Chinese science-fiction and fantasy writer, Xia Jia, known for her award-winning short fiction stories, is delivering the keynote speech to open GIFCon 2021: Beyond the Anglocentric Fantastic.

The Confucius Institute is pleased to be supporting this event by the Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic at the University of Glasgow. This FREE online Glasgow International Fantasy Conference will run over 28, 29, 30 April 2021.

Seven of her stories have won the Galaxy Award, China's most prestigious science fiction award. So far she has published a fantasy novel Odyssey of China Fantasy: On the Road (2010), as well as three science fiction collections The Demon Enslaving Flask (2012), A Time Beyond Your Reach (2017) and Xi’an City Is Falling Down (2018).

Recently she has been working on a science fiction fix-up, entitled Chinese Encyclopedia. In English translation, she has been published in Clarkesworld and other venues. Her first flash story written in English, “Let’s Have a Talk,” was published in Nature in 2015.

Her first English collection A Summer Beyond Your Reach: Stories was published in 2020. She is also engaged in other science fiction related works, including academic research, translation, screenwriting, editing and creative writing teaching.


This talk is now available to watch on Youtube.

 GIFCON Keynote You Tube screencap



First published: 27 April 2021