Caroline Gardner CBE

Caroline Gardner CBE is the former Auditor General for Scotland and joins the Centre for Public Policy as an Honorary Professor.

Ms Gardner served as the Auditor General for Scotland from 2012 to 2020, responsible for auditing the Scottish Government, public bodies and reporting to the Scottish Parliament. Her time in office saw the establishment of integrated joint boards in the NHS and increased financial powers in Scotland. She brings with her a wealth of experience on public service delivery and scrutiny of governments.

Ms Gardner’s distinguished career in audit, governance and financial management will be invaluable to the Centre’s programme of work, especially in the areas of policy evaluation and executive education. Her insights into the role audit plays in the scrutiny of public services will significantly strengthen the Centre’s programme of work.

She will support the Centre’s work on policy evaluation and future public service delivery, as well as the development of its programme of Executive Education.

Caroline Gardner said:
“The Centre for Public Policy offers a vital place for academics, practitioners and stakeholders to work together on the complex policy challenges we face in Scotland and beyond. I'm delighted to be joining the Centre in its early days, and I'm looking forward to working with colleagues to improve public policy-making and address the policy challenges of the future.”