Academic and Digital Development
CPD Series

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

These CPD webinars are closely aligned to the University’s strategic priorities and the Learning and Teaching Strategy. The themes for 2024-25 are: 

  • Active learning
  • Assessment and Feedback
  • SoTL
  • Transforming Curricula

All sessions will take place on Zoom (unless otherwise mentioned). Where possible and appropriate, recordings will be made available on the ADD YouTube channel afterwards.

SoTL sessions are open to all University of Glasgow staff. Subject to suitability all other events are open to all participants, including those external to the University.

If you have any questions, or suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered either this coming year or in the future, please email us or find us on Twitter: @UofGADD

Active Learning Network

The Active Learning Network is running a 4-part CPD series on Digitally Enhanced Learning for October 2024. The series will take place online from 10am on 4 consecutive Tuesdays: the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of October. Sign up and book your tickets here

Tuesday 1st October 10am-11.30am - Week 1: Digitally Enhanced Active Assessment

  • Mark Wilsher: The Purr-fect Grade: How grading cats teaches us about student assessment
  • Priyank Shukla: Active learning via two-stage assessment approach 
  • Anthony Basiel: An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Learning Simulation Model

Tuesday 8th October 10am-11.00am - Week 2: Digitally Enhanced Active Student Engagement

  • Mary Jacob: Using AI to engage students in active learning
  • Jennifer Mankin and Martina Sladekova: In Kahoot!s: Quiz and Leaderboard Gamification in Teaching

Tuesday 15th October 10am-11.00am - Week 3: Digitally Enhanced Learning - co-creation of active learning

  • Rachel Fossey: Assessment for Learning in action. Co-creating session content using Mentimeter.
  • Linnea Soler and Smita Odedra:The alchemy of student partnership in the co-creation of interactive e-learning resources: striking gold with Genially and Student Genius

Tuesday 22nd October 10am-11.30am - Week 4: Become an Active Learning champion

  • Reflection on series and brainstorming how to evidence for Active Learning Champion badge.

Full details of each session are available on the ALN website

Join the Active Learning Practice and Scholarship Teams (UofG staff only) to find out how to get involved in the UofG network.


SoTL Network Meetings

The SoTL Network holds regular meetings and writing sessions that are open to all staff at UofG. All sessions are held online.

Weekly Write and Shine Sessions: Friday 8:30-12 UK time

These sessions are open to anyone to join. Some members use these sessions in order to work on SoTL projects, others bring along their marking, use the time to develop their teaching materials or work on P&DR forms. Any and all types of writing are 'allowed' - the aim of the sessions is to create a supportive and productive environment. Find us in the Write and Shine Teams Channel.

Monthly SoTL Network Meetings: Wednesday 12-1pm UK time

The monthly SoTL Network meeting takes place over Zoom usually on the last Wednesday of the month. Please use the links below to register for each meeting.

This year the SoTL Network monthly meetings will map out the SoTL journey by following the stations of SoTL. Rather than representing SoTL as a linear journey from beginning to end, we visualise it as a circular journey which practitioners can step in and out of at any stage, building up their SoTL portfolio as they go. We have developed a SoTL logbook to support practitioners throughout their journeys and allow them to record their SoTL plans throughout the year. Digital copies of this will be made available at each session and can also be downloaded from the SoTL Network Teams files.

Although we hope that you will be able to join us at every session, attendance at prior sessions is not necessary in order to fully participate in later ones: each session will be self-contained.

These webinars map onto A5 of the Professional Standards Framework (PSF) 2023 and may be used to evidence that area of activity in all of the categories of fellowship for RET/Advance HE applications.

Wed 11th September The Stations of SoTL: Reflect

We begin our SoTL journey this year with reflection. This is a ‘bigger picture’ reflection in which we each take time to look back at our previous learning, teaching and SoTL activities and consider how we would like to engage in SoTL during the upcoming semester and academic year. The session will begin with a consideration of what SoTL is, in order to remind ourselves, and will be followed by a discussion about some of the possible types of SoTL projects that practitioners might undertake, either individually or in collaboration with others. Register

Wed 30th October The Stations of SoTL: Identify

The focus of our SoTL journey this month is identification. How do we decide which themes and topics we would like to explore through our SoTL enquiry? Maybe the student feedback for the course has identified some issues that we would like to explore, perhaps our reflections on last year’s teaching have highlighted an area for a possible SoTL project, or alternatively we might like to consider how to redesign one of our course assessments. In this session we will consider various possibilities for identifying SoTL projects, whether individually or collaboratively. Register

Wed 27th November The Stations of SoTL: Plan

This month the focus of our SoTL journey is planning. Once we have identified what we would like our SoTL to focus on, how are we going to put this into practice? Maybe we would like to make changes to our own teaching practices, perhaps we have questions that we would like to answer by exploring the relevant literature, maybe we are contemplating an evaluation of past or current teaching and learning in our discipline. In this session we discuss strategies for developing a successful SoTL plan. Register

Wed 29th January The Stations of SoTL: Design

We begin the new year by looking at how best to design a SoTL project. Whether we are contemplating embarking on a literature review, designing a learning and teaching intervention or undertaking an evaluation of a previous intervention, it is vital to spend time planning at the outset. In this session we will consider the main methodologies that we might use for a SoTL project, and the methods associated with each. Register

Wed 26th February The Stations of SoTL: Write (Writing SoTL Funding Applications)

This session is aimed at colleagues who would like to know more about the SoTL Funding Scheme and are interested in applying. We will look through the call for bids for 2025-26 and consider which types of project might be eligible. Members of the network who have been successful in their bids will be available to talk about their projects and offer advice.

By the end of this session attendees should be in a position to write their own application for the next round of funding. Register

Wed 26th March The Stations of SoTL: Investigate

The focus of our SoTL journey this month is investigation. Once we have identified a possible SoTL project and decided on a project design, how do we begin our investigation? In this session we ask questions about how to establish which resources we might need, how much time we have to dedicate to our project and who else might be available to support us. Register

Wed 30th April The Stations of SoTL: Disseminate

This month we consider how to develop a dissemination strategy for SoTL practitioners. We will begin with a series of questions which are designed to help us to build our personal plan for dissemination before looking at some of the pathways for publication which are available for UofG colleagues internally and externally. Examples of successful SoTL publications will be provided in order to help us to plan for our own publications. Register

Wed 28th May The Stations of SoTL: Reflect

We end our SoTL journey this year as we began, with reflection. In this session we each take time to look back at our previous learning, teaching and SoTL activities and celebrate any successes we have had, however large or small these might be. We also reflect on any challenges we have faced and consider how we might overcome any such barriers in the future. Then we look forward and consider how we would like to engage in SoTL over the summer months – and even begin planning for the next academic year. Register


Join the SoTL Network Teams to find out how to get involved in all of our initiatives.

RET Fellowship

RET (Recognising Excellence in Teaching) is the University of Glasgow’s CPD framework, which aims to provide development opportunities as well as professional recognition of expertise in teaching and supporting learning.

A series of workshops is available after registration with RET to support you in your application for recognition:

Introduction to the RET framework
Peer observation of teaching
Writing about teaching
Professional values
Evaluating your teaching
Identifying evidence and engaging with scholarship
Influencing others and demonstrating effectiveness
Demonstrating strategic leadership of teaching/supporting learning in Higher Education
RET writing workshops (information available from RET coordinator)

The first step is to attend an introductory workshop. Full information is available on the RET webpages.

Annual Learning & Teaching Conference

Further to our series of CPD sessions, one of our major CPD events is the Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference, held each year in the Spring. 

The latest information is always available on the Conference web pages