Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for External Affairs and International Development in the Scottish Government and Willie Rennie MSP, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats will discuss defence and foreign policy issues in the latest debate taking place at the University of Glasgow ahead of a student referendum on independence.

The event, which will consider the foreign policy choices an independent Scotland might face will also involve Isobel Lindsay, chair of the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and takes place on Wednesday 13 February at 8pm in the Queen Margaret Union.

Michael Gray, President of the University of Glasgow Dialectic Society said, “There is a long history of student activism surrounding military affairs. This debate is a great opportunity for young people to think of both the implications and opportunities of an independent foreign policy for Scotland. It is likely to be one of the most engaging in a series of discussions that are taking place ahead of the student referendum on independence that is being held in two weeks time.”

The campus-wide referendum on Scottish Independence is supported by a broad coalition of student societies including the SNP, Labour, Conservative and Independent politics groups. The referendum will invite more than 20,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students to the ballot boxes on February the 21st. The event will be the first large-scale poll of Scottish university students on Scotland’s future. The question being asked on a straight “yes” or “no” is “Should Scotland be an independent country?”


For more information contact Michael Gray, President of the Dialectic Society on

07896 988994 ;

First published: 11 February 2013