Get Job alerts direct to your inbox

Roles will be added to The Student Job Hub on a regular basis. Through your Glasgow Careers account, you can set up option email alerts to be notified daily or weekly about new roles.

To do this, log in to Glasgow Careers using your GUID and password and then follow these steps:

  • Click on your profile in the top right corner of the screen, click 'Me' first and then 'Profile' from the drop down
  • On the right-hand side of your profile, scroll down to locate the 'Email preferences' box and click the edit button
  • Click the 'Vacancy preferences' drop down and then select 'Student Job Hub (part-time jobs locally & on-campus)'
  • Select whether you'd like to receive alerts daily or weekly
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the green save button in the bottom right of the page

If you want to change these alerts at any time, just log back in to your profile and follow the instructions above where relevant.