Multiple club and society members write about what their members have been doing in lockdown to stay connected while they're apart. Hear what they have to say.

Bianca Callegaro, Social Media Manager, Art Appreciation Society  

Our work has been carried out predominantly through Instagram and Facebook during this period of lockdown. 

Since the beginning of April we have created three articles each week, following a specific weekly theme, such as women artists, art and politics, and territorial identity. The articles published on Mondays reflect upon visual art, whereas Fridays' posts focus on cinema. On Wednesdays we usually write articles to spread awareness of cool arts-related initiatives from different institutions.  
We have also hosted two very popular art quizzes on our Instagram page - one was on women artists and the second one focused on Impressionism. 
Moreover, we had a live online event in collaboration with the Glasgow University South Asian Society (GUSAS). We held an art workshop in the form of an Instagram live on the topic of Pakistani truck art. I spoke for the first 30 minutes to give an introduction on the topic from an art historical point of view and then the president of GUSAS (Nadia Mirza Saadi) led an art practice for viewers to create their own piece of truck art. The event was successful as we had a lot of people joining in the live and leaving some very positive comments and feedback.  
Last but not least, we have just launched a blog (, where we publish articles on cinema, art, literature, as well as, share our society's events. We will provide more updates on this project on our social media pages   

three members of Glasgow University Art Appreciation society at an art gallery



Hollie Fullerton, Social Secretary, Trampoline Club 

Glasgow University Trampoline Club ran a social every week before lockdown and we have successfully managed to continue that - except now they’re online we’ve done movie nights, a quiz, lots of different games nights and are always brainstorming more.

I have had quite a few members mention how important the socialising has been for them, especially those that were unable to go home before lockdown, and I personally always look forward to seeing everyone. We’re very active in our Facebook chat and members are always sending in pictures of their experimental baking or cute pet pics.  

members of GU trampoline having a zoom meeting



Rachael Marr, Treasurer, Glasgow University Cheer 

Glasgow University Cheer have really taken to the move online – we hosted our AGM over Zoom and elected our new committee.
We have been continuing our community fitness training online as we can no longer hold team trainings. Our Pom coach has started a stretch challenge, encouraging our members take photos of their current stretch level, and then uploading videos to help us improve. Sharing our progress pictures and encouraging each other really improves motivation. Members are also posting High Intesity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts for others to try so we can keep our fitness up during lockdown.
Our social convenors have been keeping us all connected by running zoom quizzes. For mental health week awareness week this week, we’re sharing lots of fun content on our Instagram, including members dressing their pets in cheer kit and helping us think positively about the future by posting bucket lists! Our Welfare convenor has been providing healthy recipes for us all to try out! 
Cheer level 2 doing a pyramid stunt



Nadia Mirza-Saadi, President, Glasgow University South Asian Society 

Chai tea, pakoras & samosas are what we usually promise at our events.

This time the only tea we've been serving is from our movie nights. Netflix Party has helped the Glasgow University South Asian Society stay in touch with our members & has alerted us to the lack of films from this region despite many being critically acclaimed.

From daily Netflix parties in April, to weekly in May, we've shown films from 17 regional industries each with a language of their own.

We've hosted collaborations every week from May including a Glasgow University Pakistan Student Society (GUPaksoc) film screening to charity collaborations with the Greater Glasgow NHS COVID-19 patient appeal; Glasgow University Give Blood (GUGB) and The Beatson.

We have even more planned included a book reading from Suhayl Saadi with the College of Arts & its School of Critical Studies; meditation with the Bhakti Society, the SRC, joining the GU Walking Society in their campaign, and so many more.

We've been very active on University of Glasgow pages, commenting with any knowledge we have and inviting offer holders to join our group chat to get to know us more. We're a very inclusive & warm society so we don't limit our help to only those with South Asian names, we invite any with an interest & help regardless.

We've always been that way and we have to be since we're celebrating the South Asian (eight countries) diaspora across the world and Glaswegian culture itself. Our founders were all Glaswegian South Asians who wanted to celebrate that fact. We've been having a lot of fun so far and will be taking part in mental health awareness week with a line up.

 So whilst our chai is no longer bubbling, our events & members certainly still are.

Truck art


First published: 20 May 2020

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