Dear Colleagues

On Friday, 20 September, a global day of action is planned in response to the growing threat of global climate change. Members of staff may choose to join young people across Glasgow in a planned 30-minute stoppage of support.

Earlier this year, Glasgow was one of the first universities in the UK to declare a climate emergency. The Sustainability Working Group is now working on a revised strategy aimed at achieving carbon neutrality; the strategy will also cover other areas such as raising awareness, generating greater engagement across the University community, non-renewable plastics and waste.

How do I participate in the day of action?
All staff are free to participate should they wish to do so. The University will support staff participating in the stoppage for half-an-hour between 12.00 noon and 12.30pm on 20 September as a symbolic stoppage in support of the global climate strike.

What if I am busy on essential University business?
If you have something important to do at midday on 20 September, then feel free to show your support at another time during the day.

Do I have to participate?
No. It is a personal choice whether to participate in the climate stoppage or otherwise. The University is happy to support those who choose to do so.

If I participate, do I need to let my line manager know?
You should let your line manager know that you intend to join the stoppage, and you should let them know if you are planning to leave the office.

How do I find out more?
We will issue further information closer to 20 September.


Dr David Duncan,

Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary

First published: 13 September 2019