Dear students and colleagues,

As many of you will be aware, the European Union has given the UK a further extension to the Brexit process - until 31st October.  This is welcome news in that it will prevent the UK from crashing out of the EU without a deal this week, with all the consequences that would bring – although we are no clearer on what will be the eventual terms of departure if Brexit goes ahead as planned.

Despite the extension, I know that many of our EU staff and students will still be feeling deeply anxious about their future in the UK.  I want to assure you all that the University is continuing to lobby as a member of the Russell Group, Universities Scotland and Universities UK - and also as an individual institution to make sure that our views are heard and the interests of the EU nationals who make up our University community are clearly understood.  You have my guarantee that I will continue to speak out where I feel the interests of our staff and students are being jeopardised.

As part of the extension, it is now likely that the UK will take part in the European Parliament elections next month. Should this be the case, it is clearly vital that staff and students make your voices heard to ensure that your priorities are reflected in the campaign.  If you are eligible – as all EU citizens are – you can ensure you are registered to vote here:

Throughout the process, we will continue to update information for staff and students who are EU nationals on our web pages.  For students, information can be found at EU Information for Current Students, and more information for staff is available at EU Information for Staff. Any staff who wish to make a direct enquiry to HR should not hesitate to get in touch on

I was pleased that so many colleagues and students attended our Brexit Open Forum on Tuesday 9 April, and we will plan to do more of these events between now and October.

I also want to reiterate that whatever the outcome of the current political crisis, we will continue to be an institution that welcomes and heralds the contribution our European students and colleagues make to our campus – and the immense social and cultural benefit they bring to our city.

We will remain a bastion of excellence, of multiculturalism and of internationalism and regardless of the outcome of the Brexit process, our European staff, students and alumni – and indeed all of our community that comes here from outside the UK – will always be able to call our campus home.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli 

Principal and Vice-Chancellor

First published: 12 April 2019