DATE: 8th November 2021
TIME: 13:00-14:00
LOCATION: CCSE Online Seminar Room
Online Coding Tutorials Systems (OCTSs) provide a basis for free and open interactive programming education at scale. Such browser-based systems featuring automated feedback are increasingly popular as remote learning has become normalized. In addition, online coding tutorials systems facilitate practical coding experiences that form an integral part of the learning process for novice programmers.

However, such systems will only be truly effective if they provide features and characteristics that can help novice programmers to overcome learning difficulties. In this research work, firstly, we identify the common programming learning’ challenges and we explore possible solutions and supported features that could be proposed to create richer and interesting programming learning process. Then we analyse five popular online coding tutorials platforms; LearnPython, TryRuby, LearnRuby, TryHaskell and TryJavascript across the identified supported features, to provide evidence to call for a better solution for novice programmers.

First published: 8 November 2021