The University of Glasgow has once again been awarded the Athena SWAN Institutional Bronze Award, and six schools and institutes have received their silver or bronze awards.

Large Athena Swan BronzeThe Athena SWAN awards, managed by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), recognise commitment to tackling gender inequality in higher education. The University of Glasgow has now held an Institutional Bronze Award since 2013.

In the same round of awards, the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine received an upgrade to a Silver award, while the School of Physics and Astronomy had their Silver Award renewed.

Bronze Awards went to the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, the School of Engineering, the School of Medicine and the School of Psychology together with the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology (joint submission).

Expanded Charter

The University opted to submit its application under the expanded Athena SWAN Charter. In May 2015 the charter was expanded to recognise work undertaken in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL), and in professional and support roles, and for trans staff and students. The charter now recognises work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women. The University is one of only three institutions recognised with an Athena SWAN Bronze Award under the expanded charter.

This Charter is seen as a more progressive Charter and reflects the University’s commitment to support diversity and inclusion of all its people. 

100% success rate

The application was prepared by the University’s Gender Equality Steering Group, which has members drawn from across the University and has representation from a range of disciplines and job families. It is chaired by Vice-Principal Professor Anne Anderson, and Head of the College of Social Sciences, who is the University Gender Equality Champion.

Professor Anderson said: 'I am delighted that the University of Glasgow’s Athena SWAN Institutional Bronze Award has been renewed, and that the university has a 100% success rate in its entries in this round of Athena SWAN awards.

'The university is committed to ensure the fair treatment of all staff and students. We are determined in our commitment to advance the careers and studies of women in higher education and research as well as professional and supporting staff.'

In this round, 158 Athena SWAN Charter applications were submitted in total to the ECU, with an overall success rate of 65%. The University of Glasgow’s College of Science and Engineering and College of MVLS exceeded that percentage with an overall 100% success rate.

Acknowledging this achievement, Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of MVLS, said 'I am immensely proud of this achievement.  These awards require a huge amount of work and dedication from our School and Institute Self-Assessment Panels but the outcomes are very important to the College, and more generally to the sector as we work towards the achievement of an equitable experience for women in academia and our professional services.'

Professor Muffy Calder, Vice Principal & Head of College of Science & Engineering, added: 'I am sure I speak for everyone at the College of Science and Engineering when I say I’m extremely pleased and proud of this achievement, as we strive, not just as a college but as a university, to advance the progression and equality of all staff and students within the university, regardless of race or gender.'

Commitment to advancing women's careers in STEMM

ECU’s Athena SWAN Charter was initially established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research.

ECU works closely with colleges and universities to seek to ensure that staff and students are not unfairly excluded, marginalised or disadvantaged because of age, disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity status, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, or through any combination of these characteristics or other unfair treatment.

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First published: 20 October 2016