The University has confirmed that 47 colleagues have secured promotion to Professor in the 2018/19 promotions round for our academic community. Analysis of this year’s promotion round shows that the proportion of women securing academic promotion increased by 5 percentage points to 49% of all promotions – from 80 individuals in 2017/18 to 113 in 2018/19.

The Principal and members of the Senior Management Group extend their warmest congratulations to colleagues across the University, with Professor Muscatelli saying: “I am delighted that the extremely high quality of our University’s academic community is recognised in this way and offer my warmest congratulations to every colleague who has secured promotion.

"While promotions have been secured on merit across a wide range of disciplines, schools and research institutes, I am particularly pleased to note the significant increase in the proportion of women who have been promoted.

"This year more than 50% of successful applications were from women, increasing the proportion of female Professors from 28% to 31% of the total Professoriate.

"Overall, women now represent 32% of senior staff in the University and, accordingly, this places the University on track to meet its 2020 target to ensure at least 33% of senior grades are held by women, supporting further reductions in our gender pay gap.

"These results clearly demonstrate our continuing commitment to investing in the ongoing support and development of our inspiring academic community.”

First published: 25 October 2019