The Equality and Diversity Unit are looking for volunteers to take part in a review group which will develop a set of inclusive design guidelines to input to the current programme of developments on campus.

The group will comprise staff and students representing a diversity of age, disabilities, gender, sexual diversities and faiths/beliefs.

When complete, the guidelines aim to ensure that everyone is able to engage with the University’s physical environment and have the same high-quality experience.

The first stage will be an opportunity to listen to a presentation from the architect of the new Institute of Health and Wellbeing. There will be an opportunity for discussion and feedback afterwards. The session will take place on 12 July at 14.30 - 16.30. The venue will be on main campus and advised when numbers are known.

If you are able to attend to help shape a more inclusive campus please book a space through this Eventbrite link.


First published: 3 July 2018