
This is our last newsletter of the year, and the perfect time for the team to take a moment and share some of their highlights (team or individual) that have defined our year in transformation.  


From everyone on the Transformation Team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a restful festive holiday.

My 'work' highlight was the process over the summer of consulting across the University on Transformation and change, culminating in the Away Day in August. hearing so many people from across the institution being open and willing to get involved in the work we're trying to do, including new ways of working and advocating for programmes, felt like the start of something special. And seeing the green shoots of that since in the chapters...whether it's been people committing more resources, increased sponsorship, inviting us into forums. Nadia Ness

I know I'm always talking about it, but I've been thrilled to share the first iteration of the SME Microsite! It's been a passion project of mine since I started as an SME. Being able to produce something to help support our SMEs and build change capability has been a great honour. With the incredible support of Frances Docherty and Sarah Morrison, I'm incredibly proud of how far we've come (and we're only just getting started! Agile development at its finest!). The link is above if you'd like to take a look. (Feedback is always welcome). Lizzie Dewar

Launching the Learning Through Assessment (LTA) framework (March 2023) was an A&FPP workstream highlight. This involved a lot of work hosting a series of college consultations with a range of learning and teaching stakeholders, to ensure academic community voice shaped the final draft. I think it started to bring this document alive to the community by providing a practical resource for our academic colleges to start to evidence the ongoing enhancement to L&T practices the University L&T Strategy encourages. Hearing stakeholders say they felt this work was very accessible and relatable to them was a nice positive reassuring message after months of work from the A&FPP team.  

It also started helpful conversations about how we measure difficult-to-measure things at UoG like behaviour change and pedagogical advancements.  A big thank you to the communications team who showcased the LTA framework so well across a range of media, so much so, that people still mention the videos they have seen when they connect the dots of who the Transformation Team team is behind this work.  

Watch a video from Dr Kimberly Davis talking about the A&F Resources Hub.

Dr Jenna-Marie Lundy

A particular highlight for me has been the launch of the first Learning & Teaching Strategy Newsletter released on 4th December and announced by Professor Moira Fischbacher-Smith at the LTC away day. A special thanks goes to Louise Keogh who joined us back in October! It had a 100% open rate and a 4.7/5 feedback score. Louise's work on the re-development of the Assessment & Feedback Resources Hub is brilliant and I am very excited to see how it develops and so are our stakeholders.

Sign up to the L&T newsletter

Karla Cagney

My 'team' highlight has been seeing so many of us go to Refuweegee, give donations, and spread the word about their mission. I know I posted earlier in the week, but those who were able to give up their time (and energy, it's a physically demanding day where you work hard) to support the most vulnerable people in our community. I also loved that it was an activity we did beyond team or project groups for the common good.

Nadia Ness

Thank you to all our colleagues and change network members. Your feedback, participation, and support this year have been very much valued and we look forward to transforming 2024 together.

Merry Christmas from Nadia, the Leadership Team, and everyone in Transformation