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Santander Universities Internship Programme

SMEs are dynamic and exciting places for our students to positively contribute while developing key skills for their future. Through Santander’s Universities Internship Programme, we're able to connect SMEs with student talent.

We can offer £1,000 funding to help provide a highly skilled UofG student to your organisation.

Applications are now closed for this year's funding.


How does it work?

  • Organisation must be an SME (less than 250 employees) and must be registered and based in the UK
  • Funding of £1,000 is available for each intern. This equates to 83 hours at the Living Wage of £12 per hour. Our preference is for you to offer a minimum of a 6-week internship (13.8 hours a week). Other working patterns/hours per week can be agreed to suit your needs but shouldn't be less than 13.8 hours for 6 weeks
  • Internships should be of mutual benefit to the SME and the student and allow the student to develop their skills
  • Priority will be given to SMEs who can potentially offer longer term employment to the student
  • We will allow a maximum of 2 interns per SME
  • We facilitate both part-time (term time) and summer internships and all internships must begin no later than August 2024
  • We can only provide funding where an SME has recruited an intern via the Internship Hub
  • We will support you through the recruitment process to identify the best possible candidate for your internship project
  • We will advertise the role for you (you will initially create an account and upload the role on our Glasgow Careers platform) and complete basic quality checks on the applications received before sending them over to you to review and organise interviews
  • You will pay the studnet and then invoice the university for the funding (the process for this will be explained prior to the internship starting)
  • As an employer it is your responsibility to ensure all appropriate PAYE, national insurance and pension contributions are processed in accordance with HMRC requirements. For further advice please either contact HMRC or you own financial advisers
  • You must have Public Liability Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance in place that will cover the intern (even when working remotely)
  • You must agree to provide feedback to the Student Opportunities Hub and Santander during the internship
  • All internships are subject to our terms and conditions, which you will be sent a copy to sign (if successful) prior to the internship beginning