In response to the continued success of the University's Postgraduate provision and the significant growth in PGT numbers at the start of session, SMG commissioned Estates and Commercial Services to work with Schools and Institutes to create additional study and teaching space.

Several rooms were identified for refurbishment across the campus, including more than 20 teaching rooms which could offer additional capacity, and 12 rooms which could be converted to study spaces. The Project Manager and Design Team have been busy working up designs and managing preparations, with the refurbishment of these spaces now well underway.Adam Smith Library 650

This month sees three projects going live, providing PGT study spaces in the Adam Smith Building (for the School of Social and Political Studies), The Square (for Law) and The Gilbert Scott Building (for the Adam Smith Business School).

The transformation of the Adam Smith Library is an exemplar of what can be achieved through innovative design and creativity, without the need for major construction work. The space now provides an exciting new study area for PGT students alongside dedicated space for PGR students.

“In addition to providing great new space for our students, we have taken the opportunity to trial some different and innovative furnishings to create different zones and provide for a variety of working styles that takes account of different needs. It is already providing an excellent showcase that other Schools and Colleges are looking to for inspiration. And all of the furniture in the space is flexible and moveable, enabling the space to be used in a variety of ways, to support different modes of study – or even to be used elsewhere on campus when the room function changes,” said Karen Lee, Director of Strategy, Performance and Transformation in Estates and Commercial Services.Adam Smith Library refurbished (2) 650

Over the next few months, works will be carried out to provide additional and enhanced study space in the Chemistry Library in the Joseph Black Building, in the St Andrews Building and in the Rankine Building. The University will share more about these inspiring new spaces later in the summer.

First published: 22 May 2018