Employer guidelines

We require that all internships are with organisations:

  • Operating at registered work premises
  • Holding valid Employer’s Liability Insurance
  • Registered with Companies House (businesses) or
  • Registered with the Charities Commission (non-profit organisations)

What are the organisation's responsibilities during the internship?

  • Must pay the intern at least the National Minimum Wage (unless you are a registered charity) and our preference is for you to pay the Living Wage
  • Ensure that the intern has the right to work in the UK.
  • Define tangible outcomes for both the organisation and the student
  • Ensure the intern is covered by your organisation's insurance policy (or public liability cover for voluntary organisations)
  • Provide the intern with a contract clearly stating basic terms and conditions of employment prior to the start of their internship
  • Ensure the intern is treated as an employee during their internship
  • Provide the intern with an induction on arrival including an overview of the internship objectives, introductions to key staff and information on health and safety
  • Agree to provide feedback to the Student Opportunities Team midway and towards the end of the internship.

Fulfilling essential business functions or duties that are core to your business is a job and not considered an internship. We do not advertise jobs through the Student Opportunities Hub, but all jobs can be posted free of charge on our vacancy database.


If you are a Registered Charity you may be looking for students to take on voluntary, project based roles. 

Voluntary internships must allow the student to develop their employability skills and further their career. Voluntary internships cannot exceed 70 hours in total (typically 7 hours per week for 10 weeks). These internships tend to be during term time. The intern must be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses.