Undergraduate programmes fee table


Full-time fees (per year)Scotland

Rest of UK
(England, Wales,
Northern Ireland,
Isle of Man and the 
Channel Islands)

International and EU*
All programmes except for selected Full Cost programmes
Arts and Social Sciences programmes                                                                                 £1,820  £9,250         £25,290
Science, Engineering, and College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences non-clinical programmes   £1,820  £9,250  £30,240
BDS   £1,820  £9,250  £53,460
MBChB  and College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences clinical programmes  £1,820  £9,250  £56,520
Nursing  £1,820  £9,250  £30,240
Full Cost programmes
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery BVMS (full cost/graduate entry)  £35,175  £35,175  £35,175
Law LLB- Graduate entry accelerated (M115)  £11,130  £11,130  £25,290
Study Abroad and Exchange
Incoming Study Abroad (Full-year all programmes)§  £21,600  £21,600  £21,600
Incoming Study Abroad (One semester)§  £10,800  £10,800  £10,800
Outgoing Study Abroad programmes (Full-year)¶      
Compulsory work placement through Erasmus or Language Year Abroad  £910  Free 50% fee discount 
Compulsory work placement year for 5 year MEng/MSci degrees  £910  £1,385 50% fee discount 
Non-compulsory Erasmus Exchange £1,820   £1,385 Standard international fee 
Outgoing international exchange £1,820   £1,385 Standard international fee 

§ Students from all countries will pay the same fees for the Incoming Study Abroad programmes

¶ Semester only outgoing study abroad fees are the same as standard degree fees at Glasgow

* EU students who meet our criteria for EU Fee Status for 2021/22 and beyond will have an International tuition fee applied.


Scotland Part-time fee
30 credits*           £455 80 credits  £1,213 
40 credits £607 90 credits  £1,365 
50 credits  £758 100 credits  £1,517 
60 credits  £910 110 credits  £1,668 
70 credits  £1,062 119 credits** £1,805 

* minimum fundable credits by SAAS
** maximum fundable credits by SAAS

  • Part-time fees for RUK students are pro rata to the full-time fees.
  • International students may, in certain limited circumstances, be admitted to part-time study paying an appropriate percentage of the relevant full-time international fee.
  • Examinations-only students pay the registration fee of £170.