Speak to a Careers Manager

A Message From UofG Careers - Don't Panic!

In the run up to exams and the end of the year, we have been receiving some messages from students who are starting to worry. The most common stressors at this point in the academic year are:

  • I am graduating and I haven't got a clue what I want to do?
  • There are no jobs out there
  • I am applying for jobs and getting nowhere

Often, students look at their peers and think they're the only one feeling like this and everyone else has got it sorted. Wrong. If that was the case the Careers Service wouldn't exist. Let us reassure you that many students are thinking and feeling the same way. 

I am graduating and I haven't a clue what I want to do?

Let's get you some ideas then. The two parallel lines of thought to create ideas are What can I do with my degree and What job can I do that suits my skills, strengths and previous experiences.

The links above are to show you a couple of tools you can use to start to generate some ideas but for a good, thorough thinking process we recommend you do our Career Accelerator: Explore. This is an interactive, online course that introduces you to techniques to design your career. The course will draw on career planning theory, design thinking and coaching techniques to encourage you to consider what you want from your career, how to come up with career ideas, to make use of the Glasgow Alumni network and to action plan for your future.

There are no jobs out there

The jobs landscape has definitely changed, this is true, but the Graduate Labour Market is just a wee bit better insulated than the general picture. We have made a video discussing this very thing. It's a little bit longer than our usual videos but stick with it, as it is all relevant and useful to this particular question.

I am applying for jobs and getting nowhere 

When 99 is at least 95 too many. Often the problem is that you are spreading yourself too thinly. Learn how to make quality applications using our Career Accelerator: Apply. At the end of this you be prepared for internship and graduate job applications. It is an extra curricular, blended online learning course with interactive resources that will take you through the key stages of applications from psychometric tests, applications, CVs and interviews. 

Taking action always makes you feel like you are back in control.

Work your way through the actions above and you will definitely boost your LMI (jargon for "Labour Market Information") and enable you to make better informed decisions.

Good luck!

How to use UofG Glasgow Careers?

In this video we show you what Glasgow Careers can offer and how it all works. To log into Glasgow Careers head over to our website.

First published: 8 April 2021

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