Three PhD researchers at the University of Glasgow have been featured in the Young Women's Movement's (YWCA) "30 under 30 Inspiring Women in Scotland".

Michaela Hruskova, a researcher into entrepreneurial ecosystems at the Adam Smith Business School; Anna Henschel, who researches our fascination with robots and is doing her PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience; and Michelle Jamieson, who is a researcher in the School of Social nad Political Sciences and has a particular focus on widening access for those who have been "locked out" of traditional services.

Their stories have been published this month by the Young Women's Movement (the rebranded YWCA):

30 Under 30 began in 2016 when the Young Women's Movement in Scotland noticed that there were lots of 30 under 30 articles focused on inspiring women for International Women’s Day, but few young women from Scotland were featured.

When the organisation spoke to women across Scotland for its Status of Young Women in Scotland 2015 report, one of the most frequent topics brought up was role models. It thereforeset about creating its own 30 under 30, a totally unofficial but nevertheless inspiring list of 30 inspiring young women either from Scotland or living here now. A new list has been created every year since then.


First published: 29 November 2019