EvaSys System FAQs

This document was initiated in August 2015, but is continually under revision – please send any comments or suggestions for additions to Richard Lowdon.

See also Course Evaluation Policy FAQs

How do I create a new user?

Full details can be found on pages 1-3 of Guide 1.

How do I import users and courses?

See pages 5-9 of Guide 1.

How do I add a new sub-unit?

Only systems administrators have the ability to add new sub-units. Contact Catherine Omand (Catherine.Omand@glasgow.ac.uk) if you require assistance with this.

Why is my CSV file failing to upload?

If your CSV file fails to upload, it might be because you've changed the column titles. If this keeps occurring, stick with the template provided in the 'Sample Files' section (this can be found under the 'Documentation' segment of 'System Information'). You should also check your course codes - repetition of course codes will prevent the CSV file from uploading.

How do I add/delete questions from the question library?

Full instructions can be found in the 'Adding questions to and from the question library' guide.

How do I delete questions from my questionnaire?

Select the question you wish to delete then press the 'delete' key on your keyboard.

Why isn't the scanner recognising my questionnaire?

This might be because the CSV file that you uploaded when creating your course contained errors. Check the 'College' column to ensure that you've only included the name of your College - for example, 'Social Sciences' rather than 'College of Social Sciences'.

How do I add text to my questionnaire without producing a question/question group?

Add a question group then click the 'Text Element' box - see pages 3-4 of Guide 2 for further details.

How do I change the ordering of questions?

Questions can be moved using the 'Move Element' function in the Editor Control menu. Questions can also be dragged to their desired positions manually - see page 14 of Guide 2.

How do I increase the space between questions?

This can be done using the 'Line Space' tool in the Editor Control menu.

When I try to edit my questionnaire, it won't let me add questions or question groups.

Try changing your internet browser - this can sometimes corrupt the editing functions. You should also ensure that your questionnaire has an abbreviation and title before attempting to add questions.

How do I change/customise the logo on my questionnaire?

Select 'Form Properties' from the Editor Control menu. Click 'Picture Library' - this is the bottom option. Select 'Browse' and upload the picture/icon from your computer. Click 'Apply' and the picture will be added to your library. Select the University Crest in the top right-hand corner and click the 'Use own logo' box in the 'Logo Assistant'. Select the image you want from the drop-down menu then click 'Apply'. Your new logo should now appear.

How do I preview my questionnaire?

Select the small 'PDF' icon in the top left-hand corner of your questionnaire. See pages 17-18 of Guide 2 for further details.

Which type of survey should I generate?

There are two main types of survey - online surveys and paper surveys. Online surveys are easy to distribute and don't require much administration. They also save on paper, don't need to be scanned and bypass the problem of poor handwriting. However, response rates can be fairly low.

There are two methods of distributing paper surveys: The hard copy method (see pages 2-3 of Guide 3 for further details) allows you to produce individual questionnaires for each module. The cover sheet method (see pages 3-5 of Guide 3) can be followed if you want to use the same questionnaire with different cover sheets for each course/module. Unlike online surveys, paper surveys can be completed by students in class - this results in higher feedback rates.

How do I send reminders to students who haven't responded to an online survey?

See page 9 of Guide 3.