The 2019 Carers Survey ran from Monday 13 to Monday 27 May, with 263 colleagues sharing their views.

The survey sought responses from those who “look after or give help to others with a long-term physical or mental illness or disability, or problems related to old age” (or who otherwise identify as a carer).

More in-depth analysis of the survey results (and free-text comments) will be carried out, but initial highlights are summarised below.

  • 74% of respondents were female, whilst 76% of respondents work full-time
  • 45% of respondents have been caring for between 1 and 4 years. 40% of respondents care for up to 9 hours per week, 24% care for between 10 and 19 hours per week and 16% care between 20 and 34 hours per week. 8% of respondents care over 90 hours per week
  • 60% of respondents are caring for a parent whilst 19% of respondents are caring for a son/daughter or son/daughter-in-law
  • 47% of respondents work their hours in a flexible way: 74% of those who don’t work in a flexible way believe that doing so would assist them in meeting their caring obligations
  • 78% of respondents would feel comfortable in identifying themselves as a carer to the University (e.g. as part of the Scottish Governments Carer Positive initiative).

Further analysis will now be carried out in order to develop a deeper understanding of the results. The results, alongside the principles of the Carer Positive initiative, will continue to inform the wider development of a new Carers Policy for staff.

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First published: 7 June 2019