Sponsored Events

Sponsored Events

From time to time, at the instigation of its editors, Screen sponsors or co-sponsors conferences, symposia, seminars and public lectures in venues across the UK. Unfortunately, unsolicited requests for funding will not be considered.

Previous events

  • 21–26 May 2023 Screen co-sponsored the University of Manchester’s Sexuality Summer School with the theme (Up) Against Nature.
  • 23-27 May 2022 Screen co-sponsored the University of Manchester's Sexuality Summer School, with the theme The Desire for Identity.

  • 24-28 May 2021 Screen co-sponsored the University of Manchester's Sexuality Summer School, held online and continuing last year's theme of Queering the Archive
  • 18-22 May 2020 Screen co-sponsored the University of Manchester's Sexuality Summer School, held online, with the theme Queering the Archive.
  • 20-24 May 2019 Screen co-sponsored the University of Manchester's Sexuality Summer School, with the theme Queer Dialogues.
  • 21-15 May 2018 Screen co-sponsored the University of Manchester's Sexuality Summer School, with the theme, Queer Longing.
  • 22-26 May 2017 Screen is a co-sponsor of the University of Manchester's Sexuality Summer School. This annual postgraduate summer school hosts a series of public events including lectures, films and performances. 
  • 2016/7 Screen will sponsor a programme of seminars at the University of Glasgow. 

  • 30 March 2016. Screen sponsored a roundtable celebrating the work of esteemed scholar Richard Dyer, entitled 'Richard Dyer in the House of Cinema', at SCMS, Atlanta. Watch video.

  • 23-27 May 2016. Screen co-funded the annual Sexuality Summer School organised by the University of Manchester. 
  • Screen funded a reception at the 27 November 2015 launch of the publication Doing Women's Film History edited by Christine Gledhill and Julie Knight, and contributed towards the award for the best paper submitted by a PhD student at the related conference.
  • Screen supported a two-day international conference at the University of Warwick, 12-13 November 2015, to mark the 50th anniversary of Roberto Rossellini’s Rome Open City.
  • The Screen Seminar semester two schedule of visiting speakers is now available online. The Film and Television Studies dept at Glasgow University will host talks by Miriam Ross (Victoria Wellington) on 3D technology, Joyce Goggin (Amsterdam) on narrating Las Vegas, Maria Velez-Serna (Glasgow) on geography and early Glasgow cinema, and Paul Cooke (Leeds) on heritage sites and historical film.
  • University of Glasgow's Film and Television Studies department, with funding from Screen, hosts a series of regular invited seminars throughout the academic year. Guest speakers are drawn from both the UK and the wider world. They include scholars, filmmakers and a range of other practitioners and professionals from the cultural and creative industries. The seminars provide a forum in which to engage with the latest in cutting edge research, where staff and postgraduates from across the University can participate in lively discussion and explore new ideas. 
  • 13 June 2015. The appointment of former Screen editor Professor Annette Kuhn as Emeritus Professor in Film Studies at Queen Mary University of London will be marked by an event at Mary Ward House, London on 13 June, 2015. "Pictures, Places and Living Memory" will be an informal celebration of Annette's past and continuing achievements as well as an opportunity to discover work on memory, place, photography and film by a new generation of scholars and creative artists. 

  • 21 April 2015. Screen co-sponsored "Visual Pleasure at 40: Laura Mulvey in Discussion" at the BFI to mark the anniversary of the publication of Mulvey's groundbreaking essay Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, first published in Screen in 1975‌.‌
  • 29-31 March 2015. Screen is delighted to announce that it will sponsor of the screening of a restored film, and a reception at The Colour Fantastic: chromatic worlds of silent cinema
  • May 2014. Southampton University postgraduate symposium on Contemporary Central and South-East European Cinema in Transition
  • May 2014. Screening of the documentary United in Anger:  a history of ACT UP at Cornerhouse Manchester. The screening was followed by a Q&A with director Jim Hubbard, Richard Dyer, Professor of Film Studies at Kings College London and Dr Monica Pearl of the University of Manchester. 
  • Glasgow University Film and Television Studies, with funding from Screen, will host a series of seminars throughout the academic year featuring talks from scholars, filmmakers and a range of other practitioners and professionals from the cultural and creative industries.  
  • November 2014. Screen sponsored the musical accompaniment to a rare screening of Silivia the Zulu (dir. Attilio Gatti, 1928) at Bristol's Watershed as part of the Afrika Eye Film Festival. The new score was performed live by Juwon Ogungbe.
  • May 2013. As part of the annual Sexuality Summer School organised by the University of Manchester, Screen sponsored a performance lecture by Professor Lois Weaver. Her performance, What Tammy Found Out was a"trailer trash crash course on art, Tupperware and new math conducted by country western singer turned lesbian performance artist, Tammy WhyNot".
  • March 2013. Symposium on Little Madnesses:Winnicott, Transitional Phenomena and Cultural Experience.

Screen also sponsored 11 events during its 50th anniversary year in 2009: see our Anniversary page.