Last year held many highlights for the University’s Campus Development Programme, achieving key milestones on a number of major projects. With so much underway on campus, we’re looking forward to a similarly busy year in 2020.

For any more information about the Campus Development Programme, please contact

University Avenue

We continue to make good progress on improving University Avenue, as we currently work through Phase 4 of the upgrading works, resurfacing the road and pavement outside the Wolfson Medical Building. This is one of the most complex parts of the project, interfacing with University Place and the new James McCune Smith Learning Hub, and is due to complete towards the end of February.  

Following that, phases 5 and 6, between the Main Gate and the James McCune Smith Learning Hub, will be resurfaced following on from the completion of phase 4 and completing by the end of July, with the whole of University Avenue completed Summer 2021. 

University Place

We are working to turn University Place into an attractive and accessible route which serves as a gateway to the north side of the new campus.  

At the moment, drainage and other utilities are being installed along University Place to support the new developments. Following the installation of these utilities, we will resurface the road and pavements as a shared surface and landscape the area to create a pedestrian and cycle priority route between Byres Road and University Avenue.  

This work is vital in serving the new developments, as well as improving the environment for staff, students and the general public. The whole project is due to be completed by Summer 2021, however the road will remain open to one-way traffic as well as pedestrians throughout.  

Upcoming demolitions 

Multiplex’s demolition contractor, Dem-Master Ltd, will commence structural demolition of the Virology Building, on Church Street, in February.  

To facilitate these works we will be removing all parking on Church Street from Torness St to Dumbarton Rd and implementing a one-way system Northwards. The following pdf contains details of the temporary Church Street traffic restrictions .

This traffic management system will be in place from early February and will be retained whilst we then undertake the demolition of the Gardiner Institute, commencing in March.

Demolition to the Surgery Building is ongoing; both this and the remaining portion of the MacGregor Building (excluding the listed section) is expected to complete by the spring.

The demolition of the Pontecorvo Building is also scheduled to begin in the Autumn this year. 

Please note that Multiplex continually monitor noise and dust and will be employing dust suppression throughout the duration of the demolitions to minimise environmental impact. 

James McCune Smith Learning Hub

When it opens in September, the James McCune Smith Learning Hub will be a world-leading development, accommodating up to 3,500 students and providing the latest technology-enhanced learning and teaching facilities.

Work is now continuing to advance the construction of the building, with completion due in April and fit-out beginning thereafter. The University has been working behind the scenes with design partners Steelcase on the furniture, fixtures, and equipment to create adaptable, connected and intuitive spaces. We will be in a position to show more detailed designs showing the room and furniture layout and designs in the near future.

Boyd Orr Building

In December 2018 we began work on external refurbishments to the Boyd Orr Building. We are pleased to now be moving into the final phase of the project, which will be working on the south-west section of the building. We expect this work to complete, on-schedule, in July this year.

Our contractors have been working extra shifts over the holiday period to expedite some of the most disruptive work. Despite this, we do appreciate there will continue to be some noise as we complete the programme, which we are endeavouring to communicate to building users and mitigate where possible.

We wish to thank everyone for their patience during this project. Once complete, it will contribute to extending the lifespan of the building by up to 40 years, as well as improving its efficiency, performance and comfort.  Subsequent refurbishment work internally will complete this objective.

Research Hub

We are now more than half way through construction of the Research Hub, and on-course to top out the structure in March this year, with completion due in Q2 next year.

Once complete, the Research Hub will accommodate 600 academics, postdoctoral and PhD students. It will be a home for world changing research being undertaken at Glasgow, as well as being a unique and diverse centre for the exchange of ideas at the heart of the new Western campus.

Clarice Pears Building (Institute of Health & Wellbeing)

The project continues to progress on-schedule, with piling to completed ahead of programme. Work will now continue on construction throughout 2020, with completion due in late summer 2021.

The Clarice Pears Building aims to enhance how staff, students, partners and the general public engage with health and wellbeing, and the Institute. The project team are currently working on developing opportunities for projects, displays and exhibitions which will ensure that this vision is delivered when the building opens.

Adam Smith Business School & Postgraduate Taught Hub  

With Court approval for ASBS & PGT Hub granted in December, we anticipate starting construction on this exciting new development in summer this year on the Western site (pending planning approval). Please watch this space for future updates! 

First published: 13 January 2020