Literature and Landscape Lecture - Professor Kang Zhen


Presenter: Professor Kang Zhen, Beijing Normal University

Time: 6pm, Thursday 2 May 2019

Venue: Yudowitz Seminar Room (R 253), Wolfson Medical Building, University Avenue, University of Glasgow


Literature and landscape have long held a grip on understandings and imaginings of the Chinese past. The nature of the written word in Chinese culture has allowed literati of any generation to imbibe values and ideas of their forebears, thereby renewing places and activities in their own works as these are in turn transmitted to the future. This presentation will consider the roles of literati and poetry in Chinese culture, as well as the place of cities and architecture in our knowledge of Chinese history. It will be delivered in Chinese and translated into English.

Professor Kang Zhen of Beijing Normal University conducts research on Chinese literature and culture. He has published over 80 articles in the field of Chinese literature as well as over 20 books, including research monographs and textbooks. Since 2005, he has regularly appeared on China Central Television’s Lecture Room, discussing the poetry of Li Bai (701–762), Du Fu (712–770), Su Shi (1037–1101) and Li Qingzhao (1084–ca.1150). He has also acted as advisor or guest on a range of other programs on CCTV focusing on poetry or other aspects of Chinese culture. He is also a judge on the game show Chinese Poetry Congress.

A drinks reception will follow the event.

First published: 24 April 2019