The winners of this year’s Research Culture and Engagement awards have been revealed. The awards celebrate our diverse and impactful world-changing partnerships and those who act as role models to create a positive research culture.

The winners of the Research Culture Awards are:

  • Dr Chris Halsey for promoting a spirit celebrating equality, diversity, and inclusion within the Institute of Cancer Sciences.
  • Dr Mia Perry for unsurpassed commitment across the University and beyond to the development and implementation of ethical and collaborative international research in the field of sustainable development.
  • Susan Smillie for her significant contribution to research training, peer support and policy, and driving forward efforts to improve working collectively on research, supporting the mental health and wellbeing of researchers.
  • Dr Lorraine Work for endless support for early career researchers and women in science which has contributed significantly to the creation of a positive research culture.

Dr Qammer H. Abbasi,  Dr Lizelle Bisschoff and the MVLS Early Career Researcher representatives were all also highly commended for the awards.

The winners of the Engagement Awards are:

Best Arts & Culture Collaboration

Professor Maria Economou from the School of Humanities for the EMOTIVE project which pioneered the use of digital interpretation technology in storytelling to engage visitors to heritage attractions in richer, more rewarding ways.

Best Business Collaboration

The Glasgow Lighthouse Laboratory, established by the University and the Department of Health & Social Care as a national COVID-19 testing facility analysing samples from individuals with suspected COVID- 19 infections.

Best Policy & Practice Collaboration

The Network for Social & Educational Equity, an innovative model developed by researchers at the Robert Owen Centre that helps schools work together to make significant changes that tackle attainment and help to improve life for school children in Scotland.

Best Community or Public Engagement Initiative

Justice Journeys: Survivor Stories (JJSS) led by researchers from the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, a collection of rape survivors’ stories about their ‘end-to-end’ journeys through the criminal justice process in Scotland.

Entrepreneur of the Year

Professor Graeme Milligan and Professor Andrew Tobin who have worked together for more than 10 years to establish ‘Translational Pharmacology’ as a theme of excellence at the University. The spinout company KelticPharma Therapeutics will provide the opportunity to deliver disease modifying medicines in malaria, severe asthma and neuropsychiatric conditions.

UofG Principal Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli said: “The Research Culture & Engagement Awards are a celebration of the rich variety of our world-changing partnerships and our desire to create a positive research culture that supports our colleagues to succeed.

"These awards ensure that we celebrate what we value in our research: rigour, collegiality, working with our communities, making a difference to society, and supporting the careers of others. We were delighted by the calibre of the nominations for this year’s awards across the University and I would like to congratulate the winners for their outstanding achievements.”

First published: 9 June 2021