How do I give myself the best chance of success?

There is lots of information on our website that can help you show your best self during the recruitment process from CV writing to how to structure your application and interview answers. You can also attend our Masterclasses that cover a range of topics.

Get some voluntary work experience

One of the best ways to boost your employability is to get some voluntary work experience with a UK employer. All work experience will give you an opportunity to gain valuable transferrable work skills that can be listed on your CV and lots to talk about at interviews. If it is in the sector and closely related to your chosen career path, then all the better but it is not essential. It is a good opportunity for international students to develop their English language skills in a professional environment.

You could volunteer your services to a local charity shop or initiative. Walking down your local streets is an easy way to find work in a local charity shop. Take your CV and ask if there are any available shifts.

This directory lists the voluntary organisations in Glasgow.

Virtual work experience

Virtual work experience will allow you to gain first-hand experience of an employer from home. The structure, content and length of these opportunities can vary widely, but will include work and activities designed to give you a taste of working life and to inform you about the employer in question.

Read more about virtual internships and how to write the experience on your CV Virtual internships.


Effective communication in UK workplaces requires students to speak and write fluent English and is one of the major selection criteria. If you feel you need to improve then you can practise English by regularly talking to others who are fluent; you can also download free resources such as language apps like Duolingo or Podcasts like the British Council's General English and watch TV, especially contemporary dramas.

Consider your unique selling points (USPs)

A USP, or unique selling point, is how you distinguish yourself from the competition. Read more about how to develop your personal brand.

In addition, there are courses such as the free Study UK Preparing for work MOOC run by the British Council.