June 1st is Service Design Day 2020 and the theme this year is ‘Do good, give back!’. During these unprecedented times our students and staff continue to collaborate and come together to share their experiences and ideas in response to COVID-19. The focus for The Transformation Design Team is to ensure that the staff and student experience is understood across projects to help us focus on the right problem areas and then progress to the best solutions.

Banner with the slogan 'Do good, give back!' for Service Design Day 2020

Service Design Network

The value of service design through the lens of these uncertain times

Higher education has been impacted significantly by COVID-19, creating uncertainty, evolving the needs of our students and staff, and increasing the demand for robust systems to support new ways of learning, researching and working.

Service design supports transformation and organisational change, as we adapt to these social, technological and economic changes. Service Design focuses on those factors which could restrict our students and staff to participate in their work or studies (the problems)–  they may be unable to join classes or meetings online due to poor WIFI or inadequate tech devices; they may not have a quiet space at home to work or study effectively; they may struggle to transition back to campus as they have been advised to follow shielding measures; or are unable to return from their home country.

By gathering valuable insights, we can transform our services to ensure the student and staff experience is considered, connected and needs are understood (the solutions). We use design methods to help us gather data, refine ideas and make a case for change.


Our students and staff give back

The Transformation Team have utilised a people and design-led approach to develop a deeper understanding of our students and staff. By involving all stakeholders in the design process, we are able to recognise their needs and inspire a sense of collective ownership.

It’s so important that you, students and staff, are able to contribute to the design process. You have the detailed knowledge, insights and experience that add depth to our work, making it meaningful and relevant. When you participate across Transformation projects, by giving up your time and giving back – we are able to collaborate to clarify problems and develop solutions for not only our current students and staff, but for those joining our institution in the future.


Building design capacity

Students and staff have actively engaged in the design process through various Transformation projects including Student Forecasting & Enrolment, Assessment & Feedback and Learning & Teaching.

These projects provide an opportunity to share new ways of working and build design capacity. We hope to work with our colleagues across the University to continue to grow a human-centred design culture.


COVID-19 Support

COVID-19 Support

In response to COVID-19, The Transformation Team led the development of an initial response helpdesk. Working collaboratively with a group of staff volunteers to provide an immediate response to enquiries from staff and students. By gaining insights from staff on the helpdesk and using the research we have gathered from across the Transformation projects, we were able to provide the foundational design for the ongoing helpdesk provision that has helped students and staff during the examination period, and as we all navigate remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Students doing groupwork

University Strategy Development

We know that students are invested in the development of the University whilst they are studying here– from how we can create a more sustainable organisation to the provision of mental health support for students and staff.

150 students participated in the development of the University Strategy for 2020-2025; sharing their views on the current values and identifying future priorities. Informed by research into student and staff experiences and expectations of the future, the University was able to collaborate and develop a plan for how we may bring our values to life.

These insights, experiences and ideas shared by students and staff have enabled us to progress solutions across many Transformation projects.


Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the design process, will participate in the future or is participating in the present time. Your contributions have made a positive and meaningful impact.  

Please get in touch with us at servicedesign@glasgow.ac.uk if you wish to know more about any of the information provided.

First published: 1 June 2020