As previously notified, the parking charges for next academic year will be £310 at Gilmorehill and Tay House, and £210 at Garscube. Following representations from the SRC, we will reduce the charge for students parking at Garscube to £80. As before, only disabled students will be able to apply for permits at Gilmorehill.

Charges will apply to all permits issued, whether standard or disabled.

We will continue to offer occasional permits and will make these more flexible – the maximum number of days for this type of permit will be 120.

Over the summer, we will be marking up an additional 20 spaces at Thurso Street and 12 at the bowling club at St Vincent Crescent. Later in the year (probably from January), additional spaces will be made available below office accommodation we propose to rent in Finnieston.

As per last year, disabled members of staff and students are asked to apply to their local authority for a blue badge. The criteria for blue badges in Scotland cover a wide range of disabilities, including hidden ones, and members of staff and students who have long-term health conditions or impairments are encouraged to consider applying even if they have been not be able to obtain a blue badge in the past. If they are unsuccessful, we will nonetheless consider individual circumstances as part of the application process. In these instances, we will require letters from GPs and, where appropriate, assessment by an Occupational Health practitioner.

We are considering introducing barriers to peripheral car parks on campus to reduce the level of unauthorised parking at these locations.

In the autumn, we plan to pilot a car sharing scheme using a dedicated app.

Following the issue of a number of temporary summer permits, we will be donating £3,000 to a Glasgow charity for the homeless.

Staff and students who park on public streets close to the campus are asked to show due courtesy and consideration to local residents. Please do not park close to corners or across driveways. Finally, we ask all drivers to keep disabled parking bays clear for those who hold a Blue Badge – we will also remind external contractors and delivery van drivers of this.

David Duncan
Car Parking Working Group

First published: 2 August 2019