Virtual Household Logo

UofG have set up a new Facebook group called the UofG Virtual Household - a place for students who are studying remotely across the UK and the rest of the world who want to interact, connect and build friendships with other students.

It is also a place where you can find out about what events are happening in the UofG community that students can get involved in.

We know meeting other students and developing meaningful connections are hard in a Covid-19 world, but the aim of this group is to help enable more of these interactions between students, much like what you would be doing if you were studying in person and on campus.
This group will be populated with events from UofG Accommodation, the Student Representative Council  and the International Student Support team, who are all putting on things for students to get involved in, regardless of where you are based.
Please feel free to get stuck in - everyone who attends these events are in the same boat as you, so although online events and zoom calls can feel slightly detached, everyones coming at it from the same place!

Also please feel free to post, comment and start threads, as there are plenty of students who are part of this group from across the many areas in the University! This group is for you to make the best out of!

Go to the page to Join the group now, or type 'UofG Virtual Household' into the Facebook search bar.

First published: 28 January 2021

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