Organisational Development

About us

Organisation Development is an approach that puts people at the heart of change, emphasises creativity and innovation, and positively affects organisational performance. The OD Team uses complementary and disparate specialisms working together to deliver the University aims and aspirations.

Our Employee Development interventions improve the leadership, people management and personal effectiveness of University staff as individuals.

Our Organisation Development interventions develop and improve the system (culture, strategy, structure and process) of the University, growing organisational capability through alignment of strategy, structure, management processes and people.

Who's who


Director of Organisational Development James Hamilton
Head of Organisational Development  Emilie Kelly
Organisational Development Partner Clare Ennis
Organisational Development Partner Gillian Johnstone
Organisational Development Partner Mhairi Boyd
Organisational Development Partner Gillian Cruickshank
Internal Communication and Engagement Lead Jessica Watson
Organisational Development Assessor/Administrator Andrea Miller
Organisational Development Administrator Denise Grant
Organisational Development Administrator Theo Young
For general enquiries 


Where to find us

The Organisational Development team are based at Tay House (Level 6), 300 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4LH.

Access to the building can be gained via the front entrance on Bath Street. Visitors must report and sign in at the front security desk where they will be issued a visitors badge.  Please ensure that you have your University of Glasgow staff card (or some other form of photographic ID) with you.

For other maps and directions to the University please visit the Location, maps and travel webpage.

For general enquiries please email

British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University using contactSCOTLAND-BSL

Supporting the needs of our neurodiverse colleagues

Our OD offering is under continuous review and improvement based on colleague feedback, as well as via our own learning and practice.  Below we set out how we aim to ensure our workshops cater for as broad a range of considerations as possible to keep our content as inclusive as we can in respect of neurodiversity – we’re always learning, so please talk to us about what we can do better, or, if you feel comfortable doing so, about any specific requirements you may have of a session you’re planning to attend.

  • We try to make our courses as accessible as possible to ensure all our colleagues can take part in and get the most from our sessions
  • We want all our colleagues to feel listened to, understood, and safe in our learning environments
  • We understand that engagement, listening and attention look different to different people, and we do not expect everyone to demonstrate behaviours in the same way
  • We run sessions free from judgement – we respect diversity of style and personality and want colleagues to be able to show up in the way that works best for them
  • Our experienced facilitators are equipped to deal with unacceptable behaviour, should that arise (although we’re pleased to say that this is very unusual)
  • We invite colleagues to participate in whatever way works for them
  • We have regular breaks built into all our offerings
  • Where possible, we send an agenda, desired outcomes, and/or learning objectives ahead of time so colleagues can familiarise themselves with expectations and content. Where there is an identifiable need, we may be able to share materials in advance, and any pre-work is sent out a week before a workshop
  • We have various ways for participants to interact if they wish, including speaking in plenary, speaking to colleagues in smaller breakout groups, using a chat function, and using online tools to ask questions and provide responses anonymously
  • We set clear expectations at the beginning of every session that while we may ask for participation, it is not mandatory, and colleagues can decline our invitation to speak or contribute
  • We stay behind at the end of every session to allow colleagues a private space to ask further questions and invite colleagues to contact us in follow up, following some reflection, if that is their preference
  • We vary our visual offerings between small amounts of text, infographics, pictures, and icons, with white space to separate ideas
  • We minimise contrasts and overly bright colours
  • We avoid watching videos in plenary sessions, and ask participants to instead watch these in advance so they can do it at their own pace
  • We offer information in different ways and styles to try to meet a broad range of processing styles
  • We try to be clear, concise, specific and include information like how long a task should take and the quality expected in the outcome of a task
  • We provide instructions both in writing and verbally as much as possible

Please let us know if you have any accessibility issues or further needs and we will do our very best to help as much as we can.