boyce, A. and Petersen, S. (2019) Origins of Si-Fe Cap Rocks at Extinct Seafloor Massive Sulphide (eSMS) Deposits from the TAG Hydrothermal Field (26 degrees N), Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 91-94. ISBN 9780852619629

Yesares, L., Menuge, J. F., Drummond, D. A., Boyce, A. J. , Ashton, J. H. and Blakeman, R. J. (2019) Genetic Links between Irish-type Zn-Pb Deposits and Related Geochemical Halos. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 463-466. ISBN 9780852619629

Simpson, S.L., Boyce, A.J. , Lambert, P., Lee, M.R. , Mark, D.F. and Lindgren, P. (2015) Stable Isotope Studies of the Rochechouart Impact Structure: Sources of Secondary Carbonates and Sulphides within Allochthonous and Parautochthonous Impactites. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 16-20 Mar 2015,

Simpson, S.L., Boyce, A.J. , Lee, M.R. and Lindgren, P. (2014) Stable isotope studies of post impact hydrothermal deposits within the sub-crater environment of the Rochechouart structure. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Casablanca, Morocco, 8-13 September 2014,

Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Boyce, A.J. , Ashton, J., Blakeman, R. and Geraghty, J. (2013) How did it get there? Searching for "the feeder" at the Navan Zn+Pb deposit, Ireland. In: 12th SGA Biennial Meeting: Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World, Uppsala, Sweden, 12 - 15 Aug 2013,

Henjes-Kunst, E., Boyce, A. J. , Melcher, F. and Raith, J. G. (2013) High-resolution sulfur isotope and trace element measurements of sphalerites from the Pb-Zn deposits of the Drau Range (Eastern Alps, Austria/Slovenia). In: 12th SGA Biennial Meeting: Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World, Uppsala, Sweden, 12 - 15 Aug 2013, pp. 319-323.

Roberts, S., Nowecki, J., Gleeson, S. and Boyce, A.J. (2013) Tracing seawater evaporation and evaporite dissolution in the Zambian Copperbelt: evidence from crush-leach analysis of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. In: 12th SGA Biennial Meeting: Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World, Uppsala, Sweden, 12 - 15 Aug 2013, pp. 659-662. ISBN 9789174032079

Hill, N.J. et al. (2011) New gold occurrences in the Scottish Dalradian - nature and constraints on genesis. In: Lets Talk Ore Deposits: Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September 2011, pp. 577-579.

Holwell, D.A., Bird, P.J., Boyce, A.J. , Keays, R.R. and Abraham-Jones, T. (2011) The Genesis of Precious Metal Sulfide Deposits in the Skaergasrd and Other Related Intrusions, Kangerlussuaq Area, East Greenland. In: Lets Talk Ore Deposits: Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Antofagasta, Chile, 26-29 September 2011, pp. 642-644.

Bertelli, M., Williams, P., Baker, T., Lisowiec, N. and Boyce, A. (2009) Nature and origin of ore-forming fluids in the Ravenswood Gold System, North Queensland: Evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. In: Smart Science for Exploration and Mining: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-20 Aug 2009, pp. 344-346. ISBN 9780980558685

Cope, I., Wilkinson, J., Boyce, A. and Herrington, R. (2009) Oxygen isotope composition of hematite: Pic de Fon Deposit, Republic of Guinea, West Africa. In: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-19 Aug 2009, pp. 561-563.

El Desouky, H., Muchez, P., Boyce, A. , Cailteux, J. and Dewaele, S. (2009) Sources of sulphur in the Katanga Copperbelt, Democratic Republic of Congo. In: Smart Science for Exploration and Mining: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-20 Aug 2009, ISBN 9780980558685

Hawkins, T., Herrington, R., Smith, M., Maslenikov, V. and Boyce, A. (2009) Magnetite and associated copper-gold skarns in the Valerianovskoe belt, Kazakhstan: Links to magmatism. In: Smart Science for Exploration and Mining: 10th Biennial SGA Meeting, Townsville, Australia, 17-20 Aug 2009, pp. 632-634. ISBN 9780980558685


Chapman, J.C. et al. (2019) Trypillia Mega-sites of the Ukraine. [Website]

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  • Balci, Uğur
    Deciphering the deep Earth and the origin of volatiles using Tertiary Iceland plume-derived basalts

Research datasets

Jump to: 2020 | 2015
Number of items: 2.


Ross, K., Perry, M. , Keith, N. , Ajayi, S., Baird, B., Barrett, B. , Basra, S., Bell, I., Boyce, A. , Brinkmann, K., Brown, R., Burnside, N. , Chechia, V., Chisholm, E., Conroy, J. , Currie, A., Duclos, V., Ehret, C., Fallow, L., Ferdous, R. , Ferguson, C., Harper, A., Hush, G., Judge, J., Kadoma, A., Karakasis, P., Kawecka, M., Keenan, C., Kelly, J., Khalilian, K., Kupiainen, R., LeGrand, P., Macdonald, H., Mcarthur, E., McCaffrey, R., Mcghie, K., Mckenzie, R., O'Neill, D., O'Rourke, J., Paul, S., Piatek, N., Prendergast, E., Proudfoot, B., Pullanikkatil, D., Robertson, E., Robinson, J. , Roth, C., Sharp, J., Sleight, R., Stevens-Rosa, P., Stewart, S., Strazdaite, I., Stricevic, M., Vidal-Lourenco, J., Vincent, A., Wills, N., Yang, S. and Zambonini, H. (2020) Future Experiences: Sustainable Development and the Global South. [Data Collection]


Hughes, H. S. R., Boyce, A. , McDonald, I., Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Holwell, D. A., McDonald, A. and Oldroyd, A. (2015) Contrasting mechanisms for crustal sulphur contamination of mafic magma: evidence from dyke and sill complexes from the British Palaeogene Igneous Province. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 21:51:42 2024 BST.

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Do not hesitate to contact me for any enquiry – I will do my best to assist your project in any way I can.

What do I do?

I am a stable isotope geochemist, specializing in applied geological studies. I manage the Isotope Community Support Facility (ICSF) here at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC). This Facility is funded by competitive bid through the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Services and Facilities, and we are part of NERC’s National Capability. The Facility offers access to all UK University and Institute departments to SUERC’s international-class suite of stable isotope systems, through NERC peer-reviewed application (see the ICSF website) or approved pilot study. One of my principal tasks is to train PhD students who undertake extensive programmes of stable isotope analyses resulting from approved projects. In this effort, I am fortunate to be aided by Mrs. Alison McDonald, who is ICSF’s dedicated technician.


I have a strong commitment to the public dissemination of data, particularly through publication in peer-reviewed journals. I thank the many colleagues and their students who have worked with me through ICSF over the years. Their hard work has contributed strongly to the quality of my publication list.