Colleagues from across the Colleges and University Services are launching two new communities of practice:

  • Leadership & Management (L&M Community): to provide a supportive environment in which leadership and management practice can emerge and flourish. This Community is open to all colleagues who have an interest in leadership and management. There will be opportunities for colleagues interested in finding out about management skills and for those who have gained a wealth of experience in leadership.
    L&M Community launch: 2 November at 11am
  • Project Management (PM Community): a source of reflection and information to support and increase project capabilities for the benefit of the University. This Community is open to all colleagues who have an interest in project management.
    PM Community launch: 11 November at 11.05am

With the initial setup supported by the Organisational Development team, these communities of practice aim to connect colleagues doing similar roles or who share similar interests. A community of practice is different to a network, as it has a specific objective to enable peer learning and is a way for members to access informal learning and development.

Introduction to UofG communities of practice

If you are interested in meeting with colleagues, developing your skills and/or contributing to projects and initiatives, you can book your place at the launch events:

Leadership & Management Community launch: 2 November at 11am

Project Management Community launch: 11 November at 11.05am

There are lots of other networks and communities, run by colleagues across the University. If you are interested in exploring setting up a new community of practice, please email

First published: 22 October 2020