Vice-Principal (External Relations) Rachel Sandison, is pleased to announce that the Early Career Mobility Scheme is now open for applications for those who are interested in gaining international research experience and strengthening Glasgow’s strategic partnerships.

The scheme aims to strengthen relations and enhance research collaborations with the following four strategic partners:

  • Columbia University
  • McGill University
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • University of Hong Kong

The scheme is open to all PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and early career staff within five years of their first permanent appointment at the point of the application deadline.

Applicants must develop a proposal which sets out details of the proposed visit and the amount of funding required as well as a clear explanation of how the money will be used. The maximum amount awarded to each successful applicant is £5,000.

A primary criterion in the selection of applications is the potential for the development of collaborations between research groups which could lead to outcomes such as joint publications and future joint research funding.

All applicants must seek authorisation from their Head of School/Institute for their proposed visit.

Applications from UoG applicants must be submitted by Friday, 30 August, 2019.

Please read the guidelines and full details of the application process on the Early Career Mobility Scheme webpage before applying.

The Early Career Mobility Scheme is a bilateral arrangement whereby early career researchers from our partners visit Glasgow on a reciprocal basis. Thank you to those University of Glasgow colleagues who will host ECMS recipients in Glasgow and who have done so in the past.

First published: 3 July 2019