A board with posted notes

Frequently Asked Questions 

How can I get more information or updates about the project?

For detailed information and regular updates about the Workspace Futures 2030 project, please explore our dedicated webpages. We're committed to keeping you informed. In addition to web updates, you can also expect timely notifications via: 

  1. Email: Check your inbox for periodic updates and important announcements. 
  2. Events: Attend our Workspace Futures 2030 events and information sessions for in-depth insights, interactive workshops, and direct engagement with the project team. 
  3. University’s Internal Communication Hub: We will continue to share updates on the University's Communication Site.  

Your engagement and feedback are invaluable to us, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us at workspace-programme@glasgow.ac.uk with any questions or suggestions. 

Why are we embarking on this redesign initiative?

We've initiated this redesign under the Workspace Futures 2030 programme to address the evolving needs of our University community. The objective is to reimagine our work environments in ways that promote innovation and enhance effectiveness post-pandemic, supporting the new ways of working, improving our sustainability, addressing the lack of certain types of space, and assisting us to collaborate in an increasingly dispersed world. This project aligns closely with the University's strategic vision, and we are committed to shaping spaces that truly reflect the ethos of our institution. 

Workspace Futures 2030 Video

Key goals of the project include:  

  • Promoting Collaboration: Create spaces that encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, enabling the exchange of ideas and knowledge across departments and research areas.  
  • Strengthen Community: Design workspaces that foster a strong sense of belonging, encourage meaningful connections among colleagues and nurture a vibrant and inclusive community.  
  • Efficiency and Sustainability: Employ innovative strategies to optimise space utilisation and embrace sustainable practices to reduce our environmental impact.  
  • Wellbeing and Diversity: Prioritise the wellbeing of our colleagues, students, and visitors by developing spaces that promote comfort and inclusivity, and cater to diverse needs; ensuring everyone feels supported and valued. 

Are we relocating University Services colleagues away from the main campus?

We are currently exploring various options to best accommodate our University Services colleagues. While considering the provision of "touchdown" spaces on the Gilmorehill campus, we're also looking at how we use spaces such as Berkeley Square which is within the vicinity of the West End campus. Our goal is to find a balance of types and locations of workspaces that enables us to be effective in our work. 

Touchdown spaces on campus are envisaged to support tasks and activity in between meetings or service delivery at Gilmorehill, and other transient work requirements. For more in-depth tasks, team-work and collaborative activity, including that requiring a specialised environment, we will be creating space in locations nearby. These spaces aim to provide an optimal setting for concentrated work while keeping colleagues just a short distance — less than 15 minutes walk — away from the Gilmorehill campus. 

How does the design incorporate feedback from our recent surveys and workshops?

Our approach to the design has been influenced and directed by feedback from our colleagues. Through extensive consultations with University Services colleagues via workshops, surveys, and direct comments, we've garnered an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced with current spaces and the aspirations for future workspaces. This feedback hasn't just been incorporated — it has actively shaped and guided our design decisions at every step, ensuring that the new spaces align with the needs of our community. 

Are you ensuring that communal spaces are designed with inclusivity and accessibility in mind?

Absolutely. We are wholeheartedly committed to designing workspaces that are both inclusive and accessible for everyone. This means not only incorporating features like ergonomic and height-adjustable desks but also ensuring that every communal space can be easily accessed and comfortably used by everyone, regardless of their physical abilities or other needs.  

Will there be more dedicated solo workspaces for focused work?

Based on our consultations, it's clear that dedicated spaces for focused work are a priority for many of our colleagues. It’s also clear that people don’t work exclusively in such settings. To accommodate these needs, we will be offering a balanced mix of different spaces, ensuring that everyone has the right environment to suit their varied tasks and working styles. 

Are confidential meeting spaces being incorporated into the plan?

Absolutely. We are incorporating soundproof spaces that are specifically designed for confidential meetings and private calls, ensuring discretion and privacy when needed. 

How are noise, heating and lighting being addressed in the redesign?

We recognise that the environmental conditions within any workspace are important for an overall positive experience and individual comfort. A combination of zoning the building or floor-plate to create quiet areas and good acoustic treatments throughout will help to address concerns around noise. There’s also an important behavioural aspect to this – making sure we all use the spaces as they are intended and being aware of our colleagues. 

Options to provide levels of individual control concerning heating and lighting will be fully explored through the design process. This may include the use of task lighting, maximising natural light, and creating cool or warm zones.  

How are we embedding sustainability principles into the design?

One of the fundamental principles of the Workspace Futures 2030 programme is to deliver a more sustainable approach to the provision and use of our workspace, not least by improving levels of utilisation – an 11sqm workspace uses 1 TCO2e (1 metric tonne of carbon) per annum.  

In addition, as part of a sustainable design solution, we will take into account: 

  • Opportunities for natural ventilation 
  • Maximising natural light and using carbon-efficient lighting solutions 
  • Re-using materials (furniture, etc) wherever possible 
  • Adopting BMS solutions to manage heat and light 
  • Purchasing new items with positive sustainability credentials

Will I find myself working in closer proximity with other colleagues within University Services?

Yes, with this redesign, we anticipate that colleagues will be working in closer proximity and sharing certain spaces. While we're still assessing the specific needs for creating "neighbourhoods" where teams can collaborate, our overarching aim is to break down barriers that exist across different Directorates within the University. 

How are we considering the varied working styles across different University Services areas?

During the diagnostic stage, we obtained a clear insight into the specific needs of various teams. Whether it's the requirement for confidential spaces or other unique workspace features, we've taken note. Moving forward, we will be collaborating closely with each Directorate and individual teams to ensure the redesign not only supports their unique ways of working but also aligns with the overarching principles and vision of the University. 

What kind of internet infrastructure will be available for us on site?

The University will continue to deploy its network at all University sites, including Eduroam for WiFi access. There will be a mix of hard-wired data connections (e.g. via docking stations) and mobile devices connected via WiFi in all new spaces. Should you have any enquiries or encounter any issues, our dedicated IT Team will be readily available to assist and ensure a seamless online experience. 

Will there be facilities for showering, changing, and supporting active travel?

Yes, we are actively exploring options to support active travel, including the provision of showering and changing facilities. Our goal is to accommodate the needs of our colleagues and promote healthier and more sustainable commuting options. 

Will parking be available for those of us working at Berkeley Square?

Yes, there is parking space at Berkeley Square and access to this will be managed through the existing parking permit system and criteria. 

Do the wellbeing spaces include facilities like prayer/reflection space and breastfeeding?

Yes, we are absolutely exploring these needs and are committed to ensuring that our wellbeing spaces cater to colleagues' requirements, including facilities like reflection/prayer spaces and areas for breastfeeding. 

How will the desk/room booking system work for us?

We will continue to use the University's existing room and desk booking systems. These systems will remain in place for both new and re-designed spaces, ensuring a seamless experience for all colleagues. 

Will there be any dedicated desks for specific teams or roles?

We will determine the need for dedicated spaces through continued engagement with various teams to understand their specific requirements. It is anticipated that some areas will be designated for certain functions, particularly where specialist equipment is necessary.

How will the spaces be cleaned and maintained for our use?

The spaces will be cleaned and maintained by our Facilities Services Zone 5 Team, following our established protocols to ensure a clean and functional environment for all colleagues. 

How are we addressing security concerns in the new spaces?

Our Campus Security team will be actively involved in the planning process and will ensure that the new spaces are both well-maintained and secure, providing a safe environment for all our colleagues. 

Have a question? Reach out to the project team at workspace-programme@glasgow.ac.uk.