Sadiq Atumeyi Sule


Office: Room F151, CCSE, Sir Alwyn Williams Building Glasgow, G12 8RZ

Research title: 'Empowering Parents through Parental Intervention to Broaden Participation of Women in Computing: A Multifaceted Examination in Nigeria

Research Summary

Sadiq Atumeyi Sule is a PhD student at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. He previously earned his Master of Science in Computer Science from Lancaster University and his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Al-Qalam University (formerly Katsina University). Sadiq is a member of the Centre for Computing Science Education, a division of the Education and Practice section, where he is currently researching the design, implementation, and evaluation of a theory-driven parental intervention to influence girls' interest and intention in computer science education and careers. His research interests centre on broadening participation in computing science education and occupations, focusing on designing and evaluating interventions to promote the participation of underrepresented groups. The ultimate goal of his work is to increase diversity and inclusion in the computer science education and technology industry and bridge the digital skills gap.