Freedom of Information: guidance for staff

Any written request for recorded information held by UofG is subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

Most FOISA requests are sent directly to the DP&FOI Office, but this is not always the case.  An individual may submit a request to anyone at UofG, without mentioning their rights under FOISA, which means that all UofG staff should be alert to such requests.

If you receive a written request for information, first check whether you can respond as part of your normal duties.  Further guidance on routine requests for information can be found on our Business As Usual (BAU) requests webpage.

For all other requests, or if you are in any doubt, please refer to the DP&FOI Office.

Remember that all recorded information held by the University is subject to FOISA

This includes:

  • emails
  • transcripts
  • hand-written notes
  • letters
  • instant messages (e.g. Teams chat, SMS, WhatsApp)
  • database entries etc.

All types of information can be requested held in any format or location, providing it is information held in connection with UofG business.

UofG has a network of coordinators based in individual departments and Colleges who assist with collating responses to FOISA requests, as well as other access to information requests (e.g. Subject Access Requests).  UofG staff may be contacted directly by the DP&FOI Office or by local coordinators to assist with such requests for information.