Calling the whole research community - we need you!

Please feed you views and experiences of research integrity into the Research Integrity Review.

Why? to help improve research integrity provision.

When? 2 February at 14:00

How? Sign up here! And/or complete the questionnaire.

Research Integrity training and advice is often targeted at Early Career Researchers but with whom, and where, does the power really lie to make positive change for a better research culture?

For example, the recent UKRI Research Integrity Landscape Study highlighted the strongly positive potential impact of "Research leadership and management", "interdisciplinary research" and "professional development and training opportunities". It also was clear about the strongly negative impacts: bullying and harassment, use of metrics and league tables, workload models and promotion criteria.

This event is an opportunity to reflect and suggest ways for the University to make positive changes to build on these findings (and our own research culture survey findings). Please be ready to share your experiences/opinions with us: we will have some brief introductory talks from the Research Integrity Champions and then open up for discussion. We are in the middle of an internal Research Integrity review, and we need your input to ensure this represents the views of all researchers! Recommendations from the review will be presented to the Senior Management Group in Spring 2022.

If you have any questions about the event or the review, please contact

The Research Integrity Review is under the auspices of Research and Innovation Services.

First published: 31 January 2022