The annual Performance and Development Review (PDR) cycle for 2022 will commence next month* providing us all with the opportunity to reflect on our individual contributions to our shared University goals, as well as our personal and career development, engagement, and wellbeing at work.

Following significant realignment of the process last year, we are pleased to say that there are no significant changes to our approach this year.  We will continue to utilise our bespoke on-line PDR portal with the focus being on:

  • meaningful 1:1 discussion –the opportunity of a positive and productive discussion with your line manager/reviewer
  • a values-based outcome driven approach to objective setting & delivery.
  • career development planning – the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way to share reflections about your development and personal objectives.

With the exception of ECDP participants and colleagues within University of Glasgow Singapore, we will not use formal performance ratings.

PDR remains a key tool in helping us deliver our World Changers Together Strategy. Colleagues consistently report the benefits they receive from the reflection opportunity that the PDR conversation offers. The ability to discuss and think about achievements, both as individuals and as part of team, is highly valued, as is the opportunity to focus on personal career and development goals.

What’s next?

We expect to launch this year’s PDR from mid-July where we will share further information and guidance - look out for the Principal’s launch message.

*Colleagues within the college of MVLS: the 2022 PDR system will be made live slightly later, from early August, to allow the online PDR system to reflect the new College shape, which takes effect at that time. Further guidance will be shared in due course.

First published: 20 June 2022