Support our Inclusive Design process – Adam Smith Business School Building Consultation

The University of Glasgow has a rich and diverse community with a broad range of needs. We strive to create a physical environment that is accessible and inclusive, to allow our community to have the same high quality experience.

We have developed a set of Inclusive Design standards for our new developments, which are to be reviewed as part of the design process. As we progress with the development of the ASBS Building, we want to review and interpret these guidelines with students and staff who represent a diversity of age, disabilities, gender, sexual diversities and faiths/beliefs. We are looking for volunteers for a review group on 3rd July.

The format of the review will be a presentation from the Architect on the design of the building and then there will be an opportunity for discussion and feedback. We would really appreciate your attendance and participation! Eventbrite link

First published: 23 June 2019