18th Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference

Co-creation and Collaboration

Wednesday 2nd April 2025 (on campus)

Tuesday 8th April 2025 (online)


Conference Dates

18th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 

The 2025 Learning and Teaching Conference will take place over 2 days:

Day One (Wednesday, 2nd April 2025) on campus only (James McCune Smith Learning Hub)

  • Interactive workshops facilitated by colleagues invited by the conference committee. This day will be free of charge and open for all staff at UofG and validated institutions to attend.

Day Two (Tuesday 8th April 2025) Online only (Zoom) 

  • Short (10 minute) pre-recorded videos, followed by live Q & A sessions with speakers. This day will be free of charge. As well as all staff and students at UofG, this day will be open for external delegates to attend.

The Conference Theme: Co-creation and Collaboration

The importance of collaboration is well recognised in HE, for example by its inclusion as a value (V5) in the current version of the Professional Standards Framework. This year’s theme will allow us to consider how, by using mechanisms of co-creation and collaboration, we can ensure that our approaches to learning and teaching are inclusive of the diverse range of voices across the institution and how the institution might fully support colleagues across our university community who seek to embed collaborative approaches in their own teaching and scholarship practices.


The sub-themes are designed to expand on the overall Conference theme and to showcase how practitioners are achieving this.

Co-creation of curricula

Submissions to this sub-theme might share their experiences of co-designing or redesigning courses or programmes with other colleagues or students, or discuss possible mechanisms for scaffolding notional learning hours. Staff and students who have been involved in successful staff-student partnerships (whether funded by the Learning and Teaching Funding Scheme or not) might reflect back on these completed partnerships and provide insights and inspiration for those considering such partnerships in the future.

Models of collaborative teaching

Submissions to this sub-theme might take the form of presentations about established models of collaborative teaching and learning (such as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) or Team-Based Learning (TBL)) which share experiences from staff and students who have been involved in such initiatives. Other submissions might discuss the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary teaching and learning by giving examples from their own practices. Collaborations between academics, professional services and third-space professionals are particularly welcome to this sub-theme.

Collaborative Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Sometimes SoTL can feel like a burden that must be suffered alone, but it need not be. Submissions to this sub-theme might present the findings of their collaborative projects, or put out a call for future collaborators. Submissions which discuss collaborative initiatives such as reading groups or writing workshops are also welcome.

National and international collaborations

This theme asks for submissions from staff and/or students who collaborate across institutions, either within Scotland, across the UK or further afield. Examples of student mobility schemes and similar initiatives are most welcome.

Call for submissions

The call for submissions to the 18th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference is now open. We are soliciting proposals for presentations for the second, online day which will be in the form of pre-recorded video presentations which address the Conference theme, and which focus on one or more of the Conference sub-themes.

Please note that presenters can only be lead presenter on one video presentation and co-presenter on one other.

Please submit your abstracts by Friday 8th November via EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ltconf25


Prerecorded Presentations

  • The proposal aligns with the theme and subthemes of the Conference.
  • The proposal links to the University's Learning and Teaching Strategy.
  • The work is sufficiently accessible and interesting to a wide audience.
  • The work can be clearly and effectively presented in the allocated time.
  • The proposal demonstrates how students have been or will be engaged in preparing for or delivering the presentation, or in the development, running or evaluation of the project being presented.*
  • The project or intervention will be sufficiently underway by the time of the conference.*
  • All data used in the presentation has been analysed at the time of submission.*
  • Ethical approval was obtained for the project.*

* If relevant to the proposed presentation