The 2018 Staff Survey established that 926 respondents (21% of the of the total of 4384 respondents) identified as individuals who “look after or give help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others who have a long-term physical or mental illness or disability, or problems related to old age”.

As a result, in May we ran the 2019 Carers Survey, to help us build a better understanding of the key issues carers face. A summary of the key findings can be read here:

An initial suggestion from the survey highlighted the need for improved signposting to important information relevant to carers, and as a result we are delighted to launch our new Carers Portal. This creates a new a hub for information for those with caring responsibilities, which will continue to evolve based on feedback and as new resources are developed. You can view the hub here: 

Support for Carers Policy Update 

The development of our new Support for Carers Policy is also continuing.

The policy at this stage is built around principles which recognise our carer population and will set out a series of support mechanisms which may be helpful to those with caring responsibilities. The development of the Flexible Working Policy is also progressing, and those involved are particularly mindful of the important role that such a policy can play when it comes to supporting carers.

Finally, we are also working to achieve ‘Carer Positive’ accreditation and hope to be guided by their framework of good practice; we will update further in due course.

Colleagues who are interested in receiving relevant updates on our activity to support carers may subscribe to a mailing list at, or to for updates on the Flexible Working Policy. (Simply click the link, log-in with your normal details, then select ‘Subscribe’ on the left-hand side).

If you would like further information on any aspect of the above, contact Mhairi Taylor, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion or Chris Branney, Policy, Engagement and Employee Relations Lead.

First published: 12 September 2019